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WIZARD BUILD, ToEE patch2: Enchantress (Divide & Conquer)

Wizard Build ToEE

The Wizard Build is a ToEE Build for Troika's cRPG of 2003, Temple of Elemental Evil. In comparison to Sorcerer ToEE, Wizards can cast fewer spells per day but have a much broader spell range and far more skillpoints. cf. Wizard vs Sorcerer ToEE.

Now, this Enchantress build is named such simply because she takes SF: Enchantment and GF: Enchantment. She does not Specialize in Enchantment in terms of Class Features. I would avoid doing so unless you know the spell ranges of each school well because by Specializing in a school we usually have to choose two prohibited schools (divination only has one prohibited school).

Thus, I went Generalist because I want to have access to as many of the 125 Wizard/Sorcerer spells as itemization and level-up choices allow.

  • Female Human Wizard (Enhantress/Crafter): Sharangar Szeltune.
  • Alignment: irrelevant to the build.
  • Strength: 12 or so
  • Dexterity: crank it as much as you can
  • Constitution: 14 or so
  • Intelligence: max to 18, pump every 4 lvls for +2
  • Wisdom: 12 or so
  • Charisma: dump

Wizard 1: Call Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved Initiative
Wizard Level 0 Spells ToEE and Wizard Level 1 Spells ToEE Enchantment: Daze, Charm Person, Sleep.
Wizard 3: GSF: (Enchantment)
Wizard Level 2 Spells ToEE Enchantment Spells: Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Daze Monster.
Wizard 4: Int +1
Wizard 5: Class Bonus Feat: Extend Spell or Widen Spell
Wizard Level 3 Spells ToEE Enchantment: Deep Slumber, Hold Person, Heroism, Rage, Suggestion.
Wizard 7: --
Wizard Level 4 Spells ToEE Enchantment: Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair.
Wizard 8: Int +1
Wizard 9Craft Magic Arms & Armor
Wizard 10: --
Wizard Level 5 Spells ToEE Enchantment: Feeblemind, Hold Monster.

  • Enchantment spells are powerful in terms of immobilization and divide & conquer tactics.
  • Other than the Enchantment spells listed above, key spells that should be taken (or found/bought) include Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Fireball, Slow, Ice Storm, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold and Teleport.
  • If you want to be a bombardier, or focus on another school, simply eschew the Enchantment feats in favor of other spell focus ones (and in the case of evocation/bombardier, Widen in favor of Empower).
  • Dexterity should be cranked in order to get better initiative order which will allow you to cast your encounter-dictating spells earlier in combat. Remember to reorder the party initiative to get the Wizard acting first (drag portraits in iniative order line).
  • Crafting. Can craft elemental burst weapons with the following spells: FireballIce Storm and Lightning Bolt. cf. Craft Magic Arms and Armor ToEE and Craft Wondrous Items ToEE.
  • Skills: Concentration and Spellcraft are bread-and-butter.

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