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Ascension Bhaalspawn Abilities

Ascension Bhaalspawn Abilities

In Ascension BG2, modal Ascension Bhaalspawn Abilities are granted after completing challenges that are posed post-Solar dialogues in Throne of Bhaal. Starting with the second challenge, there are four Good and four Evil Bhaalspawn Abilities that are granted to the player character based on their dialogue choices with the Solar.

Since we can mix and match Good & Evil Bhaalspawn ability powers, the best choices for most builds are going to be Regeneration, Draw Upon Holy Might, Hand of Murder and 25% Damage Resistance BG2.

Ascension Bhaalspawn Abilities are much more powerful than the original Bhaalspawn Abilities Baldur's Gate. Transformation to Slayer Ascension is also technically a Bhaalspawn Ability, but I have covered Slayer BG2 separately.

Mass Healing (Challenge 2: Good Ability)

  • Necromancy
  • Range: Sight of caster 
  • Duration: Permanent 
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: 30 foot radius
  • Saving Throw: None 

When using this ability, the Bhaalspawn must picture the faces of his fellow party members clearly and focus on the unity of the group. Upon completion, all party members within 30 foot radius of the caster are healed 2d8 + 2/level hit points. Other conditions suffered by the party are cured, as well: fatigue, poison, disease, blindness and deafness.

Regeneration (Challenge 2: Evil Ability)

  • Necromancy
  • Level: 7
  • Sphere:  Healing
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: Target Creature
  • Saving Throw: None 

This powerful spell enables the priest to imbue 1 creature with the ability to regenerate. This regeneration will heal any wounds and even regenerate lost limbs. The creature affected will regain 3 hit points per second.  The effect lasts for 1 round per every 2 levels of the caster or until dispelled. For example, a 14th level priest would regenerate 18 hit points per round for 7 rounds.

Remember that the rate of regeneration is erroneously doubled by Improved Haste.

Draw Upon Holy Might (Challenge 3: Good Ability)

  • Invocation
  • Range: 0 
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: The caster 
  • Saving Throw: None 

The Bhaalspawn calls upon the might of his blood to grant him power for a short period. When he does this, his strength, constitution and dexterity all are raised by 1 point for every 3 levels of the caster. A third level caster would have his abilities raised by 1, while a 12th level caster would have all his abilities raised by 4.

Dark Taint Ascension (Challenge 3: Evil Ability)

  • Necromancy
  • Range: 20 feet
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: 1 creature
  • Saving Throw: Negates

Through this spell, the Bhaalspawn can expel the taint of their evil sire onto a victim, poisoning those who fail their save vs. death.  The effects depend upon the caster's level and are detailed below:

  • 7-9th level:  2d8  +  2/round, slow for 12 seconds, save at -2
  • 10-12th level:  3d8  + 3/round, slow for 12 seconds, save at -2
  • 13-14th level:  4d8  +  4/round, slow for 12 seconds, save at -2
  • 15-16th level:  6d8  +  5/round, slow for 24 seconds, save at -2
  • 17-21st level:  8d8  +  6/round, slow for 24 seconds, save at -4
  • 25th level: 8d8 + 6/round, slow for 36 seconds, save at -4, affects group of targets

Permanent Negative Plane Protection & 5% MR (Challenge 4: Good Ability)

Confers immunity to level drain and energy drain as well as 5% Magic Resistance Baldur's Gate 2.

Hand of Murder (Challenge 4: Evil Ability)

  • Necromancy 
  • Range: Caster
  • Duration: 1 rounds/5 levels
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Saving Throw: none

When this power is called upon by the Bhaalspawn, they immediately do extra damage with each hit to their target with any melee weapon they wish (whether it be fist or sword), their dark energies travelling through their weapon and assaulting their victim...and absorb that damage as healing to themselves. The effects vary by level as follows:

  • 10th: 2 rounds, 4 hp extra damage, 4 hp healed
  • 15th: 3 rounds, 6 hp extra damage, 6 hp healed
  • 20th: 4 rounds, 8 hp extra damage, 8 hp healed
  • 25th: 5 rounds, 10 hp extra damage, 10 hp healed
  • 30th: 6 rounds, 12 hp extra damage, 12 hp healed

The "hp extra damage" is no-save, MR-bypassing magic damage. Thus, at 30th level we are adding 12 magic damage to each and every attack. The only way to resist such damage is through Magic Damage Resistance BG2, which is rare (Ascension Balthazar and Ascension Ravager both have MDR).

Resurrection (Challenge 5: Good Ability)

  • Necromancy
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: Creature Touched
  • Saving Throw: None

Like the 5th level spell Raise Dead, Resurrection will return a character back to life. However, Resurrection also heals the character so that they are ready for the adventuring life once more.

Permanent 25% Resistance to Physical Damage (Challenge 5: Evil Ability)

Grants 25% damage resistance BG2 to slashing, piercing, crushing and missile damage. This physical resistance stacks with Barbarian BG2 damage resistance, for innate 45% DR. With Hardiness BG2, we have 85% DR. But Hardiness erroneously stacks with itself in the original game, anyway.

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