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Storm of Zehir, Luaire

Chokemist Cave

Strange spores, carried aloft by a strange wind originating from within the cave, occasionally billow forth from the cave mouth.

Lair of Luaire

Samagol - Sabotage

Now that the message has been sent Sa'Sani asks you to identify that toxin. Talk to Vadin'ya about it and she identifies it as derived from the Chokemist plant. More ominously it is known as "Breath of Talona"...

You need to go to Chokemist cave west of Samargol to hunt down this Luaire freak.


Here is Luaire in his scaley green-skinned glory, breathing in chokemist and not getting confuzzled. After his mandatory evil rant slay the dog and his three Corrupted Spiders. Loot his corpse for Saboteur's Stiletto +1 (1d4 Acid), Amulet of Protection +1, Dragon Bile, Emerald, Improved Thunderstone.

Don't linger here long because the Chokemist will poison you and cause confusional states.

Now, before returning to Sa'Sani with the news that Luaire was yuan-ti you should complete Volo's quests because he leaves Samarach with her. 

Samargol - Local Delicacy

This is the third quest given to us by Volo: he wants a steak. That means finding and slaying a "dino-saur", a megaraptor. it's usually found southwest of the Waterfall cave.

The reptilian creature is old and somewhat blind, relying mostly on its hearing and sense of smell to hunt its prey. It has a blue circle under it indicating a non hostile state so make it hostile and slay it.

Return the Dinosaur Steak to Volo for 600 xp and 1,500 gp.

That's it for Volo's quests. You can tell him about your adventures as you proceed and gain feats like Tourist, then Wanderer, Wayfarer etc.

Tourist: Search +1 (5 locations).

Wrapping up Samarach

Samargol - Northward Bound

We receive 1,000 XP for taking out Luaire. The Council has ordered Sa'Sani to be exiled from Samarach until her innocence is proven, or she'll be executed. Nas'Sirin desires to relocate to Rassatan but Sa'Sani decides to leave immediately for Crossroad Keep, asking you to meet her there. So Sa'Sani, Volo, and Nas'Sirin leave for the Lantanese portal. Osi remains.

Ok, we're off to the Sword Coast. Hike back up north to the Lantanese lumber camp. Tell Dall you're ready to enter the portal and step through!

However, the portal malfunctions and you end up in a crypt, greeted by a hostile necromancer and his skeletal minions. 

Crypt of a Dwarven Necromancer

What the...? Where in the nine hells did you come from? - Dwarven Necromancer.

Necromancer: Improved Tanglefoot Bag, Improved Choking Powder.

Sarcophagi: Emerald, Shield of the Watch (AC vs. Human +2), Armor of Comfort (iron heavy armor, AC Bonus +2, Heal +2, Weight Reduction: 20% of weight).

Take your leave of the crypt to find yourself on the Sword Coast OLM.

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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