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Kill Frog Morton Fallout 2

Kill Frog Morton Fallout 2

Kill Frog Morton is a quest in Black Isle's cRPG Definition of 1998, Fallout 2. Kill Frog Morton is the fourth quest given to you by Sheriff Marion in the town of Redding.

What makes the quest cool is its scripted overworld ambushes that occur as a result of killing Frog Morton. Beating the Morton Brothers yields the following arsenal:

Criticism of Kill Frog Morton Quest

The Sheriff's quest-line is gated by level; that is, you have to be equal to or greater than 10th level to receive the quests. So you could be 9th level, wearing APA and wielding a Vindicator Minigun yet the Sheriff will brush you off. It is bad cRPG design to gate content by level.

Frog Morton and his gang members charge you and fire their guns at point blank instead of firing from range, when the very idea of a ranged weapon is that you don't need to get close to the enemy.

The three gang members in the south don't come to the aid of Frog Morton when he is being attacked.

Even before you have agreed to help the Sheriff and received a badge, the Sheriff doesn't care if you loot his lockers for Hunting Rifle, Sawed-off Shotgun and Stimpaks.

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