Darkness Over Daggerford Walkthrough
Darkness Over Daggerford is a NWN module for BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1.
Ossian's award-winning Darkness Over Daggerford (2006) is a Forgotten Realms module strongly influenced by the Baldur's Gate series, what with its world map system, explorative aspect and companion banter along with its large number of side quests, player stronghold and references to the the lore of Bhaal.
Darkness Over Daggerford is a solid entry in the line of traditional adventures for Neverwinter Nights, in which arena I would place it below the Aielund Saga and perhaps on par with Crimson Tides of Tethyr - both of which I consider inferior to Swordflight.
DoD was supposed to be released as a commercial Premium Module, but Atari scrapped the program during its development. Not to be discouraged, Ossian completed the module and published it on IGN's Neverwinter Vault, free to download for all members - and the community rejoiced!
As it pertains to custom soundtrack, the "Daggerford" theme has soothing brass and soft drumming interspersed with cello (the latter of which takes the prize: wow). That track is probably my fave custom track for NWN. The low-key tracks are also well-chosen and composed: "Rural" theme features banjo strumming and cello. The music was composed by David John and the solo cello performed by Alfred James.
In this module the player assumes the role of an adventurer investigating the suspicious death of Duke Pwyll Greatshout, in and around the city of Daggerford. The introduction is presented as a slideshow in sepia tone, similar to the Original Campaign; but, for the purposes of this recounting and the reader's convenience,
I've condensed its contents into a single pic.As it pertains to custom soundtrack, the "Daggerford" theme has soothing brass and soft drumming interspersed with cello (the latter of which takes the prize: wow). That track is probably my fave custom track for NWN. The low-key tracks are also well-chosen and composed: "Rural" theme features banjo strumming and cello. The music was composed by David John and the solo cello performed by Alfred James.
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The city of Daggerford, by night |
Darkness Over Daggerford Race & Class Considerations
- Most players are going to go with Human race though Dwarf, Elf and Half-Elf are also good choices. Gnomes, Halflings and Half-Orcs are not as popular but make for great Illusionists, Rogues and Barbarians.
- The best class for Darkness Over Daggerford is Wizard. I recommend NOT being Fighter or Rogue as the two companions already adequately fill those roles: Purfbin Doogrick and Raegan Brunegar.
Darkness Over Daggerford Prelude
Falias Emberthumb's Caravan Wagon
You begin the adventure resting inside a caravan wagon, having been hired as a guard by Falias Emberthumb, a portly halfling merchant traveling south along the Trade Way to Daggerford, from Waterdeep. Falias steps inside to announce that the wagon has stopped because a fallen tree has blocked the road; also, that your good friend and companion on this journey, Talarenne, is waiting for you just outside.
Once you're leveled, equipped and ready for battle, step out of the wagon and onto the road, into the darkness and pouring rain.
Note that spellcasters are not given the opportunity to rest in order to memorize their spells. This is simply unfair and could have been worked around, quite easily.
Note that spellcasters are not given the opportunity to rest in order to memorize their spells. This is simply unfair and could have been worked around, quite easily.
Trade Way North
We have stopped in what amounts to a swamp! Three ox-drawn caravan wagons are parked on the road, guarded by spear-wielders. Your light-hearted chat with Talarenne is cut short as she senses something is wrong - an ambush! It seems they used the age-old "fallen tree" tactic to stop the caravan... but who are they?
Bandits, of course! - but a step up from the average in that these ones are adept in sorcery. Talarenne is magically whisked away (kidnapped) as the bandits encircle the caravan in a coordinated attack (Quest: Talarenne).
Assist the caravan crew in fighting off the eight bandits. Two capable allies will be fighting alongside you: Raegan and Amara. Prioritize the bandit leader and attempt to land the killing blow: she's an experience point bomb (+1212 Exp!) Slay the rest as you like. Be wary of their poisoned projectiles and disabling spells such as Daze, both of which can wreak havoc at this early stage.
(bandit leader +1212 Exp, bandit mage +97 Exp, bandit archer x3 +65 Exp ea, bandit blade x3 +65 Exp)
The only corpse worth looting is that of the bandit leader who drops the valuable short sword, Starfire (+1, +1d6 fire, on-hit Flare [1]). I sold this to the dwarf smithy in Daggerford for over 6,000 GP.
Darkness Over Daggerford Companions
Depending on player character NWN Build, one of two companions will now be available for recruitment:
Both Henchmen are always one level behind the PC's level, as is normal in NWN.
In the city of Daggerford, you may recruit your second companion (or both, if you overlooked the companion on the Trade Way North) for a party of three adventurers. Note that you will receive fewer experience points for kills if you adventure with companions, summons or familiars, as per NWN's party size penalty rules. Quest experience points are unaffected, so I wasn't too bothered by this. Playing solo means you miss out on their flavor comments, interjections and personal story, so I don't recommend it.
Speak with Amara Leontyne, who it turns out is also bound for Daggerford and just happened to be passing through as the fight broke out. We'll meet up with her again in the city.
The diminutive merchant will now reappear and reward you for saving his shipment of ladies' gowns (Completed Quest: The Story So Far, 100 GP, +500 Exp). It seems Falias avoided battle by virtue of his magical cloak that grants him invisibility. Delay your departure and pick pocket the cloak from him, if you can: Falias' Cloak of Invisibility (Invisibility [3] five charges) (+50 Exp).
Skilled builds may examine the ground by the caravan wagons using Spellcraft, Search and Lore. You will learn that powerful wizardry - some kind of Binding spell - was used to whisk away your friend, Talarenne. But how could mere bandits have cast that?
Well, let's find out! Wind your way to the northeast to find the abandoned camp of the bandits. Loot the leather knapsack for a crumpled note, revealing that Amara was actually the target of the ambush (not Talarenne) and that the bandits used a Scroll of Binding, pre-made by someone highly versed in the arcane arts, to transport the target into a "Binding Prison". Examine the empty ale barrow to learn it's the property of Black Stone Inn, of Daggerford.
Ok, when you're ready to continue the journey to Daggerford, speak again to Falias.
Note the music that plays in the city: wow.
My approach to Daggerford city is to hammer out the plot critical path to a certain point while gathering side quests along the way. Most of the side quests branch out to Daggerford's surrounds and therefore have to be put on hold until the lockdown on the city gates is lifted and the player gains access to the world map.
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Red: hostile encounters |
You will arrive at Daggerford's caravan gate with no further hitch - and just before the city is placed under lockdown! (i.e, nobody may enter or exit the gates.) The relieved Falias will thank you again for services rendered and offer to supply you with fine clothing, if you need it. Then, he trundles off to his wagon parked in the marketplace.
Amara will then request you meet her at the Chateau Elite Inn, just across the road.
However, the inn has a strict dress code and the door guard won't let you in, dressed as you are in adventuring gear.
Head over to the marketplace and Falias will gladly give you something classy to slip on.
You will now gain admittance to the opulent inn.
Note: The door guard doesn't seem to care that I'm brandishing a sword and that Raegen remains decked in armor. The cook will let you in through the back door if you pass 100 GP through the hatch.
Note: The door guard doesn't seem to care that I'm brandishing a sword and that Raegen remains decked in armor. The cook will let you in through the back door if you pass 100 GP through the hatch.
Chateau Elite Inn
Members of high society gossip in the common room. Quintessa will give you a free sample of her perfume that bestows a temporary +1 bonus to Charisma. Further applications actually stack to a total bonus of +12. I would have thought wearing too much perfume would drop your charisma, but whatevs.
If you can, endure the long flavor conversation with the snobby Pemberton couple.
If you can, endure the long flavor conversation with the snobby Pemberton couple.
Amara Leontyne is waiting for you in the master suite down the hall. It seems the bandits were after her, not Talarenne: a case of mistaken identity. Amara drops her cover to reveal herself as Astriel Shalyn, an agent investigating the suspicious death of Duke Greatshout for the Lords' Alliance of Waterdeep (Quest: Amara Leontyne). Needing to maintain her cover, she requests that you be her eyes and ears in Daggerford.
First up, she requests you look into the reasons for the city's lockdown (remember, the town gates have been locked and nobody is permitted to enter or exit them) (Quest: Detained in Daggerford).
In the meantime, she intends to mingle with the merchant patrons here at the inn, hoping to learn more about Matagar Buto, who she says in an entrepreneur from Waterdeep with a shady past. Astriel will offer you 500 GP and half of that upfront, but she might cough up double that if you persuade her.
Take your leave and step out onto the street where a farmer will approach you and request you meet with Hevesar Dimpet, a spokesman for the troubled farmers who is staying in the Happy Cow Tavern (Quest: There be Trouble Down on the Farm). I'm laying this quest aside, for now.
Ok, so. Who is going to know why the city is in lockdown? The town militia, of course! March over to the barracks in the northwest for an audience with the captain.
Daggerford Barracks
There are actually two captains stationed here, in separate offices: Captain Frederick of the militia and Captain Dratharion of the Griffon Mercenary Company. Odd..
Also curious about the reason for the lockdown, Frederick requests that you spy on Dratharion (Quest: Play the Spy for Captain Frederick).
Also curious about the reason for the lockdown, Frederick requests that you spy on Dratharion (Quest: Play the Spy for Captain Frederick).
Question Dratharion in his office. The insolent captain will reveal that the lockdown is in place due to an escaped prisoner by the name of Wikkers, and that it was ordered by Matagar Buto himself, the Baron of Daggerford.
Report back to Frederick and tell him what you have learned from the sell-sword. (Completed Quest: Play the Spy for Captain Frederick , +150 Exp). The militia captain will now request you survey the wild elves camped in the Lonely Barrens, who are causing problems for the farmers (Quest: Border Dispute). Again, I lay this quest aside.
Loot the cabinets and chests in the barracks for random treasures ranging from knick-knacks to magical items (OL DCs 7-18). One of the chests holds a valuable static treasure: the Longbite (+2 greatsword, Keen, on-hit unique power level 1). The sword can be sold for upwards of 9,000 GP.
