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Temple+ Whirlwinder & Destroyer Builds

The Whirlwinder and Destroyer Builds are ToEE Builds for the Temple+ mod for Troika's cRPG of 2003, Temple of Elemental Evil.

Temple+ Whirlwinder Build

This is the same Whirlwinder Build ToEE but for Temple+ 1.0.75 base/NO Extra Content Houserules. In Temple+ Great Cleave still stacks with Whirlwind. What does that mean, though? It means we can get many, MANY attacks on our turn. 20 attacks on a single turn are not uncommon. This allows us to slay several ogres and greater temple bugbears with a single activation of Whirlwind.

Temple+ Whirlwinder Build Foundation

  • Male Human Fighter (10) (Glaive-wielding Whirlwinder): Turrosh Mak.
  • Strength: max 18, pump every 4 lvls for +2
  • Dexterity: at least 13 for Dodge line, 15 for +3 AoOs in 10' radius
  • Constitution: max 18 for up to 14 HPs per lvl
  • Intelligence: 13 for Combat Expertise which is prereq for Whirlwind Attack
  • Wisdom: get a reasonable score for Will saves
  • Charisma: dump

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Temple+ Whirlwinder Build Progression

  • Fighter 1Weapon Focus: GlaivePower Attack, Class Bonus Feat: Cleave
  • Fighter 2: Class Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes
  • Fighter 3Dodge
  • Fighter 4: Class Bonus Feat: Great Cleave / +1 Str
  • Fighter 5: --
  • Fighter 6Mobility, Class Bonus Feat: Combat Expertise
  • Fighter 7: --
  • Fighter 8:  Class Bonus Feat: Spring Attack / +1 Str
  • Fighter 9Whirlwind Attack
  • Fighter 10: Choose one: Improved Critical, Blind-fight, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization

I'd go for Weapon Specialization if we have Keen spell/craft on our spellcaster. As can be seen, the build is the same as patch2 with the exception that we have a larger pool of feats available to us (e.g, GWF, GWS.) But we can't afford them if we have a level cap of 10.

Temple+ Destroyer Build

This build employs the Destroyer build template but for Temple+ 1.0.75 base/NO extra content Houserules. It simply subs out Glaive for Scythe (crit x4), employs Chaotic Evil crafts, and is therefore known as the Grim Reaper. We could also call him Head Hunter or The Harvester.

Temple+ Destroyer Build Foundation

  • Male Half-orc Fighter (4) / Barbarian (6) (Scythe-wielding Grim Reaper): Turrosh Mak.
  • Strength: max 20, pump every 4 lvls for +2
  • Dexterity: 15 for 3x AoOs
  • Constitution: max 18 for up to 14 HPs per lvl
  • Intelligence: dump
  • Wisdom: get a reasonable score for Will saves
  • Charisma: dump

Temple+ Destroyer Build Progression

  • Fighter 1: Weapon Focus: Scythe, Class Bonus Feat: Power Attack [BAB +1, AB +8]
  • Fighter 2: Class Bonus Feat: Cleave
  • Fighter 3: Combat Reflexes
  • Fighter 4: Weapon Specialization: Scythe / +1 Str
  • Fighter 4 / Barbarian 1: Barbarian Rage (Barb), Barbarian Fast Movement (Barb)
  • Fighter 4 / Barbarian 2: Great Cleave, Uncanny Dodge (Barb) [BAB +6/+1, AB +13/+8]
  • Fighter 4 / Barbarian 3: --
  • Fighter 4 / Barbarian 4: +1 Str
  • Fighter 4 / Barbarian 5: Improved Critical: Scythe, Improved Uncanny Dodge (Barb)
  • Fighter 4 / Barbarian 6: -- [BAB +10/+5, AB +18/+13]

Temple+ Destroyer Build Extra Content House Rules

This next build is a variation on the above with Extra Content Houserules enabled in Temple+ config. It forgoes Barbarian +HPs and Uncanny Dodge in favor of +2 feats, which is superior. In addition, this build takes advantage of PC, GWF and MWM:S.

• Male Half-orc Barbarian (1) / Fighter (9) (Scythe-wielding Grim Reaper): Turrosh Mak.

  • Barbarian 1: Barbarian Rage (Barb), Barbarian Fast Movement (Barb), Weapon Focus: Scythe [BAB +1, AB +8]
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 1: Class Bonus Feat: Power Attack
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 2: Cleave, Class Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 3: +1 Str
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 4: Class Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization: Scythe
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 5: Great Cleave
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 6: Class Bonus Feat: Powerful Charge
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 7: +1 Str
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 8: Greater Weapon Focus: Scythe, Melee Weapon Mastery: Slashing
  • Barbarian 1 / Fighter 9: -- [BAB +10/+5, AB +20/+15]

The terrifying weapon:

Attack roll (no PA):

The damage roll (full PA + critical):


Anarchic/Unholy crafts require Divine caster level 7 as well as Chaos Hammer and Unholy Blight, which means we need a Cleric with Chaotic & Evil domains (e.g., Priest of Erythnul). We will also want to Keen the scythe. From a power-gaming PoV, since most enemies are CE, it's better to have Axiomatic/Holy weapons, but in concept the Grim Reaper is just as powerful.

vs. Lawful Good Terjon. Our Grim Reaper tells Canon Terjon of St. Cuthbert that we have razed one of his churches to the ground.

"You FIEND!", he wails.

Note that Terjon is no pushover (5 attacks + 385 HPs).

Taking three more levels of Fighter allows for Greater Powerful Charge, Blind-fight and Greater Weapon Specialization: Scythe. However, I think it's cheesy to play ToEE with builds >10th level.

[*] There is a glitch in the damage readouts in that two "slashing" strings overlap the Anarchic, Unholy and Sonic damage lines. I removed this with image manipulation.

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  1. Thanks for all those awesome builds! I absolutely tore through the Temple with a Whirlwinder supported by Cleric and Wiz buffs.
    I didn't even need an enchanted weapon. Speaking of which, after crafting one, I'm sure you could easily solo the reminder of the game with this character as long as it's preemptively buffed.

    As for the Whirlwind ability itself, you get it so late that once you have it, you've already passed trough most horde rooms anyway. I'm not sure if it's worth the investment, but it's a good flex move tho! (-;

    1. Whirlwind can be taken as early as 6th level, but I prefer to take Combat Reflexes and other feats beforehand.

      Yes, Whirlwinders can solo each encounter if they are suitably buffed. As can the Destroyer build (which is a slower mob killer but stronger vs. bosses).

      For actual soloing as a melee build with no support from other party members, Clerics are best since they can buff, ward and heal themselves.


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