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Plasma Rifle X-COM: UFO Defense

Plasma Rifle X-COM UFO Defense

Plasma Rifle is an X-COM alien artefact in X-COM UFO Defense.

This is a devastatingly powerful rifle based on accelerating particles from within a minute anti-gravity field.

Plasma Rifle Clip

This small object is used as a power source for a plasma rifle - a medium powered alien weapon. Contains a small quantity of Elerium.

Plasma Rifle Location

Plasma Rifles are found during X-COM crash site, landing site, terror site and alien base missions; usually, after defeating Sectoid X-COM.

Plasma Rifle Research

Plasma Rifles can be researched upon their acquisition; that is, after recovering a Plasma Rifle from an alien crash, landing, base or terror site. The same goes for its Plasma Rifle Clips. Note that both rifle and clip must be researched before the weapon can be wielded by an X-COM soldier.

Completion of Plasma Rifle & Clip research (erroneously) unlocks research on Plasma Beam X-COM.

Plasma Rifle Manufacture

  • Special Materials required: 1x Alien Alloys X-COM.
  • Engineer hours per unit: 820
  • Cost per unit: $88,000
  • Workspace required: 4

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