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Halfling Baldur's Gate 1

Halfling Baldur's Gate 1

Halfling is a Baldur's Gate race in BioWare cRPGs of 1998-2001, Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2.

As it pertains to Baldur's Gate class, Halflings can only be Fighter, Cleric, Thief or Fighter/Thief multi-class. Halflings make for great Thieves due to their racial adjustments to thief skills, which are the highest of all races (+30 in BG1 and +40 in BG2). 

The maximums for Halflings with Dexterity scores of 19 are as follows: 

  • Open Locks (135)
  • Find/Remove Traps (120)
  • Pick Pockets (135)
  • Stealth (140)

As with Dwarves, they receive a one-point bonus to Death, Wand and Spell saving throws for every 3.5 points in Constitution.

Halfling Description

Halflings are short, generally plump people, very much like small humans. Their faces are round and broad, and often quite florid. Their hair is typically curly, and the tops of their feet are covered with coarse hair. Overall they prefer the comforts of home to dangerous adventuring. They enjoy good living, rough humor, and homespun tales. Halflings are highly resistant to poisons and magic. They are naturally skilled with slings as weapons, and have a limited ability to see in the dark. They receive a bonus to their dexterity, and incur a penalty to their strength. There are three racial divisions of halflings within the Realms: the Hairfoot, Tallfellow, and Stout.

Dexterity +1Strength -1Wisdom -1. [THAC0 +1 wielding Slings]

In BG2, Halflings can be Barbarians and also make good Swashbucklers.

Halfling companions

The Halfling Baldur's Gate companions are AloraMontaron (BG1) and Mazzy (BG2).

Halfling enemies

The deadliest Halfling enemy is Bor. (Do you know who this guy is without clicking the link?).

Halfling quotes

  • Nasty times are comin' I reckon.
  • You're rather outlandish folk to be wanderin' round here.
  • Queer things have been afoot lately.

Baldur's Gate Races Human Baldur's Gate 1 Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 1 Gnome Baldur's Gate 1
Dwarf Baldur's Gate 1 Elf Baldur's Gate 1 Halfling Baldur's Gate 1 Half-Orc Baldur's Gate 1

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