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Firestorm X-COM UFO Defense

Firestorm is an X-COM craft in X-COM UFO Defense.

Firestorm Maximum Speed

The maximum speed of Firestorm is 4,200.

Firestorm Acceleration

The acceleration of Firestorm is 9.

Firestorm Fuel Capacity

The fuel capacity of Firestorm is 20.

Firestorm Weapon Pods

The number of weapon pods on Firestorm is 2.

Firestorm Damage Capacity

The damage capacity of Firestorm is 500.

Firestorm Cargo Space

The cargo space of Firestorm is 0.

Firestorm HWP Capacity

The HWP capacity of Firestorm is 0.

Firestorm Research

Firestorm research is unlocked by completing research in UFO Construction X-COM. Firestorm unlocks research of New Fighter-Transporter: Lightning X-COM.

Firestorm Manufacture

X-COM UFO Defense Guide Skyranger X-COM Interceptor X-COM
1. Firestorm X-COM 2. Lightning X-COM 3. Avenger X-COM

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