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Bedine Walkthrough Guide (Neverwinter Nights 2)

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Bedine NWN2

Bedine is a NWN2 module for Obsidian's cRPG Definition of 2006, Neverwinter Nights 2. Two years in the making, Bedine is a recently released campaign (Jan 14, 2017) set in the sprawling Anauroch desert of the Forgotten Realms.

In Bedine the player takes on the role of a nomadic Bedine tribesman of the banu tamin grouping, whom, for the purposes of lore, is assumed to be human, male and of either warrior, rogue, druid or spirit shaman build. At first glance one may deem the build parameters too restrictive but flexibility in character-building is added by Kamal's custom archetype system, which opens specific background and training feats to all classes, allowing you to do things like create a first level Fighter with a Favored Enemy and Sneak Attack. This system also allows for what Kamal calls "lore-appropriate" characters by organizing feats with prerequisites; for example, a Bedine warrior who wears only light armor and wields a spear. With this system, it is possible to create "role-playing" characters as well as extremely over-powered or under-powered characters. Please refer to the Character Creation section for more info.

Bedine is a campaign that is big on lore. Nothing is stopping you from playing a "lore-less" race, gender or class, but the campaign assumes that your character is lore-appropriate and refers to you as such, regardless of your adherence to the lore. Reasons are given for the build restrictions; for example, due to tribal suspicion of magic arcane practitioners are generally exiled, or worse; and the organized religions of the traditional holy warriors do not factor with the tribes, who instead worship their own deities and nature spirits known as wasa-ey. Lore also affects itemization and examining an item calls up custom lore-based descriptions, which is welcome.

Bedine employs features introduced by the Storm of Zehir campaign, such as the Party Editor (accessible in oasis camps) and the innovative Overland Map (OLM) complete with roaming adversaries and skills that are frequently checked, on the fly.

A characteristic of Kamal's releases - from his Inn of Hidden Tales to Crimmor to Path of Evil to the current release of Bedine - is the attention to area design and aesthetics; specifically, placeable density, detailed urban zones, realistic sculpted terrains, and commendable employment of light, shade and texture. Yes, it's all quite a delight to behold but you will need a decent PC to handle these works; otherwise, your framerate will take hits and the load times will be frightfully long (Bedine loads no less than 65 areas before you can get into the game!)

This is a huge campaign: 5 gigabytes and about 32,000 files.

The Bedine are presumably based on the real life Bedouin tribes in the Middle East, and they are detailed in the Anauroch sourcebook. I altered them to be more focused on spirits than they are in the book, in the sourcebook it's a more even mix between spirits and their limited set of gods. If you go to the Dyr monastery I included cameos by several famous arab scholars/philosophers, who will talk a bit about things they studied in real life. The Bedine language is mostly arabic in the sourcebook, so I kept that. For words I didnt have in the sourcebook I ran an english word or phrase through google translate to arabic and then took the phonetic spelling. It's "final release", no content will be added, just fixing any bugs like those typos. Please send the typos. I worked on it off and on for about two years. About half of that was doing various things that I wanted to have like the dog companions, back engineering the overland map and getting that documented so I could have an overland map, and producing a bunch of desert style reskinned placeables/buildings, most of which I wound up never using. I even back engineered the soz trade system, but it didnt fit the story so I didnt use it. About a year was spent on more normal module things like making maps where I couldnt use or modify a prefab, dialog, general scripting and stuff. - Kamal.

Bedine Builds

Character CreationI recommend creating all four characters. My suggested party would consist of the following builds:

  • Ranger (OLM, sharpshooter, stealthmaster) or better still Monk (because Survival actually isn't needed on the OLM, and Monks have superior movement speed to cover vast OLM/area design.)
  • Barbarian (tank and big damage dealer)
  • Rogue (skill monkey, sneak attacker, diplomat) and
  • Druid (spellcaster/healer)

All characters should be male and human. You may think these builds are OP. Well, play the game and you will see that it still isn't a faceroll (I play D&D Hardcore Rules). Note that Appraise is implemented for merchants (and for at least one quest reward), and Lore is implemented in dialogue (though also rarely).

Monk Build Bedine

Monk: 16-16-10-8-16-8

1. Unarmed Strike, Monk AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows, Greater Flurry, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Strike (Magic), Ki Strike (Lawful), Ki Strike (Adamantine).
2. Power Attack, Cleave
3. Monk Speed, Dodge, Mobility
4. Weapon Proficiency (Monk)
5. Evasion
6. Improved Evasion, Barbarian Rage, Spring Attack
7. Great Strength +1
And so on..: Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike), Stunning Fist etc.

Monk Speed + Dash = outrun OLM encounters.

