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Psionic Laboratory X-COM UFO Defense

Psionic Laboratory X-COM UFO Defense

Psionic Laboratory is an X-COM base facility in X-COM UFO Defense.

Psionic Laboratory Research

Psionic Laboratory is unlocked by researching a captured living Sectoid X-COM or Ethereal X-COM of Leader or Commander rank. 

Research of Psi-Amp X-COM and Mind Shield X-COM is unlocked upon completion of Psi-Lab construction.

Psionic Laboratory Stats

  • Construction Time: 24 days
  • Construction Cost: $750,000
  • Maintenance Cost: $16,000

Psionic Training

10 X-COM soldiers can undergo psionic training per psi-lab constructed. Left shows the assignment (who is going to train) and right shows the psionic strength, skill improvement score that appear when one month of training as been completed.

Return to X-COM UFO Defense Guide (Index).

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