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Spell Scroll Locations, Icewind Dale 1

Spell Scroll Locations Icewind Dale 1

This is a numbered list of itemized spell scrolls for Arcane Spells IWD1 in Black Isle's cRPG of 2000, Icewind Dale 1. The spell scrolls are listed in the general order of their availability along with their location and instances of their itemization. Availability does not mean acquisition. In the case of vendor itemization, the scrolls may be too expensive to purchase at the point of their availability (which is dependent on a number of factors, such as party composition and wealth).

Example: We can see that three scrolls of Web are obtainable at the point of Dragon's Eye. Thus, since Web is powerful and acquisition of a few of its scrolls come early, Web is rated highly in Best Spells Icewind Dale 1. By analysing the list, we can also see that Icewind Dale 1 potentially supports more than one arcane spellcaster (Mage or Bard) -- at least, as regards some spells BUT not necessarily at all points of the campaign.

Most notably, there are 4x Magic Missile scrolls, 4x Web scrolls, 3x Mirror Image scrolls and 3x Chromatic Orb scrolls. For first level spells, we can add +1 per Mage to that because Mages (not Bards) get to choose two level 1 spells during character creation.

Note that parties do NOT need more than one instance of certain spell scrolls unless the player is accepting spell scroll scribing failures. For example, why would a party need two Mages capable of casting Haste? On the other hand, two Mages each capable of casting Fireball -- that would be good. Except for the fact that only one scroll of Fireball exists in the entire game.

  • How about Cloudkill? 1 scroll
  • Cone of Cold? 1 scroll
  • Chain Lightning? 1 scroll

The only notable AoEs that have two instances of scrolls itemized are Skull Trap, Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm and Snilloc's Snowball Swarm. None have 3. And of course, there is only one of each high level spell -- towards the end of the game.

See how Icewind Dale 1 reigns in Mage power, unlike Baldur's Gate 2? We can't purchase "five of this scroll" and "five of that one" like we can in Chapter 1 of BG2.

As it pertains to order of spell scroll acquisition, it is important to note that scroll numbers 138 through 161 (Lower Dorn's Deep) can be acquired before tackling Wyrm's Tooth. Essentially, IWD becomes uncharacteristically non-linear at the point of Wyrm's Tooth. What does that mean, though? It means we can (optionally) take out Malavon, get his scrolls, and use those scrolls back at Wyrm's Tooth and throughout the remainder of Lower Dorn's Deep. Note that these locations are highlighted in bold-type in the below list.

Note that Orrick the Grey's vendor inventory "upgrades" actually replace his previous vendor inventory. Thus, it is possible to miss out on spell scrolls if we advance chapters without first buying out his scrolls from the previous chapter.

Below we can see that Orrick offers scrolls 4-16, 45-66 and 100-125. Clearly then, he is our main source of spell scrolls.

In parenthesis is given the instance; that is (3) means the 3rd itemization instance of the scroll.

