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Storm of Zehir, Samarach: Locations, Encounters & Items

The following locations, encounters and item discoveries are optional. The locations are static (they don't change from game to game), but the encounters and items are randomly drawn from preset pools.

We are only dealing with the Samarach segment at this point (the map on the left). The white line represents a mountain range and division between Samarach and Chult. To get to Chult, we must have completed the plot-critical path in both Samarach and the Sword Coast.

Samarach: Optional OLM Locations

Crumbling Tower

This is a small crumbling tower - most of the walls have collapsed, but the lower ones still seem sturdy. A large, thick wooden door seems to be the only entrance.

South of Lantanese lumber camp, north of Chokemist, bugbear infested (Warmace +1). A pathetic, one-room dungeon that is hardly worth your time.

Marble Crypt

This is a lonely, marble crypt. There is no indication of who - or what - is buried within.

Westernmost Samarach, west of Bugbear tower, undead infested. 

Sarchophagus: Ancient Trap Parts x2, 300 GP, Fire Opal x2, Bloodstone x2. 

Loot the receptable spawns hostile skeletons and zombies. You will need to unlock or bash down the door to get out.

Jungle Ruins

A staircase leads down into the depths of this jungle ruin.
Tip of peninsula, lizardfolk and arcane nexus
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1 x2.
Chest (OL DC-22, DD DC-21): Greenstone, Fluorspar, Amethyst.

Kobold Cave

This is a narrow opening leading underground.
On eastern side of peninsula. It's one-room dungeon with kobolds in it. Chest (OL DC-28, DD DC-28): Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2.

Ogre Cave

The cave entrance is wide and tall enough for a large creature, but crude attempts have been made to conceal it with boulders and dead trees.
North east of Singing Caverns. several ogres (Giants Heart) and goblins.
Chest (trapped): 435 GP, Kama +1.

Firenewt Cave

The faint smell of brimstone and charcoal emanates from the cave entrance.
North east of the Crypt and west of the Mines of Selgol, firenewts and fire elementals. Beware the sorcs who unleash fireballs.
Crate: Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x3, Scroll of Restoration, GP.
Sorcerer: Scrolls of Fireball & Fireburst.

Abandoned Mine

This is an old, abandoned mine. Several tracks lead in, but none lead out.
between Torich and Waterfall cave, shadow infested (drops Shadow Dust, need +1 to hit).
Crate: Phenelope x3, Garnet.
Crate: Amethyst x5, Topaz.

Wraith Crypt 

Between Taruin and Tempest's Fury, wraith infested, scimitar +2.


This cabin lies half-hidden in the foothills, concealed by lush jungle growth.
Follow the shoreline southeast of Rassatan. Enter and inside there's a journal.
Foreboding music plays in this area, but no one is here. 
Chest (OL DC-28, DD DC-28): 250 GP, Glittering Necklace, Scroll of Displacement.
Bookshelves: Journal (of a Fisherman).

Waterfall cave

Great effort has been expended to disguise the massive entrance to this cave with rubble and jungle plants. Massive footprints lead in and out of the cave.
The Wild Elves OLM encounter will mark its location on your map, assuming you asked them about it. However, it can be discovered independently of the elves.

Holed up inside the cave is a two headed fell troll. Slay it and loot the gigantic corpse for a Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Lesser Magic Bag, 753 GP, Canary Diamond, Star Sapphire, Ruby (x6), Fire Agate, Silver Necklace.


Walk up and talk to the Samarchan captain. The villagers are accused of yuan-tiism. You can slay the Samarchans, but the villagers aren't happy. You can let the Samarchans take them to Samargol and nothing seems to happen, not even a journal update.
Captain: Longsword 1, Gilded Armor, Periapt of Wisdom 2.

There's a minor merchant, a boar farmer and a Loremaster. Loot the Loremasters home. Apparently the loremaster is a yuan-ti spy, but they set the Spot check too high. There is a mod to fix this and restore some content here.

Viper Temple

This is the gateway to Chult.

Northernmost location in Samarach, northwest of the mines. Gated by plot progression. We can't access it for a long time.

Samarach: Optional OLM Encounters

These people and creatures appear with a blue circle under them. They will remain spawned until dealt with.

Wild Elves

They recognize Umoja as a Mazewalker from Mezro. They will tell you about a cave near a waterfall (this is the waterfall cave with the fell troll that has a ring of protection +3 and Amulet of natural armor +3), concealed by mist. You can then attack them.

Diseased townsfolk

You can [Diplomacy] [Heal] them for 500 xp or kill them for chump change.

Delirious Hunter

He has been poisoned. Again, you can [Heal] him or give him an antidote for 500 xp. 

Sister Horta

The hag will attack you unless you Intimidate her or have a companion do so in their own way (300-500 XP). If you choose to fight, Horta is a Warlock. She carries a Ring of Wizardry (2).

Charm peddler

Quite possibly the most useless encounter in the game. Tries to rip you off 250 GP.

Strange Druid

You see a strange figure dressed in an assortment of black, animal furs. Dark shadows circle the foliage around him.
(Kutamba) and his 4 panthers. He will attack. Carrying Zalantar Spear, Zalantar Light Shield.

Korath Embersmith

Attack this Fire Giant (immune to fire) for 5,500 GP and Giant's Heart. This guy can appear for a level 5 party. If you kill him at that lvl you will get 84 XP for the kill plus a bonus of 600 XP for the encounter.

Samarach Soldiers

The xenophobes want to test you for yuan-tiism. If you don't pay them 2,000 gp, they'll try to kill you. So slay these dogs for Greatsword +1, Ring of Protection +1. For a sixth lvl party this encounter yields 384 XP.

One Of Many

Talk with it. Attack it. Give it companions. Beware DC 37 fear.

Samarach OLM Item Discoveries


A large tree limb lies on the ground, burrowed through by termites.
[Craft Weapon] Stripping off the outer layers of the limb, you craft a light but interesting staff, using the tiny termite trails within the wood to your advantage.

• Howling Staff (quarterstaff, Sonic 1d6, Damage Penalty -2, Weight Reduction: 70% of Weight).


[Move Silently] You notice a panther has killed a large mature female Corollax nearby.
Corollax Egg: I believe this item can be used instead of the Glacial Snake (quest).

• Delicate Totem, Ornate Sculpture, Ancient Part Traps.

We can tell Volo about some of the above adventures. As a reward, we gain feats such as Tourist, Wanderer, Wayfarer etc.

Tourist: Search +1 (5 locations)

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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