Return to Astriel to report your findings (Completed Quest: Detained in Daggerford, +501 Exp). She knows Wikkers as a spy for the Iron Throne, referencing further what took place in Baldur's Gate city, all those years ago.
While you were gone Astriel has been mingling with the merchants of the inn and has learned that cargo is being off-loaded in the Docks in full view of authorities, without being inspected and levied. Your task is to find out the nature of the cargo by searching for records in the offices of the Mariners' Alliance (Quest: Strange Cargo).
Return to Astriel to report your findings (Completed Quest: Detained in Daggerford, +501 Exp). She knows Wikkers as a spy for the Iron Throne, referencing further what took place in Baldur's Gate city, all those years ago.
While you were gone Astriel has been mingling with the merchants of the inn and has learned that cargo is being off-loaded in the Docks in full view of authorities, without being inspected and levied. Your task is to find out the nature of the cargo by searching for records in the offices of the Mariners' Alliance (Quest: Strange Cargo).
March over to the Mariner's Alliance building in the north.
Mariners' Alliance
Speak with the guard named Taffy standing in front of the locked door that leads down to the basement. You will need to get creative if you can't bluff or intimidate him for the key. It seems his weakness is alcohol but Fillian's Brew doesn't hit him hard enough: this blockhead requires Harbor Bottom whiskey, no less.
Head over to the Black Stone Inn in search of the whiskey.
Black Stone Inn
Companion note: This is where Purfbin Doogrick will be if you haven't recruited him yet. Likewise, Raegen Brunegar is at the Happy Cow Tavern.
Sailors and Mariners are boozing up in here like there's no tomorrow. As you grope your way through cigar smoke in search of the bar, you will be pick pocketed by a young man, Davey, who is desperate to help his father pay off a loan shark by the name of Vlad (Quest: An Uncommon Criminal). I lay this quest aside. Note: Flavor conversation with Black Bill O'Shaughnessy.
Purchase a bottle of Harbor Bottom from the "regular brews" menu offered by the drunken innkeep, Gildamesh (-5 GP).
You will spy a seedy looking character standing in the corner: Stran. This roguish vendor will sell you some Knockout Drops with which to spike the whiskey (-4 GP).
Why is a drug cheaper than booze?
Choice items: Greater Mask of Persuasion (Cha +2, Persuade +5, Concentration +1), Rogue Links (Hide +6, Move Silently +6), Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Ring of Protection +3, Bracers of Dexterity +3, traps.
Unlike Vladmyr of Stop Hole Abbey, Stran's wares are accessible to non-Rogues/Monks. However, he lacks the monk robes. Choice items from other Daggerford vendors are detailed in the next post.
Return to the Mariners' Alliance and hand Taffy the Tainted Harbor Bottom Whiskey. He will greedily chug it down and be knocked out cold, dropping the Key to the Mariners' Alliance Door.
Note: You could have also simply slain him for the key. In order to spike the whiskey, you must first right-click on the Knock Out Drop, use its special ability, and then click on the whiskey.
Descend the spiral staircase to the basement.
Mariners' Alliance Basement
Eavesdrop on the conversation coming from the room behind the door.
Step inside to find four hostile mariners in need of a smackdown.
(mariner x2, +43 Exp ea, mariner x2, +65 Exp ea)
Procure the shipping records from the cabinet. You will learn that the Barracuda, a ship currently docked in Daggerford, is frequently shipping arms and armor to an unmentioned destination.
The armoire in the storage room holds static treasure: Gloves of Appraisal (Appraise +3), Cape of Winter (Cold resist 10/-, all saves +2), Healer's Kit +3, Glittering Necklace (DT DC-25, OL DC-25).
Ok, we're done with this place!
As you leave the Alliance building Griffon mercs will surround you and forcibly escort you to the Castle for audience with the Baron.
Daggerford Castle
With a thinly veiled threat Matagar Buto warns you not to meddle in his affairs.
Upon being released you will find yourself outside the Castle. Ignore the warning and head to the Docks in search of the Barracuda.
Part II of Darkness Over Daggerford Guide. Darkness Over Daggerford (2006) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Three vessels are currently docked at Daggerford: The Flying Fish, The Barracuda and a ship emblazoned with Shoreside Shipping Consortium.
Captain Turgat of the Flying Fish has observed oddities surrounding the Barracuda.
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Scopin' out da docks |
Captain Turgat of the Flying Fish has observed oddities surrounding the Barracuda.
Head north along the Docks and purchase Fillian's famous Brew from Fillian himself (-24 GP).
The Barracuda is being guarded by two thick-as-bricks half-orc crewmen. Slip them a mickey or simply use social skills to bamboozle them. I pretended to be flu-stricken and sneezed on them violently, causing the half-orcs to drop the cabin key on the deck as they jumped ship!
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The moonlit Barracuda |
Step inside the cabin.
Barracuda Captain's Cabin
Captain Herab isn't home? Read the last log entry in the ledger sitting on the captain's desk (the Shoreside Shipping Consortium Records). You will discover that arms and armor are being delivered to orcs in exchange for gold and slaves. Astriel will be keen to hear about this.
A trio of Griffon Guards will step in and confront you. Bluff, persuade, bribe or simply slay them.
(griffon guard x3, +31 Exp ea)
Note how you don't receive an experience point bonus for resolving an encounter non-violently. You should.
Loot the captain's chest for Fencer's Grace (light armor, Bonus Feat: Whirlwind Attack, Parry/Tumble +2, Cat's Grace [3] 3/day) (DT DC-23, OL DC-23). This item sells for a small fortune.
There's actually a Shoreside vessel docked along the pier. Bash down or unlock the cabin door (OL DC-12).
Shoreside Shipping Cabin
Slay the crew members who flank you upon entry. Loot the orc-bound cargo consisting of basic weapons, armor and random treasures.
(crew member x2, +65 Exp ea)
Now, two side quests can be snapped up on the Docks. The first is obtained from Fernigold the Elder in the south, whose treasure-hunting son has gone missing (Quest: Fernigold the Younger).
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Aww, cute lil' seagull |
See the two ratbags nearby? It seems Klevtor gave Fernigold's son a fake map to lead him on a wild goose chase. Request a copy of the map in whatever tone you deem appropriate.
The second side quest is obtained from Erik the Fin in the north (Quest: The Missing Chest). The foolish fellow seems to have dropped his chest into the Delimbiyr river, west of Daggerford.
Docks loot: Just by the River Gate is a locked chest holding random rubbish (DC-18). There is also a black barrel behind the guard tower in the northwest, holding random treasure.
Return to Astriel and inform her of what you have learned about the Barracuda's cargo (Completed Quest: Strange Cargos, +1001 Exp).
Your third assignment is to speak with locals who accompanied the Duke on the hunt in which he was allegedly slain by a wild boar (Quest: The Suspicious Death of Duke Greatshout).
Booze loosens the tongue so let's head over to the Happy Cow Tavern to have a yarn with the bar flies. The tavern is located in the southeast, near the Farmer's Gate.
Happy Cow Tavern
Companion note: This is where Raegen Brunegar will be if you haven't recruited her yet. Likewise, Purfbin Doogrick is at the Black Stone Inn.
Speak with the drunken female dwarf with a funny name, Demetira Landscraper. You will learn the Duke's spear was sabotaged and his body was not even positively ID'd, raising suspicion further.
Again, this is info for Astriel. But lets take a break from the plot to explore the city a bit in search of side quests.
Side Questing & Exploring
As on the Docks, two side quests may be snapped up here at the inn. First, remember the farmer who approached you outside the Chateau Elite Inn? Well, the spokesman whom he wanted you to meet, Hevesar Dimpet, is standing in the common room (Completed Quest: There be Trouble Down on the Farm). Hevesar will request you rendezvous at the Holdfast Inn of Liam's Hold to investigate suspected cattle rustling in the Wild Pastures (Quest: Cattle Rustling around Daggerford).
Second, a veiled halfling by the name of Burnas Tellrot will request you hear the tale of Peredus the Great from the bard on the opposite side of the common room (Quest: Peredus the Great).
Burnas thinks the great sword of Peredus is still up for grabs, requesting you meet him in the farmlands to the west of Daggerford, by the well.
Your companions will remark on the sights as you stroll around the city.
Our gnome rogue companion is itching to burglarize the homes, so lets see what's there for the taking.
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Red: hostile encounters |
Our gnome rogue companion is itching to burglarize the homes, so lets see what's there for the taking.
Wealthy Artiste Studio
Two thieves are already in the process of robbing the place! Slay 'em.
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Here, I cast ILMS |
Parker (+90 Exp): Recipes for Knaves, Average Blob of Acid Trap Kit, Deadly Acid Splash Trap Kit, Thieves' Tools +3, Spider Venom, Average.
Barrow (+90 Exp): Rapier +1, Average Spike Trap Kit, Strong Tangle Trap Kit, Leather Dye, Black, Metal Dye, Black, Fire Opal, Greenstone, Spider Venom, Average, 59 GP.
Cabinet (OL DC-35): gold necklace, silver ring.
Have Purfbin unlock the door to the master suite (DC-25).
Chest (DT DC-15, OL DC-36): sapphire, gold ring and 425 GP.
Chest of Drawers (OL DC-35): 75 GP, Potion of Lore.
Note: You may safely rest in unmarked buildings once they are cleared of enemies.
Ok, lets continue our raids to see what other trouble we can get into!
Barrow (+90 Exp): Rapier +1, Average Spike Trap Kit, Strong Tangle Trap Kit, Leather Dye, Black, Metal Dye, Black, Fire Opal, Greenstone, Spider Venom, Average, 59 GP.
Cabinet (OL DC-35): gold necklace, silver ring.
Have Purfbin unlock the door to the master suite (DC-25).
Chest (DT DC-15, OL DC-36): sapphire, gold ring and 425 GP.
Chest of Drawers (OL DC-35): 75 GP, Potion of Lore.
Note: You may safely rest in unmarked buildings once they are cleared of enemies.
Ok, lets continue our raids to see what other trouble we can get into!