  1. Protection From Petrification (Easthaven IWD: Orc Cave)
  2. Horror (Orc Cave)
  3. Blur (Kuldahar Pass IWD: Old Mill)
  4. Charm Person (1) (Orrick the Grey, upon reaching Kuldahar IWD)
  5. Agannazar's Scorcher (1)
  6. Web IWD (1)
  7. Mirror Image IWD (1)
  8. Melf's Acid Arrow (1)
  9. Detect Invisibility (1)
  10. Chromatic Orb IWD (1)
  11. Sleep IWD (1)
  12. Shield (1)
  13. Magic Missile IWD (1)
  14. Friends IWD (1)
  15. Color Spray IWD (1)
  16. Identify IWD (1)
  17. Luck (Vale of Shadows IWD crypt)
  18. Stinking Cloud (1)
  19. Identify IWD (2)
  20. Grease (1)
  21. Strength (1)
  22. Infravision (1)
  23. Protection From Evil (1)
  24. Color Spray IWD (2)
  25. Invisibility (1)
  26. Chill Touch (1)
  27. Armor (Vale of Shadows, Kresselack)
  28. Larloch's Minor Drain (1)
  29. Haste IWD (1)
  30. Knock (1)
  31. Resist Fear (1)
  32. Blindness (1)
  33. Burning Hands IWD (1)
  34. Agannazar's Scorcher (2)
  35. Ghoul Touch
  36. Shocking Grasp
  37. Shield (2)
  38. Magic Missile IWD (2)
  39. Color Spray IWD (3)
  40. Ghost Armor (1) (Temple of the Forgotten God IWD)
  41. Hold Person
  42. Flame Arrow IWD (1)
  43. Web IWD (2)
  44. Skull Trap IWD (1)
  45. Emotion Fear (Kuldahar, Orrick the Grey, upon reaching Dragon's Eye)
  46. Spirit Armor
  47. Monster Summoning 2
  48. Dire Charm
  49. Slow IWD (1)
  50. Lightning Bolt (1)
  51. Hold Person
  52. Decastave (1)
  53. Snilloc's Snowball Swarm (1)
  54. Charm Person (2)
  55. Agannazar's Scorcher (3)
  56. Web IWD (3)
  57. Mirror Image IWD (2)
  58. Melf's Acid Arrow (2)
  59. Detect Invisibility (2)
  60. Chromatic Orb IWD (2)
  61. Sleep IWD (2)
  62. Shield (3)
  63. Magic Missile IWD (3)
  64. Friends IWD (2)
  65. Color Spray (4)
  66. Dispel Magic
  67. Protection from Normal Missiles (1) (Dragon's Eye IWD)
  68. Fireball IWD
  69. Monster Summoning 1 (1)
  70. Haste IWD (2) (Presio)
  71. Skull Trap IWD (2)
  72. Vampiric Touch
  73. Confusion
  74. Flame Arrow IWD (2) (Geelo)
  75. Monster Summoning 1 (2)
  76. Lightning Bolt (2)
  77. Ice Storm IWD (2)
  78. Blur
  79. Non-Detection (Yxunomei IWD)
  80. Ghost Armor (2)
  81. Dimension Door
  82. Icelance (1)
  83. Mirror Image IWD (3)
  84. Emotion Hopelessness (Severed Hand IWD)
  85. Emotion Courage (1)
  86. Animate Dead
  87. Cone of Cold
  88. Emotion Hope
  89. Minor Globe of Invulnerability
  90. Remove Curse
  91. Emotion Courage (2)
  92. Stoneskin
  93. Icelance (2)
  94. Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
  95. Cloudkill
  96. Beltyn's Burning Blood
  97. Greater Malison (Larrel IWD)
  98. Improved Invisibility
  99. Protection from Normal Missiles (2)
  100. Ice Storm IWD (1) (Kuldahar, Orrick the Grey, upon reaching Upper Dorn's Deep)
  101. Shadow Monsters
  102. Hold Monster
  103. Shroud of Flame
  104. Demi-Shadow Monsters
  105. Emotion: Fear
  106. Spirit Armor
  107. Monster Summoning 2
  108. Dire Charm
  109. Slow IWD (2)
  110. Lightning Bolt (3)
  111. Hold Person
  112. Decastave (1)
  113. Snilloc's Snowball Swarm (2)
  114. Charm Person (3)
  115. Agannazar's Scorcher (4)
  116. Web IWD (4)
  117. Mirror Image IWD (4)
  118. Melf's Acid Arrow (3)
  119. Detect Invisibility (3)
  120. Chromatic Orb IWD (3)
  121. Sleep IWD (3)
  122. Shield (4)
  123. Magic Missile IWD (4)
  124. Friends IWD (3)
  125. Color Spray IWD (5)
  126. Summon Shadow (Bandoth, Upper Dorn's Deep IWD)
  127. Feeblemind
  128. Conjure Earth Elemental
  129. Conjure Fire Elemental
  130. Conjure Water Elemental
  131. Antimagic Shell (Terikan Lich)
  132. Chaos
  133. Domination
  134. Monster Summoning 3
  135. Globe of Invulnerability (Wyrm's Tooth IWD: Kontik)
  136. Chain Lightning
  137. Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
  138. Monster Summoning 4 (Lower Dorn's Deep IWD: Nym)
  139. Monster Summoning 6
  140. Lich Touch
  141. Acid Storm
  142. Stone to Flesh
  143. Invisible Stalker
  144. Prismatic Spray
  145. Mind Blank
  146. Mordenkainen's Sword (Malavon IWD)
  147. Power Word: Stun
  148. Power Word: Silence
  149. Monster Summoning 5
  150. Malavon's Rage
  151. Monster Summoning 7
  152. Tenser's Transformation
  153. Flesh to Stone
  154. Finger of Death
  155. Mass Invisibility
  156. Power Word Kill
  157. Incendiary Cloud
  158. Death Fog
  159. Death Spell
  160. Disintegrate
  161. Shades

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