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Sectopod X-COM UFO Defense

Sectopod X-COM UFO Defense

Sectopod is an alien life form in X-COM UFO Defense. Sectopods are most notable for their plasma-resistant heavy armor. Heavy Laser X-COM is recommended vs. Sectopods.

Along with Muton X-COM, Sectopods are the tankiest aliens in X-COM.

Sectopods are robot creatures with a powerful plasma beam weapon. The control if these mechanical beasts is via a telepathic link to their controllers, the Ethereals. Sectopods are the most powerful terror weapon available to the alien forces.

Sectopod Autopsy

The robot is sturdily constructed with powered armour capable of resisting most forms of attack, in particular plasma weapons. However, the sensing circuitry seems particularly vulnerable to laser weapons.

Sectopod Terrorist (Beginner Stats)

Sectopod Terrorist (Superhuman Stats)

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