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Phantasy Calradia, Warband

Phantasy Calradia Warband

Phantasy Calradia is a Warband Mod for Taleworlds' cRPG of 2010, Mount & Blade Warband. Phantasy Calradia is heavily influenced by Dungeons & Dragons cRPGs.

Phantasy Calradia features dwarves, elves, orcs, undead, wolfweres, magic, firearms, teleportation, crafting etc.

Note that, on the strategy map, nearby allied forces don't join to help their faction. I don't think this is a bug, just a design choice.

Phantasy Calradia Factions

In addition to the six native factions, Phantasy Calradia adds seven:

  • Bleeding Throat Clan: Orcish Kingdom, orc shaman and warg mounts
  • Delthersam Empire: Kingdom of the Dead (Necromancers, Undead)
  • Dokohan Koldoff Alliance: Elven Kingdom (archers similar to Vaegir Marksmen)
  • House of Ken Urden: Drow Kingdom (Dark High Priestesses of Lolth)
  • Norkrak Realm: Dwarven Kingdom (crossbow, arquebus)
  • Order of Blazing Hand: Knights, Paladins (heavy infantry and heavy cavalry)
  • Ridas Magocracy: Kingdom of Mages (golems)

Phantasy Calradia Mages

For powergaming purposes, Mages are the best build choice. Or rather, it is better to say that Mages are obscenely over-powered compared to martials and gunfighters. Mages level much more quickly due to their D&D-based AoEs (Fireball, Ice Storm) and regenerating mana.

Mages can cast Haste on the whole army, too. Master Mages basically own everything with their spellcasting. Assuming the player employs basic tactics, 100 Master Mages can besiege any castle and take out any army on the battlefield. As a Mage, I lost count of my kills in a single siege. It must have been over 200, though.

If we want our Hero to max out as Mage, all points should go into Intelligence until it's at 45 (about 30th level). We then max Magic Power to 15 and then get 10 skill ranks in Wound Treatment, Surgery, First aid, Spotting, Pathfinding and Tactics (giving us the max of +4 on top of the 15 that companions have in the skill).

At that point (30th level), we can also max out a couple of Leader skills as well as Magic Defense (since enemy spells can one-shot us). Agility is not so important for Mages. I've found 3 skillranks in Weapon Master to be enough to increase the Throwing skill to a passable standard (which governs accuracy of "thrown" spells).

Don't bother building your character for maximum inventory space (Inventory Management skill), as the game may delete items from your inventory. Store your items in town chests, instead.

This mod removes companion incompatibilities. And it adds many companions of its own. Thus, is it possible to get a small army of mages and clerics going with just our companion pool (I had 30 companions; half of them were mages).

Optimization dictates that Hero and companion Mages must wield Archmage Staffs and wear Archmage Robes and Archmage Hats.

The Hero should also be wearing the Healer's Ring for its AoE healing pulse.

Spell scrolls are purchased at Mage Guilds:

  • Elf Forest
  • Mage Tower
  • Obsidian Spire
  • Shin'szaluk's Ladder

You need the Magic Power skill to scribe spells to your spellbook (Magic Power 1-6, depending on spell).

Phantasy Calradia Bugs, Oversights & Annoyances

  • I couldn't work out how to get out of sieges. Hitting the Tab key did not work even when I was winning the siege, and there were no enemies nearby.
  • I couldn't leave the Obsidian Spire from the MENU.
  • Enemies get stuck on stairwells during sieges. They just bunch up together due to bad pathing routine or walkmesh placement. Thus, we can light them up with Fireballs and get massive XP gain. This is quite amusing at first -- until you realize that it breaks the game. Then it's a disappointment.


Phantasy Calradia doesn't have the production values of Pendor and Perisno, but I'd say it's probably the most entertaining mod for Warband.

Phantasy Calradia Companion Roles

  • Artimenner: Engineering, Tactics
  • Borcha: Pathfinding, Spotting
  • Jeremus: First Aid, Surgery, Wound Treatment
  • Aedan & Rasreira:  Mages!
  • Berembert: Crafter

Phantasy Calradia Skills

There are eight new skills in Phantasy Calradia. Note that +4 is the max party skill bonus (10 skillranks). We don't get more bonuses by taking the skill to 15.

