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Invisibility 10' radius is a Baldur's Gate spell of Illusion spells BG2 type in BioWare's cRPG of 1998-2001, Baldur's Gate 2.

  • Invisibility 10' radius
  • (Illusion/Phantasm) 
  • Level: 3
  • Range: 0
  • Duration: Special 
  • Casting Time: 1 round
  • Area of Effect: 10' radius
  • Saving Throw: None 

This spell causes all creatures within 10' of the caster to vanish from sight and be undetectable by normal vision or even infravision. Of course, the invisible creature(s) are not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the creature(s) detectable. Even allies cannot see the invisible creature(s) or their gear, unless these allies can normally see invisible things or employ magic to do so.  Items dropped or put down by the invisible creature(s) become visible, items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature(s). The spell remains in effect until it is magically broken or dispelled, until the wizard or recipient cancels it, until the recipient attacks any creature, or until 24 hours have passed. The  invisible being(s) cannot open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, etc. If they attack, they immediately become visible, although the invisibility enables them to attack first.


Not a bad spell if we want our party + summons invisibilized.

Note that the Staff of the Magi sports on-equip invisibility.

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