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Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 Major Traits

JA2 1.13 Major Traits

There are 10 Major Traits in Jagged Alliance 2 1.13. We receive two Major Trait selections. We can select two Major traits once to receive each of their respective bonuses or select one Major Trait twice to receive a doubling of the bonuses. The following alphabetical listing shows all Major traits with double sections; that is, the trait has been chosen twice.

Bombardier JA2 1.13

Heavy Weapons (1) Bombardier (2).

  • -40% APs to fire grenade launchers
  • -40% APs to fire rocket launchers
  • +50% CtH with grenade launchers
  • +50% CtH with rocket launchers
  • -20% APs o fire mortar
  • Reduced penalty for mortar CtH by 100%
  • +60% damage to other targets with heavy weapons
  • Focus skill: +4 interrupt modifier in marked area

Doctor JA2 1.13

Paramedic (1) -- Doctor (2).

  • Able to use medical bag to perform surgical intervention on wounded soldier
  • Surgery instantly returns 50% of lost health back. (This will deplete the medical bag.)
  • Returned health can be boosted an additional 15% by using blood bags
  • Able to heal lost stats (from critical hits) by surgery or doctor assignment
  • +50% effectiveness on doctor-patient assignment
  • +60% bandaging speed
  • +20% natural regeneration speed for all soldiers in the same sector (max 4 of these bonuses per sector stack)

Engineer JA2 1.13

Technician (1) -- Engineer (2).

  • +50% to repair speed
  • +60% to lockpick (normal/electronic locks)
  • +80% to disarm electronic traps
  • +80% to attach special items and combining things
  • +40% to unjam a gun in combat
  • Reduced penalty to repair electronic items by 100%
  • Increased chance to detect traps and mines (+4 detect level)
  • +20% robot's CtH controlled by the engineer
  • Engineer trait grants ability to repair the robot
  • Reduced penalty to repair speed of the robot by 66%

Gunfighter JA2 1.13

Gunslinger (1) -- Gunfighter (2).

  • -30% APs to fire with pistols and revolvers
  • +20% effective range with pistols and revolvers
  • +20% CtH with pistols and revolvers
  • +10% CtH with machine pistols (on single shots only)
  • +10% aiming bonus per click with pistols, machine pistols and revolvers
  • -30% APs to tready pistols and revolvers
  • -50% APs to reload pistols, machine pistols and revolvers
  • Adds to more aim clicks for pistols, machine pistols and revolvers
  • Focus skill +4 interrupt modifier in marked area
  • Can fan the hammer with revolvers

Machinegunner JA2 1.13

Auto Weapons (1) -- Machinegunner (2).

  • +10% CtH with assault rifles
  • +10% CtH with SMGs
  • +10% CtH with LMGs
  • -20% APs to fire LMGs on autofire or burst mode
  • -20% APs to fire LMGs
  • Auto fire/burst CtH penalty reduced by 60%
  • Reduced chance for shooting extra bullets on autofire
  • Focus skill: +4 interrupt modifier in marked area

Martial Arts JA2 1.13

Hand to Hand (1) -- Martial Arts (2).

  • -30% APs for hand to hand attacks (bare hands or with brass knuckles)
  • +60% CtH with HtH attacks with bare hands
  • +50% CtH with hHtH attacks with brass knuckles
  • +60% damage of HtH attacks (bare hands or with brass knuckles)
  • +30% breath damage of HtH attacks (bare hands or with brass knuckles)
  • Enemy knocked out due to your HtH attacks takes very long to recuperate
  • Special spinning kick deals +100% more damage
  • +60% chance to dodge HtH attacks
  • +10% additional chance to dodge HtH attacks with bare hands
  • +40% chance to dodge attacks by melee any weapon
  • -50%  APs to steal weapon from enemy hands
  • -50% APS to chance stance (stand, crouch, prone)
  • -50% APs to turn around
  • -50% APs to climb on/off roof and jump obstacles 
  • -80% chance to be interrupted when charging towards an enemy at close range
  • +50% chance to kick open doors
  • Gains special animations for HtH combat

Ranger JA2 1.13

Hunter (1) -- Ranger (2).

  • +10% CtH with rifles
  • +20% CtH with shotguns
  • -50% APs to pump shotguns
  • -20% APs to fire shotguns
  • -30% APs to reload single shotgun shells
  • Adds to more aim clicks for shotguns
  • Adds 1 more aim click for rifles
  • +20% effective range with shotguns 
  • Focus skill: +4 interrupt modifier in marked area

Sniper JA2 1.13

Marksman (1) -- Sniper (2).

  • +10% CtH with rifles
  • +20% CtH with sniper rifles
  • -10% effective range to target with all weapons
  • +20% aiming bonus per aim click (except for handguns)
  • +10% damage on shot per every aim click after first
  • -50% APs to chamber a round with bolt-action rifles
  • Adds 2 more aim clicks for rifle-type guns
  • Focus skill: +4 interrupt modifier in marked area

Spy JA2 1.13

Covert Ops (1) -- Spy (2).

  • Able to disguise as a civilian or soldier to slip behind enemy lines
  • Will be detected if performing suspicious actions, having suspicious gear or being near fresh corpses
  • Will be detected if disguised as a soldier and closer than 5 tiles to a fresh corpse
  • +80% CtH with covert melee weapons
  • +70% chance of instakill with covert melee weapons
  • Disguise AP cost lowered by 40%
  • Can convince enemy soldiers to secretly change sides (defect)

Squadleader JA2 1.13

Deputy (1) -- Squadleader (2).

  • +10% APs per round of other mercs in the vicinity
  • +2 effective exp level of other mercs in vicinity, which have lesser level than the squadleader
  • +2 effective exp level to count as a standby when counting friends' bonus for suppression
  • +40% chance to trigger collective interrupts
  • +40% total suppression tolerance for other mercs in the vicinity and squadleader himself
  • +2 morale gain for other mercs in the vicinity
  • -2 morale loss for other mercs in the vicinity
  • The vicinity bonus is 10 tiles (20 with extended ears)
  • (Max simultaneous bonuses for one soldier is 3)
  • +100% fear resistance to squadleader
  • Drawback: 3x morale loss for squadleader's death for all other mercs

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