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DWARVEN DEFENDER BUILD, ToEE Temple+ (Defensive Stance & Damage Reduction)

ToEE Temple+ Dwarven Defender Build

The Dwarven Defender Build is a ToEE Build for the Temple+ mod for Troika's cRPG of 2003, Temple of Elemental Evil. This is a Temple+ build with ALL extra build content enabled (Houserules). It is not an option for base Temple+ or the original, patch2 version of ToEE. See above for links to native builds.

This is a "good taste" build: a noble supertanker capable of inflicting decent damage with a waraxe (1d10 x3). This build gets more points for being staunch and austere than it does for being power-gamey; its staying power is unquestionable.

Dwarven Defender Build Foundation

  • Fighter (7) / Dwarven Defender (3): Supertanker: Durin the Deathless.
  • Must be Lawful
  • Strength: max 18, pump every 4 lvls for +2
  • Dexterity: at least 13 for Dodge prerequisite
  • Constitution: max 18 
  • Intelligence: dump
  • Wisdom: get a reasonable score for Will saves
  • Charisma: dump

Dwarven Defender Build Progression

  • Fighter 1Weapon Focus: Dwarven WaraxeDodge [BAB +1, AB +6]
  • Fighter 2: Class Bonus Feat: Power Attack
  • Fighter 3Toughness
  • Fighter 4: Class Bonus Feat: Cleave / +1 Str
  • Fighter 5: --
  • Fighter 6: Powerful Charge, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Waraxe [BAB +6/+1, AB +11/+6]
  • Fighter 7: --
  • Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 1: Defensive Stance (DD), +1 Str
  • Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 2: Melee Weapon Mastery: Slashing, Uncanny Dodge (DD)
  • Fighter Dwarven Defender 3: -- [BAB +10/+5, AB +16/+11]

Perks of being a Dwarf:

The Dwarven Waraxe is crafted to +3 enchantment. It is Holy, Axiomatic, Keen and Thundering:

Potential damage when wielded two-handed with max PA:

10th level attack roll with no PA:

Dwarven Defender Defensive Stance adds 2 points of Strength, 4 points of Con, 4 points of AC and all-saves +2 for 15 rounds. 

It stacks with Gloves of Strength +6 and Amulet of Health +6 for Strength 28 and Con 30.

Erroneously, we only receive one instance of DS when at 3rd level DD we should have two activations per 8 hours of adventuring. Also, there is no indication of DS's activation in the feedback window and there is no link to the DS entry in from the portrait indicator.

Uncanny Dodge means we maintain our Dex bonus to AC when caught flat-footed:

Since we only have 10 levels to work with (I'm not raising the level cap), we don't break into damage reduction:

How about AC?

+4 class = Defensive Stance. Size adjustment AC bonus and Dwarven AC bonus vs. Giantkin gets factored in, too, which is useful once we reach the Temple.

Do not under any circumstances give this dwarf pansy elven chain; that is blasphemy!

Any masterwork or magical full plate will do:

Stalwart shield:

Mode of operation: Wade into the fray, activate Defensive Stance, and tank!

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