Dwarven Home
Here, a violent axe-wielding dwarf will attack you, backed up by three crossbow-dwarves. They were roasted by my casting of Fireball and hacked to bits by Raegen.
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Eat this, midgets! |
Karragh (+140 Exp): Potion of Bull's Strength, gold ring, emerald.
Karragh's Mate x3 (+43 Exp ea).
Chest (DT DC-23, OL DC-23): Penfall's Pot (Listen -1, Int +1, saves vs. Sonic +2).
Karragh's Mate x3 (+43 Exp ea).
Chest (DT DC-23, OL DC-23): Penfall's Pot (Listen -1, Int +1, saves vs. Sonic +2).
Herein lurks a hostile Red Wizard of Thay: Ilkor. He will animate a skeleton warrior and summon a shadow mastiff in an inept display for someone of his supposed calibre.
(Ilkor +560 Exp, Creech [familiar] +43 Exp, skeleton warrior +140 Exp)
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Bzzt! |
Crate: Tinder of the Mendicant (+10% fire immunity, +10% cold vulnerability, on-hit Flaming Hide [5], Flame Weapon [3] unlimited/day). This armor sells for a small fortune.
Ok, we're done with our raids. Lets check out the various vendors and snap up some more side quests.
Ok, we're done with our raids. Lets check out the various vendors and snap up some more side quests.
Lathander's Temple
Priest Liam Sunmist requests you meet up with a herbalist at Gillian's Hill in order to investigate the outbreak of vampirism there (Quest: The Truth About Vampires).
Note: By night on the streets you can talk to a young girl about vampires.
Donate gold to Liam to receive Lathandar's Blessing (Elemental Shield).
Choice items: Belt of Guiding Light (Immunity: Death Magic), Bracers of Blinding Strike (AC +4, Haste, monk only), Greater Shield of Dawn (+5 Shield AC vs. undead), Girdle of Holy Might (Bonus Cleric Spell 5-7), Monk's Belt (Improved Critical, Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Haste [3] 1/day, monk only), Gloves of the Yellow Rose +4 (AB +4, +1 electrical), Gloves of the Balanced Hands (Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting), Vestaments of Faith (DR 5/+5, good only), Greater Cloak of Protection vs. Evil (+5 Deflection AC vs. Evil), Shining Light of Lathander (greatsword, +2, Searing Light [5] 1/day), Ring of Holiness (Bonus Cleric Spell 0-4), Quarterstaff +4, Ring of Protection +4, Ring of Regeneration (+4), Saintsblood Pearl (Cure Wounds & Restoration, charges/use).
Chauntea's Shrine
Priestess Maerovyna informs you of a grain shortage treatening the region, requesting that you check in on Fernd who runs the mill in the farmlands, to the east (Quest: The Mad Miller).
Donate gold to Maerovyna to receive the Earthmother's Blessing (One with the Land).
Choice items: Greater Amulet of Health (Immunity: Disease, Poison, Level/Ability Drain, Regen +1), Ring of Regeneration (+4), Ring of Freedom of Movement, Nature's Scythe (+1, +4 vs. Human), Ring of Protection +4, Cloak of Protection +4, Amulet of Vitality +4, Bracers of Armor +4, Boots of Hardiness +3, Cloak of Resistance +3.
Note how in dialogue she did not actually draw attention to my trade; but, if you choose another dialogue response you will not receive the quest.
Stop Hole Abbey
Vladmyr is an antiques dealer and the loan shark to whom Davey's father owes 500 GP. To square things up Vlad gives you a fake portrait of the Duke and requests you switch it with the real one owned by a rival dealer (Torleth), whose shop is at Gillian's Hill. This isn't just about theft, though: when Torleth puts up the fake for auction it will hurt his reputation (Quest: An Uncommon Criminal).
Note the exhibits in the dealership; they can be clicked on to bring up extensive and amusing lore. Note that only Rogue and Monk builds may access Vlad's store.
Choice items: Greater Mask of Persuasion (Cha +2, Persuade +5, Concentration +1), Rogue Links (Hide +6, Move Silently +6), Robes of the Darkmoon (Haste), Robes of the Old Order (DR 5/+1), Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Ring of Protection +3, traps.
Sorceller's Encapsulate
Unless you have levels in Wizard, Bard or Sorcerer the mageling will not give you the key to the upper floor (tower).
The staircase leads to the tower and arcane vendor, a Polymorphing Wizard who is scripted to constantly shift between a variety of forms, from the basest creatures up to the mithril golem and red dragon. It's quite amusing to watch.
Choice items: Belt of Guiding Light (Immunity: Death Magic), Wondrous Gloves (Wis -1, Bonus Bard Spell 0-3), Golden Circlet (Immunity: Mind-affecting spells), Concentration +1, Will saves +1, SR 10), Greater Battle Robe (AC vs. Evil +2, Concentration +3, Spellcraft +3, SR 14), White Robe of the Archmagi (Armor Bonus +5, Spell Penetration, all saves +1, SR 10), Cloak of Resistance +5, Nymph Cloak +5, Cloak of Displacement (Displacement [9] unlimited/day), Cape of the Firebath (Fire resistance 10/-, all saves +2), Amulets of Electrical, Cold, Fire and Acid Resistance (Resist element 20/-), Ring of Power (Regen +1, Electrical, Fire, Cold resistance 15/-, Freedom), Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Clear Thought +5 (Int +5), Bag of Holding.
There is hint of a future quest involving Delfen Yellowknife. Head downstairs to the library and the Scribe will welcome you.
Loot the library shelves for a a couple of random scrolls and interesting books: History of Daggerford (you already have this), Trade Way Travel Stops (see Darkness Over Daggerford - Part III), Illefarn and Beware the Lizard Marsh!
These are well-written and worth taking the time to read. In a side chamber sits a large tome that tells the tale of Daggerford's Devil, Gorgormorz.
Derval's Bright Blade
To no surprise the smithy is run by a dwarf. Bring him any artifacts you find and he will forge magical weapons from them.
Broken Ice Blade Hilt: Found on the corpse of Loru, in the Mill Cave in the Eastern Farmlands.
Broken Ice Blade:
= Hoarfrost Blade (longsword, EB +2, +4 vs. Outsiders, Endure Elements, +1d4 Cold).
It is believed the hero Scaldulin pulled this blade from the heart of a glacier and later used its powers to slay a legion of demons in the Battle of the Thousand Dead. The blade was also responsible for severing the hand of the lich, Scaroth the Warped, during the razing of Blackmoor. However, the blade is best known for being plunged into the heart of the solar, Arazium, during Scaldulin's fall from grace and eventual transformation into a death knight. ks_weapon_4
Glowing Flail Shaft: Found on a searchable table in Torleth's Treasures at Gillian's Hill. Glowing Flail Head: Found on the corpse of Daxiong in the crypt, also at Gillian's Hill.
= Last Rest (Light Flail, EB +2, +1d6 vs. Undead, holy).
This flail belonged to a priestess named Felina Tatch, whose one goal in life was to release undead souls from the torment that binds them to the Material Plane. Felina's extreme devotion to this task eventually caused her to run afoul of the vampire Milikaia who slew the priestess and subjugated her will. Not long afterwards, Felina was seen wandering the graveyard near her hometown where, oddly enough, she resumed her quest to hunt down and destroy the living dead. The fate of the vampire Milikaia is unknown.ks_weapon_8
Black Hammer Head: Found in a locked receptacle in the Stronghold tower of Liam's Hold. Black Hammer Shaft:
= The Black Hammer (warhammer, EB +2, Darkvision, +1d4 Acid)
Created from the horn of an ancient black dragon, the head of this hammer continually excretes a caustic acid. The Black Hammer, as it came to be known, was favored by a priestess of Bhaal named Niaal Sortan. In addition to its obvious uses in battle, the weapon served as a makeshift torture device for the priestess' many late-night rampages. It was during one of these nocturnal excursions that Niaal was slain by a group of rangers waiting in ambush. However, due to the splash damage from the weapon's head, all received wounds so grave that no one survived the battle. ks_weapon_15
Choice items: Greater Swordman's Belt (Slashing resist 20/-), Greater Brawler's Belt (Bludgeoning resist 20/-), Greater Archer's Belt (Piercing resist 20/-), Armors +5, Weapons +2 and +3 (some), Shield +4.
Back to the Main Quest
Ok, we return to Astriel to confim her suspicion - that the Duke's death was no accident - and to receive a new lead. (Completed Quest: The Suspicious Death of Duke Greatshout, +0 Exp) (Quest: The Black Stone Inn).
Make your way back to the Black Stone Inn and descend to the cellar.
Black Stone Inn Cellar
Note: If you try to rest in the cellar you will be mobbed by packs of rats (+11 Exp ea).
Have Purfbin unlock the three doors to the storage rooms (OL DC-8) (The fourth door needs a key which we'll get soon). Next, have Purfbin detrap and unlock the various receptacles (OL DC 5-23, DT DC 10-15). You should come up with the following notable treasure: Bloody Longblade +2 (bastard sword, on-hit DC-14 wounding), Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2 (monk only), Crossbow +1, Shortbow +1, Fire Arrows (quiver x99, +1d6 fire), Full Plate, diamond.
Note: If Purfbin does not move to disable a trap simply put him in "Guard Me" mode.
Now, move to the storage room in the south and equip the Rod of Detection to reveal a trap door leading down to a secret room.
Secret Room
Loot the unlocked chest for a note and the sewer key.
Supply Crate (DC-22): Ring of Forceshield (Deflection AC +2, not usable by Wizard or Sorcerer), Cloak of the Bat (Deflection AC +2, Darkvision, Hide +10, Immunity: Darkness), Scarab of Protection +2, Average Fire Trap Kit, Potion of Invisibility, Healer's Kit +3, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, scrolls of Expeditious Retreat and Flame Arrow.
Clamber the ladder back to the cellar and use the key on the western door that leads to the sewers.
Black Stone Inn Sewers
You have infiltrated a hideout of the Zhentarim, several agents for which attack you on-sight.
