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Warband Best Companions

Warband Best Companions

There are 16 companions in TaleWorlds' cRPG of 2010, Mount & Blade: Warband. Due to his healing abilities in the early game, the best companion in Warband is Jeremus. Due to his scouting abilities, Borcha is also very useful in the early game. Both Jeremus and Borcha remain useful throughout the game, but Warband is hardest in the early game (the uphill battle).

Companions randomly spawn in the taverns of Calradia's towns. Most companions require a fee before they join the party. Most companions come with equipment and a horse.

Alayen, Lezalit, Bunduk, Matheld, Nizar and Rolf are the most capable melee warriors in the early game whereas Bahestur and Deshavi are the best archers in the early game.

Lezalit is also a good early-game trainer. In fact, he is probably the third most useful after Jeremus and Borcha.

Any companion can be tailored to undertake any role as they advance in levels, but some companions begin with a focus that makes them stronger.

Companions range from 1 to 10 character levels.

In building companions (as they level), it is best to give them some fighting, riding and training abilities. Even utility companions (e.g., Jeremus and Borcha) should be given more strength in order to wear better armor (9). Due to the importance of healing and scouting, utility companions should fire bows and crossbows from range, not engage in melee (because we don't want to lose their skills, post-battle).

Alayen Warband

Alayen can be tailored to any warband role.

Artimenner Warband

Artimmener's focus on Engineering can be useful in early-game sieges. He is not so easy to tailor because he is already 7th level.

Baheshtur Warband

Baheshtur is the best early-game archer.

Borcha Warband

Along with Jeremus, Borcha is the best companion for fledgling warbands. Borcha should be tailored to the scouting role (tracking, spotting and path-finding).

Bunduk Warband

Bunduk makes for a strong warrior and Lord.

Deshavi Warband

Deshavi is the best archer after Baheshtur. Like Borcha, she should assume the role of scout.

Firentis Warband

Firentis is an average warrior for 6th level.

Jeremus Warband

Jeremus is the best healer in Warband. He should focus on Intelligence and the three healing skills above all.

Katrin Warband

Katrin is an average warrior.

Klethi Warband

Klethi is good with throwing weapons and can make a good scout.

Lezalit Warband

Lezalit is a strong warrior and trainer. He makes an excellent addition to fledgling warbands.

Marnid Warband

At first level, Marnid can be tailored to any role.

Matheld Warband

Matheld is a strong warrior and leader.

Nizar Warband

Nizar is one of the best warrior companions in Warband.

Rolf Warband

Rolf is a strong warrior and makes for a good leader.

Ymira Warband

Like Marnid, Ymira can be tailored to any role.

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