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STINKING CLOUD: Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Stinking Cloud BG2

Stinking Cloud is a Baldur's Gate spell in BioWare's cRPG of 1998-2001, Baldur's Gate.

  • Stinking Cloud (Evocation) [SCRL97]
  • Level: 2
  • Range: 30 yards 
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Casting Time: 2 
  • Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
  • Saving Throw: Special 

When a stinking cloud is cast, the wizard creates a billowing mass of nauseous vapors up to 30 yards away from his position. Any creature caught within the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. poison or be sent reeling and fall down for 1-2 rounds.  Those who make successful saving throws can leave the cloud without suffering any ill effects, although those remaining in the cloud must continue to save each round.  A dispel magic will remove the nausea on a particular character, but if they remain in the cloud then they are still subject to its effects.

◦ Stinking Cloud (Evocation, SCRL97): Noxious 1-round per level duration AoE that disables anything that fails its save vs. poison for 1-4 +1 rounds. I'd rather just cast Web. Indeed, the only advantage Stinking Cloud has over Web is that our skeleton summons are immune to its effects.
Rank: Mid-tier.

Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate Mage Baldur's Gate Magic
Baldur's Gate Best Spells Baldur's Gate Sorcerer Baldur's Gate Magic Resistance

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