I buffed my companions with Mage Armor, Flame Weapon, Displacement and Stoneskin; then unleashed my opener of choice at the rival wizard, burning him to a crisp. With the Zhent corpses littering the floor, loot the large chest for the Zhentarim Note and 412 GP.
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Fear fire, foes! |
(zhentarim warrior x2 +65 Exp ea, zhentarim agent x2 +11 Exp ea, zhentarim wizard +140 Exp, zhentarim crossbowmen x2 +31 Exp ea)
Remains: Ring of Hiding (Hide +6), Belt of Agility +2, Healer's Kit +6, Strong Acid Splash Trap Kit, Potion of Invisibility, scroll of Darkness.
As you leave the inn you will witness Griffon mercs catching up with escapee Wikkers, whom they slay on the spot, and loot for some kind of book, before hurrying off to inform Dratharion. Well, I guess the lockdown on Daggerford is about to be lifted!
Step over the corpse and head back to Astriel to inform her of your encounter with the Black Network (Completed Quest: The Black Stone Inn, +501 Exp).
Suddenly, there will be a knock at the door and a man outside will pretend to be delivering oils and perfume. Astriel will be upset that you were tailed by the Zhentarim, assassins for whom will kick down the door and move in on their marks!
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Yes, every single D&D game must make mention of the Tarrasque! |
(zhentarim warrior x2 +65 Exp ea, zhentarim wizard +140 Exp) You know, it would have been cool if this trio actually were assassins, complete with paralysis attacks and venomous weapons..
With the battle over and Astriel's cover blown, she will give you the other half of your payment and advise you to seek out the farmers at Liam's Hold, before hurrying off to an uncompromised location (Completed Quest: Amara Leontyne, +2,501 Exp, 250 GP) (Quest: Astriel Takes Flight).
With the lockdown lifted and all quests obtained, the party is ready to access the world map and explore the outskirts of Daggerford.
Party Level: 8 (we are soon to gain a level)
Party Wealth: 76,000 gold pieces (If nothing else, I would purchase the Bracers of Blinding Strike from Lian Sunmist in the Temple of Lathander; it's AC +8 from one item!)
Ok, so.. just like in Baldur's Gate there are lots of quests to sink your teeth into. We have completed eight quests so far and have ten under our sleeve as we venture out to the overworld.
- Completed Quest on the Trade Way: The Story So Far.
- Completed Quests in Daggerford: Detained in Daggerford, Play the Spy for Captain Frederick, There be Trouble Down on the Farm, Strange Cargos, The Suspicious Death of Duke Greatshout, The Black Stone Inn, Amara Leontyne.
- Completed optional hostilities: Wealthy Artiste Studio, Dwarven Home, Flophouse.
- Incomplete Quests: Border Dispute, Fernigold the Younger, The Missing Chest, Cattle Rustling Around Daggerford, Peredus the Great, The Truth About Vampires, The Mad Miller, An Uncommon Criminal, Astriel Takes Flight, Talarenne.
Part III of Darkness Over Daggerford Guide. Darkness Over Daggerford (2006) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
With the escapee slain and the lockdown on the gates lifted, the party is free to explore the outskirts of Daggerford. The travel book that we found in the encapsulate library gives a rundown on the sights to be seen outside the city.
In readiness for the overworld, the party heads to the Caravan gate in the west of the city.
In readiness for the overworld, the party heads to the Caravan gate in the west of the city.
We decide to venture forth to the Western Farmlands, a two hour hike from Daggerford.
Western Farmlands
A flowering rural region presents itself, with three of five locations accessible at this stage: Maxillian Manor, Peredus' Well and a cave. Note: We will visit the other two locations in future posts, when we gain quests for them! This post and the next will cover side quests: they are not interwoven with the main quest.
Maxillian Manor
This is an amusing quest - and well-scripted.
A father and son are spotted standing outside the manor, Jonas Sr. and birthday-boy Jonas Jr. They will invite you into their home for hot cider and birthday cake (Quest: Birthday Present). Examine them to realize they are extremely muscular and sport damage reduction, despite being dressed in what amounts to rags...
Follow them into the home and Jonas Sr. will greet you and invite you to sit down. The boy is looking forward to receiving his birthday present...
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Funny comment by Raegen, here |
Small-talk ensues and you will learn they are hunters. Partake of the cider and Jonas Sr. will announce that a "game" has begun called Only the Strongest Survive. You will realize the cider has been spiked and then pass out, falling to the floor.
Maxillian Chase Maze
You will awaken locked in a cell of a maze-like dungeon, groggy and dressed merely in underwear. Your belongings have been stripped from you and Raegen and Purfin are locked in another cell, oddly silent. Pettywick Wocket, a gnome held in an adjacent cell, will give you the lowdown on what's going on here: the family of this manor are in fact werewolves and you are the latest prey for their hunting game that takes place down here, in the maze. Pettywick will kindly inform you that the exit lies to the north, at the end of a long corridor.
Your captors will then enter the dungeon and Jonas Sr. will tell you the rules of his sick game: basically, they will release you into the maze as a countdown begins, starting at 20 seconds. When it expires Jonas Jr. will shapechange to werewolf form and sniff out and slay his "birthday present" as it explores the maze in a desperate attempt to escape.
The countdown begins!
The maze is filled with doors, dead-ends and chests holding standard loot: nothing you can use to bypass a werewolf's damage reduction. I was able to avoid or slay the werewolf by means of spells (invisibility, evocations), but I recommend you waste no time running north in order to escape through the fissure, even if you have such tricks at your disposal.
The maze is filled with doors, dead-ends and chests holding standard loot: nothing you can use to bypass a werewolf's damage reduction. I was able to avoid or slay the werewolf by means of spells (invisibility, evocations), but I recommend you waste no time running north in order to escape through the fissure, even if you have such tricks at your disposal.
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The path of least resistance |
Jonas' Den
You may safely rest here to heal your claw-slashed self. A passage in the den leads back to the maze, but first you need to find your stuff! Loot the dresser for a random item and then head upstairs, back into the manor. Gravia will meet you here, a non-evil werewolf and the mother of the family. She will solemnly request you slay her husband and son, handing you the key to the storage room that holds your belongings.
Once you are re-equipped and prepared to face the hairy beasts, head down to the den and back through to the Chase Maze.
Pay back time! The father and son will be blown away that you managed to survive, turning into werewolves to rectify that. My concealment, damage reduction and elemental resistance protected me as I unleashed evocations to quickly drop them.
(Jonas Sr. +297 Exp, Jonas Jr. +210 Exp)
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I shall singe thine fur! |
Pull the two floor leavers to release Pettywick and your companions from their cages.
The companions had nothing to say...
The companions had nothing to say...
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My quarterstaff enchanted with Flame Weapon |
Return to the mother in the manor to cap off this quest (Completed Quest: Birthday Present, +750 Exp).
First Level Up
Take a dive into the pool into which you dropped the bones, and swim towards the western rock face.
You will emerge from a cave to find yourself back on the western farmlands; the halfling nowhere to be seen..
If you return to the Happy Cow Tavern Burnas will not be there.. instead, a drunken elf (Dalia) will be mumbling about how Burnas tried to send her to her death, how she snuck past a dragon and fought a whole army of lizardfolk, and about how she stabbed Burnas in the guts and floated his body out to sea. Damn, that's what WE wanted to do. Such closure is hardly satisfying..? Meh..
Just to your north is another cave.
Cave (Eastern Farmlands)
Follow them upstairs and you will catch Muriel tossing evidence out of the window. Awkwardly, she returns to the party. Loot her bedroom trunk for random knick-knacks.
Row the boat to the islet and drop down the forbidding hole. Note: Without a rope you will incur minor damage from the fall.
Note: The homes of Nagnorm Stuffler and Jouka Ansaar are inaccessible at this point.
Take the passage east and then south to arrive in a chamber flitting with bats. Slay them if you like but they only yield +8 Exp ea. Loot the treasure on the floor for random stuff, some of which may be valuable (I received Half Plate +1 and Amulet of Acid Resistance). Now, pull the lever on the southern wall to open a door in another part of the crypt.
Make your way west and then south, slaying all undead as you go. Raegen's divine damage makes short work of undead but I buffed her blade with Flame Weapon for good measure.
(Prototype x6 37-75 Exp ea, zombie warrior x2 +37 Exp ea, skeleton warrior +118 Exp)
In the previously-locked chamber you will locate Daxiong, a necromancer flanked by two sentient prototypes. Daxiong gifts you his Marvelous Magriscope if you pass an Intelligence check (Identify [3], single use). While possible to use social skills to convince him to leave in peace (and set up shop elsewhere), that is hardly satisfying and there is no experience gain or material reward for doing so, whereas there is for slaying him. So, slay him.
Daxiong (+83 Exp): Daxiong's Robe of Undead Protection (Armor Bonus vs. Undead +2, Immunity: Level/Ability drain, Evil, Neutral & Wiz/Sorc only), Glowing Flail Head.
Prototype (+61-83 Exp ea).
Return to Liam Sunmist at Lathander's Temple to inform him of your success. He will name you Favored of Lathander and gift you the Amulet of the Morninglord (Aid [3], Bless [2], 1/day) (Completed Quest: The Truth About Vampires, +750 Exp.)
So, as it turns out, this quest had literally nothing at all to do with vampires or Gothma; and, as for the "plague", there are no thanks or acknowledgement from anyone in Gillian's Hill, that the source of it has been purged. How odd...
Anyway, take the Glowing Flail Head & Shaft to Derval's Brightblade and have Ironeater forge you Last Rest, an enchanted light flail (-2,500 GP).
3rd companion banter. Note how I dumbly respond "Tymora" when it's obvious Raegen is of Helm (why not give a Helm option?!) Well, I reloaded and found the other choices also don't matter, so I left it like this. I was unable to gain Influence with Purfbin this time 'round.
Quests outstanding: Scavenging the Countryside, Cattle Rustling Around Daggerford, Fernigold the Younger, Border Dispute.
