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Warband Unit List

Warband Unit List

A list of units for Taleworlds' cRPG of 2010, Mount & Blade: Warband.

Khergit Units Troop Tree

The Warband Khergit troop tree is comprised of units of the Khergit Khanate faction.

Khergit Tribesman

Khergit Skirmisher

Khergit Horseman

Khergit Horse Archer

Khergit Veteran Horse Archer

Khergit Lancer

Nord Units Troop Tree

The Warband Nord troop tree is comprised of units of the Kingdom of Nords faction.

Nord Recruit

Nord Footman

Nord Trained Footman

Nord Warrior

Nord Veteran

Nord Huscarl

Nord Huntsman

Nord Archer

Nord Veteran Archer

Swadia Units Troop Tree

The Warband Swadia troop tree (Swadians) is comprised of units of the Kingdom of Swadia faction.

Swadian Recruit

Swadian Militia

Swadian Footman

Swadian Infantry

Swadian Sergeant

Swadian Skirmisher

Swadian Crossbowman

Swadian Sharpshooter

Swadian Man at Arms

Swadian Knight

Rhodok Units Troop Tree

The Warband Rhodok troop tree is comprised of units of the Kingdom of Rhodoks faction.

Rhodok Tribesman

Rhodok Spearman

Rhodok Trained Spearman

Rhodok Veteran Spearman

Rhodok Sergeant

Rhodok Crossbowman

Rhodok Trained Crossbowman

Rhodok Veteran Crossbowman

Rhodok Sharpshooter

Sarranid Units Troop Tree

The Warband Sarranid troop tree is comprised of units of the Sarranid Sultanate faction.

Sarranid Recruit

Sarranid Footman

Sarranid Veteran Footman

Sarranid Infantry

Sarranid Guard

Sarranid Skirmisher

Sarranid Archer

Sarranid Master Archer

Sarranid Horseman

Sarranid Mamluke

Vaegir Units Troop Tree

The Warband Vaegir troop tree is comprised of units of the Kingdom of Vaegirs faction.

Vaegir Recruit

Vaegir Footman

Vaegir Skirmisher

Vaegir Archer

Vaegir Marksman

Vaegir Veteran

Vaegir Infantry

Vaegir Guard

Vaegir Horseman

Vaegir Knight

Mercenary Units Troop Tree

The Warband Mercenary troop tree is comprised of mercenaries that can be recruited into warbands by paying their representative a sum of gold in town taverns.



Caravan Guard

Mercenary Swordsman

Hired Blade

Mercenary Crossbowman

Mercenary Horseman

Mercenary Cavalry

Slaver Units Troop Tree

The Warband Slaver troop tree is comprised of mounted units that hunt outlaws. Slaver units can be recruited into warbands by defeating bandits that have captured them.


Slave Driver

Slave Hunter

Slave Crusher

Slaver Chief

Sword Sisters Units Troop Tree

Peasant Woman

Camp Follower


Camp Defender

Sword Sister

Bandit Units Troop Tree

The bandit troop tree is comprised of outlaws that attack faction-warbands and raid caravans and villages. If captured and recruited into warbands, outlaws can become faction units. 


Mountain Bandit

Forest Bandit

Sea Raider

Steppe Bandit

Taiga Bandit

Desert Bandit

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