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Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 1

Half-elf Baldur's Gate 1

Half-elves are a Baldur's Gate race in BioWare cRPGs of 1998-2001, Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2.

Along with Humans, Half-Elves are the most flexible race as it pertains to Baldur's Gate class choices. Half-Elves can be any class except Paladin, any multi-class except Cleric/Thief and any Speclialist Mage class except Abjurer, Illusionist, Invoker or Necromancer.

Note that Half-Elven 30% resistance to Sleep and Charm is not implemented in BG1. Thus, Half-elves must make their saving throws vs. such spells.

Half-elf Description

Half elves are a mix of human and elven blood. They are handsome folk, with good features of each of their races. A half elf has the curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition of their human ancestors, and the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of their elven ancestors. Half elves have a limited resistance to charm and sleep spells. They can see in the dark with infravision.

Half-Elves are the only race other than Humans that can be Bards, are the only race that can multi-class Cleric Ranger, and are the only race that can triple-class as both Fighter Mage Thief or Fighter Mage Cleric.

Whereas Elves are overrated, Half-Elves are underrated.

Half-elven Companions Baldur's Gate

The Half-elven Baldur's Gate companions are as follows:

Baldur's Gate Races Human Baldur's Gate 1 Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 1 Gnome Baldur's Gate 1
Dwarf Baldur's Gate 1 Elf Baldur's Gate 1 Halfling Baldur's Gate 1 Half-Orc Baldur's Gate 1

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