Main Quest: Astriel Takes Flight, Talarenne.
Take the northern or eastern exits out of Liam's Hold and travel to the Brush of Barbs. Now, meet up with Teygan in his cave in the southwest. He wants us to drive off bandits in the Lonely Barrens to the north. So, head north out of the Brush of Barbs in order to arrive there. The bandit camp is in the northwest. Slay the bandits and mercs, and then return to Teygan for 1,000 XP.
Take the western exit and travel to the caravan location (this is done through a dialogue selection). Get the attaché case in the tent and then return to Teygan for 1,000 XP.
Now, take the western exit and return to the Holdfast Inn in Liam's Hold. Get a room key from Ivus the innkeeper and then make your way up to the second floor of the inn. While there is another way to handle this, I just kicked down the door in the southern room, slew Drelia (Harpers & Zhentarim; same difference :P), looted her corpse for a harper pin, and then confronted Teygan in his cave in the Brush of Barbs for 2001 XP. You will be time-lapsed back to Liam's Hold.
Proceed to the temple and talk to Astriel for 2,500 XP. Return to the city of Daggerford and talk to Captain Frederick in the Barracks in the northeast of the city. Next, go and talk to Dervil in his smithy located in the center of the city. Ask him about Illefarn. Now, meet up with Magdaren and Veiti at the Daggerford Docks. They are standing right in front of you when you enter the Docks.
First Level Up
I take my ninth level in Wizard, choosing Greater Spell Focus: Evocation and breaking into fifth circle spells. Raegen takes her eighth in Fighter, choosing Blind-Fight and increasing her Strength to 18. Purfbin takes his eighth in Rogue, increasing his Dexterity to 18.
[Second Companion Banter]
[Second Companion Banter]
Peredus' Well
We are here to meet Burnas Tellrot in order to procure the sword of Peredus the Great. The well is located in the southwest corner of the farmlands.
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Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers - so fragrant! |
The halfling will lower you down the well - and then pull up the rope, to no surprise.
A spectre hovers in this first chamber: the Spirit of Peredus will request you retrieve his bones from possession by a black dragon, that he may no longer haunt the well.
Pass through the second chamber en route to the dragon's lair. I suggest you buff the party before entering..
The party attempts to parley with the dragon, but in the end it seems a fight is inevitable.
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Mage Armor |
The party attempts to parley with the dragon, but in the end it seems a fight is inevitable.
An ILMS bombardment and Raegen's inflamed weapon put the beast in its place. At Near Death the beat-up dragon will surrender and you can either release it or slay it.
(Young Black Dragon +367 Exp)
There seems to be no reward for releasing it; I would have thought it give you a magical item to swim to the Lizard Marsh, but no.
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Hitting the dragon below the belt |
Loot the bone-pile for the Bones of Peredus, Sword of Peredus (+2, +1d6 positive energy, good/neutral only), Chainmail +2, Tower Shield +1, Magic Bag (weight -60%), emerald and amethyst.
Corpses x3: Amulet of Natural Armor +1, minor static treasures.
At the end of the tunnel is a mist-covered pool of water that I was unable to swim through due to its depth. I would assume this leads to the Lizard Marsh area, mentioned by the spectre and dragon...
Return to the second chamber and drop the bones into the glowing pool of water.
The Spirit of Peredus will be grateful and reveal a way to escape the well, before dispersing (Completed Quest: Peredus the Great, +600 Exp).
Take a dive into the pool into which you dropped the bones, and swim towards the western rock face.
You will emerge from a cave to find yourself back on the western farmlands; the halfling nowhere to be seen..
If you return to the Happy Cow Tavern Burnas will not be there.. instead, a drunken elf (Dalia) will be mumbling about how Burnas tried to send her to her death, how she snuck past a dragon and fought a whole army of lizardfolk, and about how she stabbed Burnas in the guts and floated his body out to sea. Damn, that's what WE wanted to do. Such closure is hardly satisfying..? Meh..
Just to your north is another cave.
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Darkness falls |
Someone, or something, calls out for help from within a chest. Buffed with Stoneskin for DR, I was able to sustain blows as the combo of Mestil's Acid Sheath and Elemental Shield passively slew the two grizzly bears guarding it.
(grizzly bears x2, +75 Exp ea)
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As you can see, I have no Animal Empathy |
Speak with the thing inside the chest. It turns out to be the familiar of Delfen, the wizard at Sorceller's Encapsulate who hinted at a future quest by mentioning his missing "friend". It also seems that this is the missing chest Erik the Fin at the Docks sent you to find (Quest: The Missing Chest). Lug the talking chest along with you.
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I love Raegen's stalwart shield |
Hike back to Daggerford and deliver the talking chest to Delfen at Sorceller's Encapsulate. Delfen will break the ward and release his loyal familiar, Sujit. You will be rewarded with +400 Exp, a Wand of Lesser Summoning (Summon Creature II [3] single use) and a Potion of Heal.
It seems Erik the Fin was employed to kidnap Sujit by the evil wizard, Mogdor. In replacement of his familiar Delfen adds a special surprise to the chest and requests you deliver it to Erik, as normal.
Daggerford Docks
Return to Erik and inform him that you have the chest. Simply giving it to him results in 400 GP and +200 Exp, but curious players may like to accompany him by boat to deliver it to its owner, Mogdor.
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Sunset on the docks |
Cave (Eastern Farmlands)
If you take the latter course you will end up in a cave of the Eastern Farmlands, where Mogdor will gleefully accept the chest and magically open it, to his dismay finding that a floating skull is inside: Extallimix the demi-lich. This epic undead will then execute Mogdor with death magic, on the spot. There is a Persuade check here that is impossible to pass (so why put it in there?) Anyway, the demi-lich will become distracted by some nearby power and hurriedly bob away, leaving you to breathe a sigh of relief: it seems curiosity did not kill the cat, this time 'round (Completed Quest: The Missing Chest, +750 Exp).
If you like, return to inform Delfen of Mogdor's fate, but it's just to share a giggle at Mogdor's expense.
Take your leave of the cave to emerge in the Eastern Farmlands, another pretty locality carved by gently flowing streams and punctuated by a mill complete with creaking water wheel..
Part IV of Darkness Over Daggerford Guide. Darkness Over Daggerford (2006) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Eastern Farmlands. There are four points of interest on these farmlands: a mill, graveyard, islet and dairy farm. I shall tackle them in that order.
Note: We are continuing to side quest here, returning to the main quest in the next post or the one after that. As per Baldur's Gate, DoD hosts a large number of side quests that are not interwoven into the main quest. There is nothing to stop you bee-lining the MQ, if you like, but in this series of posts I'm going for completeness.
Stroll over to the mill, its wheel creaking as it gently turns the water flowing down the stream.
Mill. We are here to check on the miller at the request of Maerovyna, the Priestess of Chauntea in Daggerford (Quest: The Mad Miller).
Miller Fernd Krip is pacing around aimlessly inside the mill, mumbling nonsense to himself.
You won't get any sense out of him so head down to the basement...
Mill Basement. The floor of the basement scurries with rats; slay them for token Exp and step through the fissure in the wall.
Mill Cave. A suspicious monk is squatting down here: Loru. Under questioning he will expose himself as a gray slaad, a chaotic toad-like creature that's in need of a killin'.
Loru will summon a red slaad for support, use invisibility to annoying effect and drop Hammer of the Gods on the party, inflicting divine damage and possibly Daze. Slay the slaad and grab the journal from the chest.
(Loru: +367 Exp, Broken Ice Blade Hilt. This is a component that can be used to forge a custom weapon at Derval's Brightblade. However, we need to find the other piece, first.)
Chest (DC DT 15 OL 18): Loru's Journal.
Deliver the journal to Maerovyna at the Chauntea Shrine and inform her of the slain slaad. She will promise to send an acolyte to heal Fernd's addled mind (Completed Quest: The Mad Miller, +600 Exp).
Daggerford Graveyard. Wander over to the graveyard in the northwest and enter the mausoleum. Note: The western crypt requires a key and the Bricket crypt is in the east. If you enter you will notice that the door has been opened from the inside and footprints leads away from the opened sarcophagus...
Mausoleum. Read the directors log in the entrance chamber to learn of the recent burial of one Elveronne Bricket.
The door to the north leads to a small room with a sarcophagus, from which you may loot a random knick-knack.
The door to the right leads to an embalming room, smelling strongly of formaldehyde. You may remove the two gold pieces from one of the corpses but it shifts your alignment one point towards evil.
The door to the left leads to the undertaker's office. Moris Olgrund will request you locate Elveronne, a corpse that's gone walk-about; handing you some holy water and suggesting you begin your search at the Bricket house located in the Western Farmlands (Quest: A Party to Wake the Dead).
Bricket House (Western Farmlands). Hike west to the Bricket house and you will notice tracks outside the home, leading to a basement that's locked. Enter through the front door, instead.
A party is raging inside, hosted by Muriel and Alicine Bricket - the two sisters of the late Elveronne. Fluster the sisters with questions and they will hurry off, upstairs.
Follow them upstairs and you will catch Muriel tossing evidence out of the window. Awkwardly, she returns to the party. Loot her bedroom trunk for random knick-knacks.
In the adjacent room you will spot a diary as Alicine rummages through her bedroom trunk. When she returns to the party, have Purfbin unlock it.
Chest (OL DC-18): Alicine's Journal.
Have the gnome unlock the door (DC-18) to Elveronne's bedroom and lift up the loose floorboard to find Elveronne's Journal and a key to the Bricket home basement. Armed with the key and both journals, head back downstairs and then to the basement.
Note how the floorboard creaks when you manipulate it - a nice touch.
Bricket House Basement. Shambling around in the darkness is the undead Elveronne, who it seems was poisoned by Muriel and had his necklace stolen by Alicine.
You have several options, all of which result in +500 Exp when you return to Moris:
1.) Douse him with the holy water given to you by Moris.
2.) Encourage Elveronne to slay his sisters and take the necklace back himself (+200 Exp). A cutscene will ensue of the zombies revenge and you can loot the dead sisters for fine jewelry, afterwards.
