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Warband Best Attributes

Warband Best Attributes

There are 4 attributes in TaleWorlds' cRPG of 2010, Mount & Blade: Warband. Attributes govern the amount of ranks that can be assigned to Warband skills. Warband attributes cap out at 63 maximum.

The best attributes in Warband are Strength and Intelligence.

Strength Warband

Every point of Strength adds +1 to hit points. Strength also determines what weapons can be wielded and what armors can be worn. You need a Strength score of 15 to wield a Masterwork Sword of War and a Strength score of 9 to wear Lordly Plate Armor.

The following Skills cannot be developed beyond ⅓ of Strength: Ironflesh, Power Strike, Power Draw, Power Throw.

Martial builds (melee or ranged) that want to dominate battlefields (not just "participate") should crank Strength as high as possible as quickly as possible.

Agility Warband

Every point of Agility gives 5 weapon proficiency points and slightly increases your movement speed.

The following Skills cannot be developed beyond ⅓ of Agility: Weapon Master, Shield, Athletics, Riding, Horse Archery, Looting.

Agility is secondary to Strength. It can be useful in siege warfare (stronger shields).

Intelligence Warband

Every point of Intelligence gives 1 extra skillpoint.

The following Skills cannot be developed beyond ⅓ of Intelligence: Trainer, Tracking, Tactics, Path-finding, Spotting, Inventory Management, Wound Treatment, Surgery, First Aid, Engineer, Persuasion.

Even if going for a martial build, Intelligence helps get us the party skill bonuses.

Charisma Warband

Every point of Charisma increases your party size limit by 1.

The following Skills cannot be developed beyond ⅓ of Charisma: Prison Management, Leadership, Trade.

Charisma is more of a late-game attribute.

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