Note that Druid buff Flame Weapon works on gloves/gauntlets (it doesn't in NWN). Thus, your Yd Saharia inflict 1d8 fire and 1d4 magical. Nice.

Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Tumble, UMD.

Ranger Build Bedine

Ranger: 14-14-14-14-14-10.

1. Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Weapon Proficiency (Martial), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Able Learner, Rapid Shot (Ranger Combat Style: Archery), Hide in Plain Sight (Outdoors).
2. Sneak Attack (+1d6)
3. Sneak Attack (+2d6), Toughness
4. Dex +1, Evasion (Animal Companion: Wolf)
5. Great Dexterity +1
6. Great Dexterity +2. Great Dexterity +3

Skills: Heal, Hide, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Survival, Search, Spot, Tumble, UMD.

Barbarian Build Bedine

Barbarian: 18-14-16-8-8-8. Big, dumb and ugly but hard to kill and hits like a truck.

1. Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Weapon Proficiency (Martial), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Shield Proficiency (?), Power Attack, Cleave, Barbarian Rage, Damage Reduction 1/-.
2. Damage Reduction 2/-
3. Damge Reduction 3/-, Tower Shield Proficiency (for dat Dark Steel Tower Shield)
4. Str +1, Damage Reduction 4/-
5. Damage Reduction 5/-
6. Damage Reduction 6/-, Damage Reduction 7/-
7. Damage Reduction 8/-
8. Great Strength +1
9. Great Strength +2, Greater Resiliency (DR +1 for a total of DR 9/-)
10. Great Strength +3

Yep, that's what I'm talking about.

After that, I guess you'd take Toughness and Improved Critical if you find a good weapon. Have the Druid cast Flame Weapon on your melee weapon.

Rogue Build Bedine

Rogue: 14-18-12-14-8-8.

1. Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Weapon Proficiency (Martial), Armor Proficiency (Light), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Sneak Attack (+1d6), Sneak Attack (+2d6).
2. Sneak Attack (+3d6)
3. Sneak Attack (+4d6), Sneak Attack (+5d6), Sneak Attack (+6d6)
4. Sneak Attack (+7d6)
5. Sneak Attack (+8d6)
6. Sneak Attack (+9d6), Sneak Attack (+10d6)

Skills: Tumble, UMD etc.

The problem here is that Sneak Attack doesn't seem to inflict the above damage... if anyone gets it working, please let me know.

Pump all of the social skills.

Druid Build Bedine

Druid: 14-14-14-12-16-8. Spellcasting Prodigy, Rapid Shot, possibly Zen Archery.

1. Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Animal Companion, Venom Immunity, Sneak Attack (1d6), Sneak Attack (2d6), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot.
2. Great Wisdom +1
3. Great Wisdom +2, Dinosaur Companion

Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft, Heal.

Bedine Itemization

  • Armor-wise, Bedine favors light armor, medium armor and robes. There are no heavy armors whatsoever. 
  • Shield-wise, small shields and heavy shields are favored though there is at least one tower shield itemized (Dark Steel). 
  • Weapon-wise, Daggers, Scimitars, Battleaxes, Quarterstaffs and Gauntlets are favored above all. There are also Sickles, Rapiers, Spears, Scythes, Longswords, Shortswords, Greatswords, Flails, Clubs, Maces and Morningstars. 
  • A couple of exotic weapons are itemized such as the kama and the dwarven waraxe. 
  • Ranged weapon-wise, the Shortbow is favored above all. I found only one good crossbow and two crappy longbows. 
  • I would not "focus, specialize or improved critical" any weapon except for perhaps the Scimitar, Battleaxe or Shortbow. Ammo-wise, good arrows are rare, good bolts rarer, and good bullets almost unheard of.
  • Torches are mandatory - some of the dungeons are pitch-black (as they should be).

I have resumed writing this walkthrough because the Haushi bug that I reported has been fixed. A few other bugs have been fixed and a patch is installed for this run, too. However, I have found additional bugs and oversights in this resumption, which I have recorded in this post, along with a few suggestions. 

What I like about Bedine, in addition to what I wrote above, is that it has nice, slow level progression, interesting hand-crafted itemization, eye-opening terrain sculpting, and mystical overtones. I also like how you can outfit your canine companions with armor and spring-loaded muzzle harnesses. Very, very cool.

As with Legacy of White Plume Mountain, Bedine is a marathon. This is not a campaign that you will finish in one sitting. I have spent in excess of 80 hours playing it. Note also that combat is extremely tough even if you roll with power-builds and optimize your equipment. There are no "mooks" in Bedine that will drop to one sword-swing: most enemies are as tough as nails. Also, they hit like trucks. Of course, there is no encounter that you won't be able to beat if you employ sound tactics and are of sufficient level (the non-linear sandbox nature of Bedine means you can get in over your head - in such cases, you will need to retreat).