3.) Fetch the necklace from Alicine and return it to Elveronne.
4.) As above except you return to douse Elveronne, keeping the Elven Keepsake Necklace for yourself (Str +2, Light Dim [5m] Blue).
I chose option four and gifted the necklace to Raegen.
Note: Slaying the zombie outright yields +167 Exp but doesn't always complete the quest.
(Completed Quest: A Party to Wake the Dead, +500 Exp).
Islet & Hole (Eastern Farmlands). A frantic child will run up to you along the western stream, pleading for you to save her dog that fell down a hole on the nearby islet (Quest: Fishing With Live Bait).
Row the boat to the islet and drop down the forbidding hole. Note: Without a rope you will incur minor damage from the fall.
Bottom of the Hole. The girl will approach you at the bottom and polymorph into her true form, an imp by the name of Boonmoppet. The imp will conjure a red portal and fly back through a blue one, leaving you to fight creatures that respawn from the red portal.
Slay the wretches.
(Kocrachon +75 Exp ea)
Destroy the red portal and step through the blue one to find yourself transported inside Boonmoppet's Tower, located in the Western Farmlands.
Boonmoppet's Tower (Western Farmlands). You can either slay the imp for paltry Exp or let your grudge go and access its arcane store (Completed Quest: Fishing With Live Bait, +201 Exp.)
Choice items: Greater Belt of Guiding Light (Immunity: Death Magic & Fear, Listen, Lore, Search & Spot +4), Alatian's Spell Shroud (Sequencer: 1 spell, 1/day, Clear Sequencer: unlimited uses, on-hit Dispel Magic [3], Armor Bonus +1), Master Adventurer's Robe (DR 10/+3), ninth circle spell scrolls, various wands, rods and staves.
Churlgo Cheeses (Eastern Farmlands). Return to the Eastern Farmlands and wander over to the dairy farm to speak with Porto, a halfling pretending to work hard on his chores. He requests that you speak with his mother about dropping their unprofitable dairy venture (Quest: The Great Cheese Caper).
Churglo Homestead. Enter the homestead and speak with Millie, who offers you to sample their cheese.
Tell her it tastes like crap and she will complain of bandits attacking her wagons on the way to Gillian's Hill. Offer to escort Porto and the wagon.
Porto's Trail to Gillian's Hill. En route to Gillian's Hill the cheese wagon will be waylaid by a pack of blood-thirsty bandits.
Slay them and continue on to reach your destination.
(bandit leader, +118 Exp: Whip +2, Note to Bandit Leader, bandit thugs x3 +37 Exp ea)
This quest will be continued in the next post, as we have now completed the Eastern and Western Farmlands and have arrived in a new area, the quaint lil' hamlet of Gillian's Hill.
Part V of Darkness Over Daggerford Guide. Darkness Over Daggerford (2006) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Gillian's Hill
The party has entered Gillian's Hill from the north. The westward path opens the Wild Hills map, while the eastward opens the Lonely Barrens. Heading south along the Trade Way takes you to Liam's Hold, but first things first: Gillian's Hill. I'll be finishing off The Great Cheese Caper before doing a few other side quests, here; then, ending with The Truth About Vampires.
Note: The homes of Nagnorm Stuffler and Jouka Ansaar are inaccessible at this point.
The first (or second) time you enter this map (it depends on how you arrived, and from which direction) there will be a cutscene showing lizardmen raiding Jouka Ansaar's wagons; however, you are unable to speak with him about it (he's too busy fixing the wagons). I guess we'll have to deal with the reptiles sooner or later, but not in Gillian's Hill.
Upon entry to Gillian's Hill you will spy Porto talking with Yentai, whose name was signed on the bandit note with the letter "Y". The halfling will then trundle off back to the homestead as Yentai returns to his store on the hill.
The ungrateful Sejellus Krimp (a distributor) will intercept you on your ascent to the store, complaining about the shipments and giving you receipt and payment to deliver to Millie.
Yentai's Store
Yentai will have little to say about Porto and there is no option to question him about the bandit note; so, take your leave and hike back to the Churlgo homestead.
Choice items: Belt of Agility +4, Bracers of Dexterity +4, Light Armors and Shields +4, Small and Medium Weapons +2, Rings and Amulets +3.
Random Area: Rural
Yay, our first ambush! For those who don't know, random ambushes happened often in Baldur's Gate as the party traveled from one location to another, by means of the World Map. Well, DoD replicates this - and here we face off against four trolls, two of which are shaman. You can also simply flee ambush areas.
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We have ignition! |
(troll +37 Exp ea, troll shaman +118 Exp ea & +90 encounter Exp)
Note: As with Baldur's Gate, trolls in DoD require fire or acid to permanently kill. Luckily, the party had access to Fireball and Flame Weapon.
Churlgo Homestead (Eastern Farmlands)
Deliver the note, receipt and gold to Millie and she will request you take out Yentai, an Iron Throne crime boss who has been hassling the Churlgos for their cheese recipe.
However, confronting Yentai will cause him to tell his side of the story and you will have a choice to make: to side with Millie and slay Yentai or side with Yentai and set up the Churlgo clan for death. Decisions, decisions..
If you side with Millie then slay Yentai, deliver his amulet to her and show her the note implicating Porto (Completed Quest: The Great Cheese Caper, +750 Exp, 600 GP).
(Yentai +118 Exp, Bodyguard x2 +55 Exp ea)
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I cast ILMS, he casts a cantrip... It's a fair fight - really! |
If you side with Yentai then return to Millie and set her up to be murdered by him in cold blood. Then, return to Yentai's store to find a note, but no promised "double" payment for services rendered (Completed Quest: The Great Cheese Caper, +1000 Exp).
Torleth's Treasures
Make your way back to Gillian's Hill and stroll over to Torleth's Treasures in the northwest. There are two ways inside but the basement is locked.
Remember Vladmyr of Stop Hole Abbey, who requested you discredit his rival antiques dealer, Torleth? Well, we're here to do just that (Quest: An Uncommon Criminal).
As with Vladmyr's dealership, several showroom exhibits may be clicked on to bring up extensive and amusing lore. The effort that has gone into this is very welcome, and I'm not sure if other modules rival DoD in this respect.
Four cluttered tables may be searched in the showroom; however, each item taken from the table costs between 50 and 400 GP, so choose carefully. Items seem to be pseudo-random but drawn from a fixed pool (amusingly, they seem to be drawn from actual drawers located in an adjacent but inaccessible room). Anyway, you will make a great profit from the Saintsblood Pearl (various Heal-based charges) and ok profit from the following items, too:
Goven's Gloves (One With the Land [7], 1/day, Ranger & Druid only), Chime of Opening (Knock [3], charges), Lady Oonagh's Ludicrously Loud Lute (Soundburst [3], 1/day), and any +1 weapon. I snatched up the Glowing Flail Shaft, a forging component for the smithy, Derval Ironeater.
Loot the key and random treasure from the chest in Torleth's study (DT DC-22, OL DC-24). The chest of drawers holds random rubbish, as does the locked cabinet (OL DC-18).
Use the key to access the basement.
Torleth's Strongroom
The chamber down here is sealed by a metal gate (DT DC-26, OL DC-28). Once inside, exchange the real Duke's portrait for the fake and loot the ancient chest for 1,500 GP, Fire Opal, Bag of Holding, Thieves' Tools +6, Necklace of Fireballs (Fireball charges) and the Lantern of Revealing (Invisibility Purge [5], unlimited uses/day).
Stop Hole Abbey
Return to Vladmyr in Daggerford and present the real portrait to him. In return, he will clear the debt hanging over the head of Davey's father. If you're up for more work, he will then request you locate three rare items: a piece of Elven sheet music, an Uthgardt burial totem and a religious chalice from the far-flung jungles of Chult (Quest: Scavenging the Countryside). I guess we'll keep an eye out for them...
Return to Davey - in the common room of the Black Stone Inn - to cap off the quest (Completed Quest: An Uncommon Criminal, +500 Exp). .
The Gillian's Hill Gang
Back in Gillian's Hill, head over to distributor Sejellus Krimp's house and ask him how Gillian's Hill got its name. This will lead him to request that you clear the old tower of a gang of thugs that has taken up residence there (Quest: The Gillian's Hill Gang).
The tower stands just a few paces to the southwest.
Wreck house on the gang members that greet you inside and loot the old chest (DT DC-15, OL DC-18) for Gillian's Bow (Attack Bonus +2, Mass crits 1 dmg, Mighty 1) and minor static treasures. The weapon rack holds Light Crossbow +1 (x2), Sling +1 and Wolf Bite (small shield, Armor Bonus +1, Bonus Feat: Knockdown).
(gang member x2-3 +118 Exp ea, gang leader +118 Exp).
Return to Sejellus for your reward (Completed Quest: The Gillian's Hill Gang, 500 GP, +100 Exp). EZ money...
Now, you might have peered through the woods to notice Mabda camped in a clearing that is inaccessible to you. This is the woman the priest of Lathandar sent you to find in order to proceed with The Truth About Vampires quest; but how the hell do you get in there?
Well, if you talked with Torleth about the plague he may have referred you to Callaway, a farmer in Gillian's Hill. In fact, Callaway may be found tending to his corn crops just by the dairy cows. Inform him of your need to speak with Mabda and he will lead you through the woods to her.
Mabda will ramble on about Gothma, a giant vampire bat of legend. Callaway will then give you the crypt key and lead you out of the woods (in fact, a path has been cleared and you may leave yourself).
Stroll over to the graveyard and enter the crypt. Read the gravestones for a giggle.
Take the passage east and then south to arrive in a chamber flitting with bats. Slay them if you like but they only yield +8 Exp ea. Loot the treasure on the floor for random stuff, some of which may be valuable (I received Half Plate +1 and Amulet of Acid Resistance). Now, pull the lever on the southern wall to open a door in another part of the crypt.
Make your way west and then south, slaying all undead as you go. Raegen's divine damage makes short work of undead but I buffed her blade with Flame Weapon for good measure.
