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Paladin Build ToEE

The Paladin Build is a ToEE Build for Troika's cRPG of 2003, Temple of Elemental Evil. In ToEE, combat roles of the Paladin include physical-based damage dealer, smiter, undead disruptor and conventional tank. Paladins also possess minimal buffing, healing and warding ability through their Paladin spells. Non-combat role is diplomat.

Pure Paladin Build

Human Female Paladin of Heironeous (Smiter & Disruptor): Lady Maerynae.
Alignment: Lawful Good

  • Strength: max to 18
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Constitution: as high as you can get it
  • Intelligence: dump to 8 is fine
  • Wisdom: 14 for max spells
  • Charisma: max to 18, pump every 4 lvls for +2

Key feats: Aura of Courage grants immunity to fear, Divine Health grants immunity to Disease and Divine Grace grants a bonus to all saving throws equal to the Charisma modifier. The immunities would be powerful if ToEE was an undead-heavy campaign, but it isn't. Still, they are useful at points. As is Turn Undead.

Mode of operation: Self-buff with Divine Favor, crank Power Attack and activate Smite Evil. Something evil just died. We like that.

Weapon: Paladins can wield any weapon but I choose Bastard Sword due to its authentic flavor. WF: Bastard Sword means you will start with a mundane BS equipped.

Crafted weapon: Bastard Sword +3 Holy/Axiomatic. If masterwork or magical BS cannot be found, simply cast Magic Weapon or GMW on generic BS before attempting to craft.

We must take Exotic WP: BS if we want to wield a Bastard Sword with an off-hand shield. Else, we can only wield the BS with two hands. Of course, from a purely +dmg PoV, 2-handing is preferable anyway, in which case we would go for greatsword, greataxe or glaive instead. But I wanted to make this build a traditional sword and shield paladin, not a power-gaming one. Note that by taking Exotic WP: BS we are locked out of 2-handing Bastard Swords, which is silly.

If you're going to Keen your weapon through spell/craft, don't take Improved Critical at 10th. They don't stack like in NWN.

Crafted Armor: Full Plate allows for Max Dex AC bonus of +1. Look for masterwork and magical full plate and then craft it with spell resistance, if you like.

Crafted Shield: A crafted Tower Shield +3 is superior to Hedrack's Shield by two points of AC.

Other crafts: Gloves of Giant Strength +6, Amulet of Health +6, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Cloak of Charisma +6, Ring of Protection +3 and Amulet of Natural Armor +2.

cf. Craft Magic Arms and Armor ToEE and Craft Wondrous Items ToEE.

One-handed smiting:

Two-handed smiting:

Thrommel's Fragarach or Scather are also an option. Note that Paladins erroneously do NOT become Fallen by slaying Prince Thrommel.

Fighter Paladin Build

Doesn't break into second circle spells and misses out on 1x Smite Evil, but gains three feats which enhance physical-based damage dealing: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Specialization and Great Cleave.

Fallen Paladins

Paladins can become Fallen by performing evil acts, thereby losing their divine powers and ability to advance as Paladin. In ToEE, this mechanic is quite a bit more sensitive than in Baldur's Gate in that Paladins are guilty by association. Even if they don't land the killing blow on that innocent or aren't the party member recruiting the evil companion, they will Fall. Thus, care must be taken. 

Paladin Atonement

Paladins that become Fallen may atone through Terjon at the Church of St. Cuthbert in North Hommlet.

The sin? The party's dwarf entered a drinking contest at the local inn.

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