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Muton X-COM UFO Defense

Muton X-COM UFO Defense

Muton is an alien life form in X-COM UFO Defense. Mutons are most notable for their high health, strength and melee accuracy.

Along with Sectopod X-COM, Mutons are the tankiest aliens in X-COM. It is best to employ Laser and Plasma weapons versus Mutons, culminating in Heavy Laser X-COM and Heavy Plasma X-COM.

This humanoid creature is physically powerful and intelligent. They have a particular appetite for consuming raw flesh of any kind, which they need for sustenance like earth based carnivores. They appear to rely on telepathic commands from a race known as 'Ethereals'. Once separated from this telepathic link their mental system appears to break down and they die. The cybernetic implants are used to enhance their combat performance. They are clearly the foot soldiers for a higher intelligence.

Muton Autopsy

The 'skin' of this creature appears to be an organically created protective armour which is grafted onto the body. There are numerous cybernetic implants which are used to enhance the cardio-vascular system and the senses. The reproductive organs appear to have been surgically removed. Evidently these unfortunate creatures are limited to a life of warfare and conquest. Armour piercing ammunition is not very effective against their toughened skin.

Muton Soldier

Muton Engineer

Muton Navigator

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