(Prototype x6 37-75 Exp ea, zombie warrior x2 +37 Exp ea, skeleton warrior +118 Exp)
In the previously-locked chamber you will locate Daxiong, a necromancer flanked by two sentient prototypes. Daxiong gifts you his Marvelous Magriscope if you pass an Intelligence check (Identify [3], single use). While possible to use social skills to convince him to leave in peace (and set up shop elsewhere), that is hardly satisfying and there is no experience gain or material reward for doing so, whereas there is for slaying him. So, slay him.
Daxiong (+83 Exp): Daxiong's Robe of Undead Protection (Armor Bonus vs. Undead +2, Immunity: Level/Ability drain, Evil, Neutral & Wiz/Sorc only), Glowing Flail Head.
Prototype (+61-83 Exp ea).
Return to Liam Sunmist at Lathander's Temple to inform him of your success. He will name you Favored of Lathander and gift you the Amulet of the Morninglord (Aid [3], Bless [2], 1/day) (Completed Quest: The Truth About Vampires, +750 Exp.)
So, as it turns out, this quest had literally nothing at all to do with vampires or Gothma; and, as for the "plague", there are no thanks or acknowledgement from anyone in Gillian's Hill, that the source of it has been purged. How odd...
Anyway, take the Glowing Flail Head & Shaft to Derval's Brightblade and have Ironeater forge you Last Rest, an enchanted light flail (-2,500 GP).
2nd level up. I take my tenth level in Wizard, choosing the Silent Spell feat and taking Firebrand and Bigby's Interposing Hand. Raegen takes her ninth in Fighter and Purfbin takes his ninth in Rogue, gaining 5d6 sneak attack.
3rd companion banter. Note how I dumbly respond "Tymora" when it's obvious Raegen is of Helm (why not give a Helm option?!) Well, I reloaded and found the other choices also don't matter, so I left it like this. I was unable to gain Influence with Purfbin this time 'round.
Quests outstanding: Scavenging the Countryside, Cattle Rustling Around Daggerford, Fernigold the Younger, Border Dispute.
Main Quest: Astriel Takes Flight, Talarenne.
From here on out, this will be a basic guide that only covers the plot-critical path.
Once you have gained access to the worldmap, you can explore and quest in any area you like. However, you must unlock the areas by travelling in the required direction.
Once you have gained access to the worldmap, you can explore and quest in any area you like. However, you must unlock the areas by travelling in the required direction.
Liam's Hold
What we need to do is get to Liam's Hold by way of (for example) Eastern Farmlands, Lonely Barrens and Brush of Barbs. Once there, report to Hevesar in the common room of the Holdfast inn. Hevesar refers you to Mayor Wilsey. Go and see her in the nearby building.
The Mayor wants you to deal with a family that is camped in the north of this area. Go and deal with them however you like, and then return to the mayor. You will get 500 XP and the Temple Key that opens the locked temple/stronghold opposite the inn.
First Piece of Evidence
Talk to Astriel in the stronghold and then head back to Hevesar in the inn. He gives you 700 GP and then sends you off to the Wild Pastures, to the west. Once there, enter the goblin dungeon in the west of the area, slay the Tanarukk in the northwest, and loot its corpse for your first piece of evidence (a note). Return to the Hevesar in the inn for 1501 XP. He now sends you back to the Wild Pastures.
Second Piece of Evidence
Once you have returned, meet up with Gaslo near the stone hut in the northeast, camp behind the giant skull in the center of the map, slay another Tanarukk, and loots its corpse for your second piece of evidence. Return to Hevesar for 1501 XP.
Third Piece of Evidence
Next, head to Crab Claw's Coast in the far northwest of the world map. You will need to head back to the Wild Pastures yet again, take its western exit to arrive in the Blade Cliffs, and then take the Blade Cliff's southern exit in order to arrive at Crab Claw's Coast. Descend to the sandbars, make your way to the southwest, and enter the smuggler's cave. Slay the Tanarukk Leader and loot its corpse of key, orb and your third and final piece of evidence. Return to Hevesar for 2,500 XP and 700 GP.
Fzoul's Note
Go and see Astriel in the temple. She sends you off to the Trollbark Forest. To get there, return to the Wild Pastures yet again and take its southern exit. Head into the orc lair in the northwest, head deeper in, watch a cutscene with Gorgomorz, slay his Tanarukk Generals, and then take Fzoul's Note. Return to Astriel in the temple at Liam's Hold, exit the temple, and then speak with Teygan.
Bandit Camp
Take the northern or eastern exits out of Liam's Hold and travel to the Brush of Barbs. Now, meet up with Teygan in his cave in the southwest. He wants us to drive off bandits in the Lonely Barrens to the north. So, head north out of the Brush of Barbs in order to arrive there. The bandit camp is in the northwest. Slay the bandits and mercs, and then return to Teygan for 1,000 XP.
Take the western exit and travel to the caravan location (this is done through a dialogue selection). Get the attaché case in the tent and then return to Teygan for 1,000 XP.
Harpers & Zhentarim
Now, take the western exit and return to the Holdfast Inn in Liam's Hold. Get a room key from Ivus the innkeeper and then make your way up to the second floor of the inn. While there is another way to handle this, I just kicked down the door in the southern room, slew Drelia (Harpers & Zhentarim; same difference :P), looted her corpse for a harper pin, and then confronted Teygan in his cave in the Brush of Barbs for 2001 XP. You will be time-lapsed back to Liam's Hold.
Proceed to the temple and talk to Astriel for 2,500 XP. Return to the city of Daggerford and talk to Captain Frederick in the Barracks in the northeast of the city. Next, go and talk to Dervil in his smithy located in the center of the city. Ask him about Illefarn. Now, meet up with Magdaren and Veiti at the Daggerford Docks. They are standing right in front of you when you enter the Docks.
Orb of Devil Containment
You will be timelapsed to Laughing Hollow and Veiti will have joined the party (10th level Dwarven Ranger). Enter the only cave in the area in order to arrive in Illefarn. Proceed to the upper halls. There are a few things to do here (enter the secret forge, complete the mirror puzzle), but all we need to do is proceed to the upper halls and then to the mine entrance in the northeast. Slay Captain Dratharion in the east and loot his corpse for a key and the Orb of Devil Containment. Talk to the Duke and Lady, say the magic words at the Zhentarim Altar, and then step into the portal that appears.
You will be timelapsed to the cellar of Daggerford Castle. Proceed into the castle and then out to its courtyard. Now, descend into the sewers through the grate in the west of the city. Slay the Tanarukk Chieftain, loot the note from its corpse, and deliver the note to Captain Frederick, who is still standing outside the Castle -- but, before you deliver the note, you may like to prepare yourself for the Boss Fight against Gorgomorz, devil of Daggerford. That means trading with merchants etc. Remember that you can use the Orb of Devil Containment on Gorgomorz.
End of walkthrough.
End Credits:
End of walkthrough.
End Credits:
Darkness Over Daggerford Features
This section contains ongoing notes and observations on the adventure, and is therefore a work in progress and subject to revision.
Darkness Over Daggerford Aesthetics
The custom visuals are of very high quality; basically, as good as it gets on the Aurora engine. Lighting is better than most modules. The brickwork is gorgeous. Placeable density is also impressive, though it can hinder your movement at times. The area design is polished, built from tilesets that allow for hills and undulating terrain. The custom music is memorable. Ambience is also superior to most other NWN campaigns: you will hear such things as the pitter-patter of rain outside, and the fireplace crackling. There are lots of incidental VOs puncutating dialogue as well. It's all very charming, actually.
Darkness Over Daggerford Resting
Resting in the city is restricted to inns and unmarked buildings that have been cleared of denizens, but Stupid Thing: the module actually forces the party to rest once per 36 hours (about 1 hour of real-time), otherwise you will incur cumulative ability score penalties! The party members will constantly yawn and their shoulders will slump in indication of this status. Realistic? Yes. Annoying and unnecessary? Hell, yes. While this reflects Baldur's Gate, at least resting in the IE RPGs was instant (there was no progress bar to "wait out").
Darkness Over Daggerford Wealth
There is tons of cash-flow during the adventure and itemization is overly generous. I hope you're not playing this for tactical combat and strategic resource management. This isn't in the same ballpark as Swordflight. The party's pockets bulged with 76,000 GP upon hitting the World Map.
Darkness Over Daggerford Treasure
Treasure is a mix of static (i.e., hand-placed and always there, no matter what), randomized and tailored (that is, to class and feats). Be on the lookout for items with spell-like special abilities, they sell for a small fortune.
Darkness Over Daggerford Merchants
Vendors are stocked up on powerful items. Take for example the Greater belts of Swordsman, Brawler and Archer (DR 20/- against slashing, bludgeoning and piercing, respectively). These are obscenely OP items that imbalanced the OC, four years prior, and so I would have thought it wise to leave them out.
Darkness Over Daggerford Social Skills
The implementation of social skills in dialogue (Persuasion, Bluff, Intimidate) is almost entirely limited to flavor, and resolving a conflict non-violently does not seem to reward experience points as it does if you just slay the NPC, outright.
Darkness Over Daggerford Waylays
Areas of the campaign are navigated by means of a world map, similar to the one used in the Infinity Engine cRPGs.
As per Baldur's Gate these waylays are themed (four themes, ten different zones) and can be deadly; for example:
- Two trolls and two shaman.
- Two ogre berserkers and two ogre magi (661 XP for the ogre berserker at 9th level).
- Seven Gargoyles and three Harpies.
- Five Lizardfolk savages (swamp).
- Eight gypsies of fighter, rogue and mage types. You start on a bridge and they have you boxed in from both ends.
- (The above were encountered at PC Level 9)
- Aftermath of a caravan raid. Party is pitted against seven human bandits led by their chief (875 XP at lvl 10). Caravan and chief are not lootable.
- Swamp. Seven lizardfolk savages and two chiefs.
