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Best Axe Baldur's Gate 1

Best Axe Baldur's Gate 1

Dwarven Throwing Axe +2: The Furnace is a Dark Side of the Sword Coast axe most notable for its ApR +1, auto-replenishing ammo and on-hit, no-save fire damage. The Furnace is the best axe in Baldur's Gate 1 and DSotSC.

The Furnace axe is found in a chest in the Forest Dragon's cave.

This throwing axe has not only been finely balanced for use as a missile weapon but has also been the subject of significant magical enhancement. As a result, it is both more damaging and more accurate than any non-magical weapon of a similar style.

Battle Axe +2 BG1

On the other hand, axes in vanilla BG1 are underwhelming in that Battle Axe +2 is found on the corpse of Gretek in the Helm & Cloak inn of Baldur's Gate city in Chapter 5 whereas Ashideena & Varscona can be found in Chapter -- and they also have on-hit elemental damage, unlike the axe.

  • Damage: 1d8 +2
  • THAC0: +2 bonus
  • Damage type: slashing
  • Weight: 5
  • Speed Factor: 5
  • Weapon Proficiency BG1: Axe
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief
  • Battle Axe +2 Item Code: AX1H03

Battle axe +2: 'Battleaxe of Mauletar': During the Tethyr civil war, the Battleaxe of Mauletar was in the possession of the house of Ossyind. This noble family was betrayed while trying to flee the country, and Mauletar, lead guard and personal friend, took up the axe and sacrificed himself to buy enough time for his companions to flee. His battle cry was favored by the gods, and was echoed across the lands as a symbol of devoted friendship and loyalty. Thus, the magical axe was used to uphold these virtues, to be used against those who lacked honor and courage.

Throwing Axe +2 BG1

  • Damage: 1d6 +3
  • THAC0: +2 bonus
  • Melee: slashing
  • Thrown: Missile/piercing
  • Special: Returns to wielder's hand once thrown
  • Weight: 3
  • Speed Factor: 2
  • Weapon Proficiency BG1: Axe
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief
  • Throwing Axe +2 Item Code: AX1H05
  • Throwing Axe +2 Location: Found on the corpse of Prat in Candlekeep catacombs

Bala's Axe: Wizard Slayer

  • Damage: 1d8
  • Damage type: slashing
  • Special: Miscast Magic affects victim on each successful hit
  • Miscast Magic: Any spell casting creature that is affected by this spell has its casting ability severely disabled. When the creature attempts to cast a spell it has an 80% chance of failure. Creatures can save vs spells to avoid the affect, but do so at -2.
  • Bala's Axe Item Code: AX1H07
  • Bala's Axe Location: Found in a statue on Durlag's Tower Level 3.

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