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PLATE MAIL ARMOR, Baldur's Gate 1

Plate Mail Armor

Paladin in Plate Mail

Plate Mail Armor is a BG1 Item in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Under my criteria, Plate Mail Armor is numero uno. It is heavily itemized and sees a hell of a lot of use in Baldur's Gate. It is true that our chosen supertankers will upgrade to Full Plate Mail very quickly in BG1 and BG2, but how about our Clerics and other combat units? There isn't enough FPM to go around.

Moreover, FPM is not even itemized in IWD1. Thus, our tanks are going to be wearing PMA (+ Ring of Protection / Cloak of Protection) until they find MFPA, which comes in at 5th. Thus, PMA is the best armor on the Infinity Engine (in terms of how much use it gets).

Plate Mail Armor Location

Plate Mail Armor is purchased from Thunderhammer Smithy and Ulgoth's Beard Store

Plate Mail Armor Stats

  • Armor Class: AC 3
  • Weight: 50
  • Not usable by: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Plate Mail Armor Item Code

The item code for Plate Mail Armor is PLAT01.

Plate Mail Armor Description

Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises of chain and leather.

Baldur's Gate Items Full Plate Mail BG1 Gauntlets of Ogre Power BG1
Helm of Balduran BG1 Plate Mail Armor BG1 Gauntlets of Dexterity BG1
Cloak of Balduran BG1 Ankheg Armor BG1 Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise BG1
Drizzt Armor BG1 Boots of Speed BG1 Large Shield +2 BG1
Algernon's Cloak BG1 Horn of Kazgaroth BG1 Claw of Kazgaroth BG1

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