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Conan Chronicles NWN2

Conan Chronicles NWN2

Conan Chronicles is a NWN2 module for Obsidian's cRPG Definition of 2006, Neverwinter Nights 2. Conan Chronicles is most notable for its Hyborian setting, ruleset modifications and non-linear exploration of a quest-dense urban hub.

Conan Chronicles consists of two modular campaigns, each fitted with three adventures:

  • Conan Chronicles 1: The Barbarian Chronicles: Includes three adventures: Legions of the Dead, The Scythian Pits and The Thing in the Crypt.
  • Conan Chronicles 2: The Zamorian Chronicles: Includes three adventures: Arenjun - The City of Thieves, Tower of the Elephant and God in the Bowl.

The campaigns are expandable due to their modularity, which means more adventures can be added to them.

The author didn't get around to making Mercenary Chronicles, Warrior Chronicles and Chronicles of the Crown.

The Zamorian Chronicles is far superior to The Barbarian Chronicles, which is slow-paced.

You can adventure with 1-4 characters. Once in-game, hit the Esc-key and click "Change Party" in order to access the Party Editor.

In order to progress in Arenjun - City of Thieves, you must have access to the Search skill, True Sight or Potion of Secret Door & Invisibility Detection. Otherwise, you can't locate plot-critical secret doors.

Unfortunately, instead of just employing the normal NWN2 dialogue window, all NPC conversations in Conan Chronicles employ the cinematic dialogue system of NWN2, which is glitchy and slows down gameplay.

While it is an admirable achievement in laying down a groundwork that can be massively expanded upon and fleshed out into a full-blown Hyborian Age world, the existing modules could benefit from an overhaul that removes cinematic dialogue and irons-out bugs and glitches.

Conan Chronicles features 13 custom Hyborian races. 12 of the races are Human in appearance, but the Hyborian Man-Ape is based on the Half-orc model.

Hyborian Man-Ape

  • Ability Adjustments: Str +4; Con +4; Int -4; Wis -4; Cha -4.
  • Bonus Feats: Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Low-Light Vision.
  • Favoured Class: Barbarian.

Hyborian Man-Apes can get 22 Strength and 22 Constitution at first level. The Man-Ape is the foundation for the ultimate hulk-smash build especially if we work towards Frenzied Berserker NWN2.


  • Ability Adjustments: Str +2; Con +2; Dex -2; Int -2.
  • Bonus Feats: Alertness, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus Axes.
  • Favoured Class: Barbarian.


  • Ability Adjustments: Cha +2.
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Luck of Heroes, Skill Focus Intimidate.
  • Skill Penalty: Appraise -2.
  • Favoured Class: Any.


  • Ability Adjustments: Str +2; Con +2; Cha -2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Bullheaded, Self Sufficient. 
  • Save Penalty: Save vs. Mind Affecting -2. 
  • Favoured Class: Barbarian.


  • Ability Adjustments: Dex +2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus Tumble.
  • Favoured Class: Fighter.


  • Ability Adjustments: Con -2; Int +2; Wis +2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Skill Affinity Lore, Skill Affinity Spellcraft. 
  • Favoured Class: Any.


  • Ability Adjustments: Str +2; Dex +2; Wis -2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Dash, Good Aim.
  • Favoured Class: Ranger.


  • Ability Adjustments: Wis +2; Dex -2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Able Learner, Artist, Hardiness vs. Spells, Skill Affinity Lore, Skill Affinity Diplomacy, Skill Focus Healing.
  • Favoured Class: Any.


  • Ability Adjustments: Int +2; Cha +2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Low-Light Vision, Snake Blood, Strong Soul.
  • Skill Penalties: Appraise -4; Bluff -4; Persuade -4.
  • Favoured Class: Any.


  • Ability Adjustments: Str +2; Con +2; Dex -2; Int -2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus Greatsword, Skill Focus Taunt, Thug.
  • Favoured Class: Barbarian.


  • Ability Adjustments: Dex +2; Str -2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Skilled, Dodge, Lucky, Silver Palm, Skill Affinity Hide, Skill Affinity Move Silently, Skill Affinity Search, Skill Focus Sleight of Hand. 
  • Favoured Class: Rogue.


  • Ability Adjustments: Dex +2; Wis -2. 
  • Bonus Feats: Blooded, Feint, Improved Parry, Skill Affinity Bluff, Weapon Finesse. 
  • Favoured Class: Fighter.

Conan Chronicles features 23 custom feats. Some of the feats have no prerequisites but most of the Limited Spellcaster feats (Dabbler cantrips) require a certain rank in the Lore skill (10 max). The cantrip feats are once-per-day usage, a couple feats are once-per-battle, one or two have timed cooldowns and a few confer permanent abilities.

No extra skills were added. Instead, the campaign employs custom gameplay features such as climbing and jumping, which are scripted cRPG Mechanics.

There are over 1,000 custom items. As with the classes and feats, they add Hyborian Age flavor to the Conan campaigns.

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