Also as per Baldur's Gate, you may simply flee the scene by reaching the transition point. Reloading in the waylay zone repeats the script and adds more enemies to fight (it seems to only repeat once).
Darkness Over Daggerford Respawn
Respawn comes with significant experience point and gold penalties - based on level and wealth - that most players won't accept; so, it does not discourage reloading on death.
Darkness Over Daggerford Henchmen
Two Henchmen are offered in the early stages of the campaign: a stock-standard Fighter (Raegen Brunegar) and a stock-standard Rogue (Purfbin Doogrick). Therefore, I recommend the player choose an arcane or divine build to complement the party and add variety to the game-play. Companions will offer flavor comments, interjections and their own stories as you level up, but they're very, very basic.
- It seems the NWN party size penalty does not factor in DoD, at least as regards companions (familiars and summons do penalize, however).
- Companions will turn aggro if you "friendly fire" them, but you can easily order them to stop attacking you (right-click -> Stand Your Ground).
- I just reached the second banter and there seems to be an "Influence" system at work. I'm not sure how consequential it is, though.
Darkness Over Daggerford Cutscenes
The module often employs cutscenes or locks the camera at a certain angle with only dialogue being selectable by the player. These are primitive, over-used and add nothing to the atmosphere or immersion - indeed, quite the opposite. There is no need to take control of the camera and character from the player for such simple segments that can be scripted in real-time. I mean, wow: A halfling steps into a wagon - MUST HAVE CUTSCENE. Really, now? The Aielund Saga is a good example of how to script segments in real-time, adding to the immersion instead of breaking it.
Moreover, there are two other problems brought on by cutscenes: first, they break your stealth and can cause the enemy to get the jump on the party and that's simply unfair (this happens a lot!); second, Ossian were not thorough in preventing the player from trying to skip cutscenes with the Esc-key, so that if the player hits Esc it can cause awful bugs to manifest, such as the area repeatedly reloading, over and over, for example. So yeah, cutscenes: I can't stand them.
Note: Some real-time scripting is implemented, and done well. And, to be fair, the non-dialogue cutscenes are skippable and don't seem to cause bugs.
Moreover, there are two other problems brought on by cutscenes: first, they break your stealth and can cause the enemy to get the jump on the party and that's simply unfair (this happens a lot!); second, Ossian were not thorough in preventing the player from trying to skip cutscenes with the Esc-key, so that if the player hits Esc it can cause awful bugs to manifest, such as the area repeatedly reloading, over and over, for example. So yeah, cutscenes: I can't stand them.
Note: Some real-time scripting is implemented, and done well. And, to be fair, the non-dialogue cutscenes are skippable and don't seem to cause bugs.
Darkness Over Daggerford Writing
At times the cRPG writing is great, at times so-so, and at other times quite funny. Or at least, I think so. Much work has gone into writing the descriptions and journal entries. Looted books and journals are particularly well done and the lore-filled descriptions of the antique exhibits and gravestones are a highlight. The dialogue is often upbeat and most players are gonna come away smiling after each quest.
Darkness Over Daggerford Quests
This module offers almost sixty quests, a few of which are directly influenced by Baldur's Gate. Some of the quests are fairly interesting and mildly amusing, whereas others are downright forgettable and so brief and basic that I wondered why they even bothered their ass to make journal entries for them. A criticism has been leveled that the side quests take the steam out of things and many of them are not related to the main plot (interwoven). While true, this was also the case in Baldur's Gate.
Darkness Over Daggerford Weapon Forging
Components can be found and delivered to Derval Ironeater of Daggerford forge. He will forge custom weapons from them:
Broken Ice Blade Hilt: Found on the corpse of Loru, in the Mill Cave in the Eastern Farmlands.
Broken Ice Blade: ?
= Hoarfrost Blade (longsword, EB +2, +4 vs. Outsiders, Endure Elements, +1d4 Cold).
It is believed the hero Scaldulin pulled this blade from the heart of a glacier and later used its powers to slay a legion of demons in the Battle of the Thousand Dead. The blade was also responsible for severing the hand of the lich, Scaroth the Warped, during the razing of Blackmoor. However, the blade is best known for being plunged into the heart of the solar, Arazium, during Scaldulin's fall from grace and eventual transformation into a death knight. ks_weapon_4
Glowing Flail Shaft: Found on a searchable table in Torleth's Treasures at Gillian's Hill.
Glowing Flail Head: Found on the corpse of Daxiong in the crypt, also at Gillian's Hill.
= Last Rest (Light Flail, EB +2, +1d6 vs. Undead, holy).
This flail belonged to a priestess named Felina Tatch, whose one goal in life was to release undead souls from the torment that binds them to the Material Plane. Felina's extreme devotion to this task eventually caused her to run afoul of the vampire Milikaia who slew the priestess and subjugated her will. Not long afterwards, Felina was seen wandering the graveyard near her hometown where, oddly enough, she resumed her quest to hunt down and destroy the living dead. The fate of the vampire Milikaia is unknown. ks_weapon_8
Black Hammer Head: Found in a locked receptacle in the Stronghold tower of Liam's Hold.
Black Hammer Shaft: ?
= The Black Hammer (warhammer, EB +2, Darkvision, +1d4 Acid)
Created from the horn of an ancient black dragon, the head of this hammer continually excretes a caustic acid. The Black Hammer, as it came to be known, was favored by a priestess of Bhaal named Niaal Sortan. In addition to its obvious uses in battle, the weapon served as a makeshift torture device for the priestess' many late-night rampages. It was during one of these nocturnal excursions that Niaal was slain by a group of rangers waiting in ambush. However, due to the splash damage from the weapon's head, all received wounds so grave that no one survived the battle. ks_weapon_15
what is this???
ReplyDeleteSeems something I should play! Never heard of this one... but I've just read "party of three" and if it deserves a recounting ..well then it has to be played!
ps: CToT wasn't so bad so.. if it's on par it will be interesting.
Time to play a cleric, then!
Let me know how you fare, Marco!
Deleteso far is good.
DeleteI agree absolutely for the fixed camera scenes... pity because so far the plot is interesting.
Oddly I had a hard time with the first combat because of lag (maybe due to the rain effect? never happened before)
That area is bad for lag, yeah. My framerate improved a lot when I disabled Shiny Water.
DeleteThanks for the advice!
DeleteI agree with you but so far I find this mod superior to Crimson Tides of Tethyr (better maps, for example). But yes, inferior to both Swordflight and Aielund (that is my favourite saga)
Strange thing, I recruited Purfbin immediately after the first fight and later Raegen in the tavern.
Also ... speaking about the cloaks... I've found one and is white! (not a "boring brown one!")
Mmm.. maybe what companion you get there is random or based on class/build? I only tried with Rogue and Wizard, so they gave me a fighter whereas you are a capable fighter (cleric), so they gave you a rogue.
DeleteYes, the area design is better than CToT.. nice tilesets in general and some sloping terrain (the "hill" of Gillian's Hill etc.)
Where did you find this white cloak?
hmm I don't know..what if I used a multiclassed character? maybe (like in Kotor2) it's the main char gender choice that determines the companion.
Delete(note that the first time I played I was killed by the two allies because I used an alchemist fire near them.. sigh)
CToT had some nice tilesets and ideas too: the elven city was great but its map layout was terrible! Shops were scattered around giant suspended corridoors... lots of walking in a large empty space!
The pearl white coat was in one of the chests of the militia soldiers near the beds. Probably random loot..a standard protection from evil cloak..but looks good!
For multi-class characters it would probably just read the class of your first level, but I haven't confirmed it. Gender doesn't seem to be a factor: female Rogue = Raegen, male Rogue = Raegen.
DeleteThat's another thing, friendly fire: Purfbin often turns on me when I drop Fireballs on Raegen as she tanks - a standard tactic of mine, when I'm an arcane spell-caster ;)
I disliked that elven city tileset in CToT - or at least, it's size.. visually, it's very pretty.. in my first play-through, back when it was first released, I almost gave up on the module because of how boring it was to explore that area. But somehow, I pushed on and completed CToT.
And yeah, to my knowledge those barracks chests hold random loot, except for the one that holds the Longbite greatsword! (you found it too, right?)
I forced myself to finish CToT too, but that part was a pain since you have to do a lot of quest in that place. The Prophet had a better elven city, still pretty but not so large and empty.
DeleteLankhmar Nights has beautiful maps, a city that feels alive. But it's really huge because many quests were crammed into one single mod... but I've to give it a try later (you also have a party of four)
Yes, I got the Longbite! I feel showered with magical items... while I'm not a fan of the resources managing, I prefer a middle ground approach, like in the first parts of the Aielund saga!
(doing shopping was far more interesting when you have a selection of items to choose from and not a plethora of generic magical equipments)
Yes, the magical equipment offered by DoD vendors is really uninspired.. just OC-level stuff for the most part. Aielund Saga and Swordflight had much more interesting itemization and some items had cons as well as pros, so you had to weigh them up.
DeleteI guess Lankhmar is yet another module I'll have to check out..
Lankhmar Nights is inspired by sthe adventures Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, so not the usual D&d setting but not so different. Got a very good rating, introduces new heads, clothes and items too... unfortunately (for my tastes) it's not divided into chapters or parts, it's just a large city with many quests.
DeleteI haven't heard of this setting... Fafhrd rings a bell because it's the codeword to access the thieves' guild in BG1. Speaking of which, I have posted the eighth part of my BG1 perspective, and intend to cover Baldur's Gate city in future posts, including the thieves' guild.
DeleteReally? Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser are two sword-and-sorcery heroes of the stories written by Fritz Leiber. The first is a barbarian,the second is a thief and former apprentice wizard. Of course they both appear in the mod (that is ideal for a thief, I think, but if I'm correct you find every class covered by companions)
DeleteSpeaking of BG... interesting, but... will you also do BG2? Because I feel ashamed because I've never been able to finish it (while I completed the 1st).
I may do a write-up on BG2 or IWD/IWD2. I'm not quite sure, yet.
DeleteI have five posts in the pipeline that are about various things, but none of them are close to being complete!