  • Trade: Every level of this skill reduces your trade penalty by 5%. (Party skill)
  • Leadership: Every point increases maximum number of troops you can command by 5, increases your party morale and reduces troop wages by 5%. (Leader skill)
  • Prisoner Management: Every level of this skill increases maximum number of prisoners by 5. (Leader skill)
  • Entertainment: This skill is useful when performing in towns. It can help you get some money, renown, right to rule and increase your party morale.(Personal skill).
  • Faith: This skill represents a character's devotion to a particular deity. Vital for clerics.
  • Persuasion: This skill helps you make other people accept your point of view. It also lowers the minimum level of relationship needed to get NPCs to do what you want. (Personal skill)
  • Engineer: This skill allows you to construct siege equipment and fief improvements more efficiently. (Party skill)
  • First Aid: Heroes regain 5% per skill level of hit-points lost during mission. (Party skill)
  • Surgery: Each point to this skill gives a 4% chance that a mortally struck party member will be wounded rather than killed. (Party skill)
  • Wound Treatment: Party healing speed is increased by 20% per level of this skill. (Party skill)
  • Inventory Management: Increases inventory capacity by +6 per skill level. (Leader skill)
  • Spotting: Party seeing range is increased by 10% per skill level. (Party skill)
  • Path-finding: Party map speed is increased by 3% per skill level. (Party skill)
  • Tactics: Every two levels of this skill increases starting battle advantage by 1. (Party skill)
  • Tracking: Tracks become more informative. (Party skill)
  • Trainer: Every day, each hero with this skill adds some experience to every other member of the party whose level is lower than his/hers. Experience gained goes as: 0, 4, 10, 16, 23, 30, 38, 46, 55, 65, 80. (Personal skill)
  • Magic Power: This skill represents your prowess when attacking with magic.
  • Magic Defense: This skill represents your resistance to magical attacks.
  • Necromancy: Skill to create undead.
  • Creativity: With this, Berembert can build and tinker new items.
  • Looting: This skill increases the amount of loot obtained by 10% per skill level. (Party skill)
  • Horse Archery: Reduces damage and accuracy penalties for archery, throwing, and some magic spells from horseback. (Personal skill)
  • Riding: Enables you to ride horses of higher difficulty levels and increases your riding speed and manuever. (Personal skill)
  • Athletics: Improves your running speed. Critical for Dodge capability. (Personal skill)
  • Shield: Reduces damage to shields (by 8% per skill level) and improves shield speed and coverage. (Personal skill)
  • Weapon Master: Makes it easier to learn weapon proficiencies and increases the proficiency limits. Limits go as: 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 260, 300, 340, 380, 420. (Personal skill)
  • Stealth: Causes extra damage with light, short weapons when hitting enemies from behind.
  • Unarmed Combat: Fighting bare handed is much more effective, even against armored enemies.
  • Power Draw: Lets character use more powerful bows. Each point to this skill (up to four plus power draw requirement of the bow) increases bow damage by 14%. (Personal skill)
  • Power Throw: Each point to this skill increases throwing damage by 10%. (Personal skill)
  • Power Strike: Each point to this skill increases melee damage by 8%. (Personal skill)
  • Ironflesh: Each point to this skill increases hit points by +2; reduces stun duration. (Personal skill)

Phantasy Calradia Spawns

Looters, Death Knights, Sacreligious Fundamentalists, Drow Surface Raiders, Undead Army, Band of Greedy Dwarves, Lawless Elven Warband, Corsairs, Wandering Demons (Balrogs etc.), Orc Raiders.

Phantasy Calradia Locations

Cursed Battlefield (zombie warriors), Orc Raider Lair.

Best Items Phantasy Calradia 

The best item in Phantasy Calradia is the Healer's Ring.

Best Troops Phantasy Calradia

The best troops in Phantasy Calradia are Mages culminating in Master Mages.

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