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H&K P90c Fallout 2

H&K P90c Fallout 2

H&K P90c is a Small Gun in Black Isle's cRPG Definition of 1998, Fallout 2. The HK P90c Small Gun fires 12x 10mm rounds per burst, and can fire three bursts per turn (3 AP per burst). While two bursts empties the clip, we still have enough AP to reload and fire the third burst if we have the Fast Shot trait, the Bonus Rate of Fire perk and Action Boy x2. If we have another P90c on switch, we can fire 4 bursts on our turn that can do between 500-1200 dmg per burst. The P90c can also fire in single shot mode with an AP expenditure of just 2 with such a build (max 6 shots per turn).

Comparable to the FN P90 of JA2, what the HK P90c is capable of is absolutely incredible. In most scenarios, its DPT outstrips the highest-end and rarist Energy Weapons and Big Guns.

H&K P90c Stats

The Heckler & Koch P90c was just coming into use at the time of the war. The weapon's bullpup layout, and compact design, make it easy to control. The durable P90c is prized for its reliability, and high firepower in a ruggedly-compact package.

  • Damage: 12-16
  • Range: 30
  • AP Cost: 4 single shot / 5 burst-fire
  • Rounds per Burst: 12
  • Ammo: 24/24 10mm JHP / AP
  • ST req.: 4
  • Weight: 8 pounds

H&K P90c Location

H&K P90c is randomly stocked by merchants in San Francisco, and also by Buster and Duppo in NCR bazaar. It is also looted from the corpses of Marauders in random encounters. The 10mm ammo for H&K P90c is found everywhere.

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