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Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 Minor Traits

JA2 1.13 Minor Traits

There are 12 Minor Traits in Jagged Alliance 2 1.13. Unlike Major Traits, we can only receive one Minor Trait selection.

Ambidextrous JA2 1.13

  • +20% speed on reloading guns with magazines 
  • -33% speed on reloading guns with loose rounds
  • -33% APs to pick up items
  • -33% APs to work backpack
  • -33% APs to handle doors
  • -33% APs to plant/remove bombs and mines
  • -33% APs to attach items

Athletics JA2 1.13

  • +25% APs for movement (running, walking, squatting, crawling, swimming etc.)
  • +33% energy spent for moving, roof-climbing, obstacle-jumping, swimming etc.

Bodybuilding JA2 1.13

  • +25% damage resistance
  • +30% effective strength for carrying weight capacity
  • Reduced energy lost when hit by HtH attack by 50%
  • Increased damage needed to fall down by 100% if hit on legs

Demolitions JA2 1.13

  • -25% APs to throw grenades
  • +20% max range when throwing grenades
  • +30% CtH when throwing grenades
  • +25% damage for set bombs and mines
  • +50% to attaching detonators check
  • +50% to plant/remove bombs check
  • Decreased chance of enemy detecting your bombs and mines (+5 bomb level)
  • Increased chance for shaped charge on opening doors (x3 damage)

Melee JA2 1.13

  • -20% APs to attack with blades
  • +35% CtH with blades
  • +25% CtH with blunt melee weapons
  • +30% damage with blades
  • +30% damage with blunt melee weapons
  • Aimed attack with any melee weapon deals +50% damage 
  • +30% chance to dodge attack from melee blades
  • +20% additional chance to dodge melee blades if holding a blade
  • +20% chance to dodge attack from blunt melee weapons
  • +10% additional chance to dodge blunt melee weapons if holding a blade

Night Ops JA2 1.13

  • +1 to effective sight range in the dark
  • +1 to general effective hearing range
  • +2 additional hearing range in the dark
  • +2 to interrupts modifier in the dark
  • -3 need to sleep

Radio Operator JA2 1.13

  • Can use communications equipment
  • Can call in artillery strikes from allies in neighboring sectors
  • Via Frequency Scan assignmnent, enemy patrols can be located
  • Communications can be jammed sector-wide
  • If communiciations are jammed, an operator can scan for the jamming device
  • Can call in militia reinforcements from neighboring sectors

Scouting JA2 1.13

  • +10% to effective sight range with scopes on weapons
  • +40% to effective sight range with binoculars (and scopes separated from weapons)
  • -20% tunnel vision with binoculars (and scopes separated from weapons
  • If in sector, adjacent sectors with show exact number of enemies
  • Prevents enemy ambushes on your squad
  • Prevents bloodcat ambushes on your squad

Stealthy JA2 1.13

  • -50% APs to move quietly
  • +40% chance to move quietly
  • +24% stealth (being "invisible" if unnoticed)
  • -20% chance to be interrupted
  • Reduced cover penalty for movement by 25%

Survival JA2 1.13

  • -30% travel time needed between sectors if taveling by foot
  • -15% travel time needed between sectors if traveling in vehicle (except helicopter)
  • -50% less energy spent for traveling between sectors
  • -25% weather penalties
  • -75% worn ot speed of camouflage by water or time
  • +10% snake vision
  • +20% camouflage effectiveness

Teaching JA2 1.13

  • +40% bonus to militia training speed
  • +40% bonus to effective leadership for determining militia training
  • +40% bonus to teach other mercs
  • Skill value treated to be +25 higher for being able to teach this skill to other mercs
  • +25% bonus to train stats through self-practice management

Throwing JA2 1.13

  • -20% basic APs to throw blades
  • +15% max range when throwing blades
  • +25% CtH when throwing blades
  • +5% CtH when throwing blades per aim click
  • +15% damage with throwing blades
  • +10% damage with throwing blades per aim click
  • +20% chance to inflict critical hit with throwing blade if not seen or heard
  • +1% critical hit with throwing blade mutiplier
  • Adds 1 more aim click for throwing blades

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