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Storm of Zehir, Sa'Sani

Openpalm Bazaar

Before you lies the city of Samagol, capital of Samarach. A massive stone wall encircles the city.

The patrol escorts Volo, Luaire and the party to the gates of Samargol -- the Openpalm Bazaar -- where they report to their superior, Captain Dajos, who begins to interrogate the party. 


An influential merchant and owner of the Vigilant, Lady Sa'Sani, intervenes. She orders her servants, Volo and Luaire, to be released to her. 

The party is also released providing they remain under her protection, and don't leave the city.

The party overhears Sa'Sani and Volo talking about missing associates. This quest is added to our journal though there is nothing we can do at this time.

Before speaking to Sa'Sani, recruit the Druid, Umoja. That way, he receives 500 XP as well.

Sa'Sani released us because she wants to us to recover lost Vigilant cargo as well as investigate the cause of the shipwreck.

Nas'Sirin, Osi and Luaire are part of Sa'Sani's merchant house. You will NEVER get the better of Nas'Sirin in conversation, he's the sharpest tool in the shed and Sa'Sani's advisor. Osi Tchaluka is her majordomo, and Luaire is a nervous wreck for some reason.

Agree to help Sa'Sani find Il'foss and Kizu and to act under her employ. This will allow you to exit the city.

• Quest Completed: Samargol - Into Samargol: 500 XP.

Sa'Sani assigns you two tasks and gives you 2000 gp and her Signet ring (AC Def +1, HPs +5) which proves you work for her. 

• Quest: Samargol - Job Application
• Quest: Samargol - Unnerving Evidence

Cohorts Storm of Zehir

There are two cohorts or companions hanging out in the Openpalm Bazaar: Umoja the druid and Inshula the ranger. 


Umoja is a Neutral Good Human Druid (5) of Ubtao. He has a pet dinosaur that is quite useful in combat.

Inshula sar Mashewe 

Inshula sar Mashewe is a Neutral Human Ranger (5) of Silvanus. She is a good archer.

We can't hire them both until we reach sixth level and take the Leadership feat. Also, unless we pass a Diplomacy check, 300 GP is needed to recruit Inshula whereas Umoja is free, can summon a dinosaur, and can cast Call Lightning and Flame Blade.

Thus, it would seem that Umoja is the best choice for now. However, Inshula makes for a good OLM character because she has access to Hide, Move Silently and Survival. If none of our created characters are OLM-based, we'd be fools not to take her.


Irim and the Vadin'ya are the two main merchants. They sell heaps of stuff you probably can't yet afford [Storm of Zehir Item List]. Vadin'ya gives you three quests but leave them for now. At this point you should definitely buy bows, crossbows, slings and ammo from Irim and Vadin'ya. Don't need to buy armor yet; you can craft full plate when we return from our first quest.

Kwesi is a bounty collector standing next to Inhsula. Buy and sell all creature bits (aka crafting components) to her. Hearts, lungs, tusks, pelts, teeth etc.

Coins of Life

The Temple of Waukeen sells Coins of Life of which you already have four. These act as Raise Dead spells and can be helpful. However, the most important thing to purchase is Healer's Hits. Not one, not five and not ten, but 20 or so. Give them to the character with the best Healing skill (Cleric). Put them on the quickbar and use them liberally during and after battles.

Ammo is also important in low level D&D. Really important. If you don't take advantage of ranged attacks, combat is going to be much, much harder. And if you think 100x arrows, bolts and bullets is more than enough, you are sadly mistaken. Buy 400x for each character.

Crafter's Guild

The Crafter's Guild is where you can craft stuff. Who would have thought? But yeah. I would loot the place for Full Plate and Tower Shield recipes, but leave the other recipes alone. Don't clutter your recipe book with useless garbage! We'll craft armor and shield soon, but not now.

Leira's Trick Inn

We can rest at the inn safely and for free. In the future, it costs 50 GP per rest.

Overland Map, OLM

We are heading south, back to the shipwreck site at Omgar's Teeth, where we fought the batiri. Make sure you have selected the character with the best Hide and Move Silently scores to move on this map. That way, you only fight OLM aggro on your terms, and at a time that is suitable to you.

For more info on the SoZ OLM, see Storm of Zehir OLM.

Note that some OLM enemies can be paid off: we can give them money to make them leave us alone. This is useful if we are deperate or have cash to burn.

We can hit R-key to rest on the OLM, but there is a chance of ambush.

Unlock the OLM

You can unlock the OLM camera using DebugMode 1 → toggleoverlandcamera. This will allow you to zoom in and out and rotate and pan the cam on the OLM, which can be very helpful in some situations.

Exit to the OLM.

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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