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Warband Best Skills

Warband Best Skills

There are 24 skills in TaleWorlds' cRPG of 2010, Mount & Blade: Warband. Each skill has a governing attribute that determines how many ranks can be taken in the skill.

The best martial skills in Warband are Power Strike and Power Draw, whereas the best utility skills are Trainer, Surgery, Spotting and Path-finding.

The best skills for making money are Looting, Trade, Prison Management and Inventory Management.

If the player character attains 10 in a party skill (such as spotting), they automatically gain the full +4 party skill bonus for that skill (regardless of companion ranks in the skill).
Warband skills cap out at 10 ranks maximum though the engine supports up to 15 ranks maximum on some skills (with modifiers supported).

Athletics Warband

Athletics improves your running speed. (Agility, Personal skill)

From my tests, maxing Agility and Athletics results in run-speed x2. While that can be useful in sieges, on battlefields you are better off riding a horse (and dismounting if you want to flank formations on-foot).

Engineer Warband

This skill allows you to construct siege equipment and fief improvements more efficiently. (Intelligence, Party skill)


First Aid Warband

Heroes regain 5% per skill level of hit-points lost during mission. (Intelligence, Party skill)


Horse Archery Warband

Reduces damage and accuracy penalties for archery and throwing from horseback. (Agility, Personal skill)

Inventory Management Warband

Increases inventory capacity by +6 per skill level. (Intelligence, Leader skill)

You should take 1 point of Inventory Management as early as possible.

Ironflesh Warband

Each point to this skill increases hit points by +2. (Strength, Personal skill)

Looting Warband

This skill increases the amount of loot obtained by 10% per skill level. (Agility, Party skill)

Leadership Warband

Every point increases maximum number of troops you can command by 5, increases your party morale and reduces troop wages by 5%. (Charisma, Leader skill)

You can increase party size by farming Renown (beating large forces with small forces).

Prisoner Management Warband

Every level of this skill increases maximum number of prisoners by 5. (Charisma, Leader skill)

Use Slaver Chiefs or Mamlukes to knock out and capture enemies. Then, sell the prisoners to slavers at taverns.

Persuasion Warband

This skill helps you make other people accept your point of view. It also lowers the minimum level of relationship needed to get NPCs to do what you want. (Intelligence, Personal skill)

Surgery Warband

Each point to this skill gives a 4% chance that a mortally struck party member will be wounded rather than killed. (Intelligence, Party skill)


Path-finding Warband

Party map speed is increased by 3% per skill level. (Intelligence, Party skill)


Power Draw Warband

Lets character use more powerful bows. Each point to this skill (up to four plus power-draw requirement of the bow) increases bow damage by 14%. (Strength, Personal skill)

Power Draw does not effect crossbow damage: crossbow damage is flat, but bow damage scales with Power Draw.

Power Strike Warband

Each point to this skill increases melee damage by 8%. (Strength, Personal skill)

Power Throw Warband

Each point to this skill increases throwing damage by 10%. (Strength, Personal skill)

Riding Warband

Enables you to ride horses of higher difficulty levels and increases your riding speed and manuever. (Agility, Personal skill)

How many ranks you take depends on what horse you want to ride. For example, a Champion Courser requires 4 ranks in the Riding skill. cf. Warband Best Horse.

Shield Warband

Reduces damage to shields (by 8% per skill level) and improves shield speed and coverage. (Agility, Personal skill)

Spotting Warband

Party seeing range is increased by 10% per skill level. (Intelligence, Party skill)


Tactics Warband

Every two levels of this skill increases starting battle advantage by 1. (Intelligence, Party skill)

Tracking Warband

Tracks become more informative. (Intelligence, Party skill)


Trade Warband

Every level of this skill reduces your trade penalty by 5%. (Charisma, Party skill)

Trainer Warband

Every day, each hero with this skill adds some experience to every other member of the party whose level is lower than his/hers.

Experience gained goes as: {0, 4, 10, 16, 23, 30, 38, 46, 55, 65, 80}. (Intelligence, Personal skill)

Weapon Master Warband

Makes it easier to learn weapon proficiencies and increases the proficiency limits. Limits go as: 60, 100, 140, 180, 220, 260, 300, 340, 380, 420. (Agility, Personal skill)

Wound Treatment Warband

Party healing speed is increased by 20% per level of this skill. (Intelligence, Party skill)


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