I encourage everyone to give Bedine a whirl. There is no campaign quite like it; it's unique.

Bedine Walkthrough Part I:


Talk to the glowing sphere of light that represents the banu tamin collective. You will receive 1,500 XP for heeding its mysticism. 

Antelope's Eye Oasis 
(Banu Tamim Camp)

Thus, you will be bumped up to second level upon your arrival in the oasis. There is also an enforced item strip to ensure you are not equipped with OP or lore-inappropriate items.

Companions, Party Composition & Equipment. There are three Banu Tamim companions who will happily join you at this point; namely:

• Layth Banu Tamim: Human Spirit Shaman (2), Neutral (50/50).
Quarterstaff, Sling, Bullet (x100).

• Saalih Banu Tamim: Human Rogue (1) Swashbuckler (1), Neutral (50/50).
Shortbow, Dagger, Arrow (x99).

• Khalaf Banu Tamim: Human Monk (1) Fighter (1), Lawful (100) Neutral (50).

The coil of rope on the ground allows you to Summon Your Tribespeople; i.e, compose your own party using the SoZ Party Editor. The Bedine Savage Hunting Dogs may also be recruited. The cool thing is that Man's Best Friend can be upgraded with armor and spring-loaded muzzle harness. The max number of companions is four with one exception: Haushi (quest covered below) will remain in the party after his quest is done.

Equipment. Loot the weapon rack for much-needed weapons, ammo, armor and poultice kits.

Initial Questing

QuestMeet With Your Sheik. Aadil Banu Tamim is the Sheik of the Banu Tamim, a small grouping of the greater Bedine tribe. Simply speak with him to satisfy the quest (Completed QuestMeet with Your Sheik).

QuestMissing Shepherd. Aadil requests that you locate Dawasir, a shepherd who has gone missing in the grazing lands.

You must hit the OLM, travel to the Banu Tamim grazing lands, slay the hostile giants ants there, and recover Dawasir's corpse that is lying among his dead sheep. You then need to bury Dawasir at the nearby Burial Site, overlooking the grazelands (250 XP). 

Now, return to Aadil and report your findings. Completed QuestMissing Shepherd: 500 XP.

QuestCause of the Ant Problems. Next, Aadil will refer you to the Banu Tamim Shaman, Khatib. First, inform the Shaman that Dawasir's spirit rides to N'asir's camp (250 XP) and that you gave him a proper burial (250 XP). Now, ask for his guidance on the ant problem and the shaman will advise you to seek out the spirit of the grazing lands, Sabaa Sibaal. 

Return to the OLM and you will see dunes just to the north of the grazing lands. Make your way southeast along the dunes, slaying a few wolves on the way. You will spot Sabaa Sibaal waiting among a circle of stones. She is an immortal dune spirit in the form of a giant ant, who is revered by the Bedine tribespeople.

Note the vast, skilfully-painted terrains. A lot of work has gone into the area design 

She won't say much due to her agitation. But it seems that whatever made the ants hostile has also disturbed the land. The party concludes that a ceremony must be held in order to bring peace to the land and calm the demi-god. Head north to the offering place (a collection of small boulders) and recite a prayer there. A cool breeze will blow over the party to indicate their success. Return to Sabaa Sibaal, who will have calmed down. She will describe the unnatural event of a smoothed boulder, with shrubs atop it, passing over the land and stirring and confusing the ants. She will point to the northeast and warn you against walking there. Return to Khatib and Aadil and report your findings to cap off the quest. Aadil will listen to her wisdom and intends to ask for her again after the winter has passed. Completed QuestCause of the Ant Problems, 750 XP.

He will now give you two errands to run:

QuestAccept the Marriage. You are to bring word to Haushi Al-Nuaim that Zarud and Da jala of the Banu Tamim have accepted his proposal to wed Da jala. Aadil will hand you a carved stone of acceptance [*] to give to Haushi at the Al-Nuaim encampment to the northeast.
[*] Dajala Banu Tamim's Acceptance (Spell Immunity: Charm Monster, Charm Person, Charm Person or Animal, Dominate Animal, Dominate Monster, Dominate Person, Mass Charm Monster, Shield 1, 2/day).

QuestSoap & Potash Trading. The outlander camp of Al-Qamar happens to be en route to Al-Nuaim. Aadil requests that you sell off Ghaaliya's Banu Tamin soap and potash as you pass through. Speak with Ghaaliya before you leave to have the bags of goods loaded onto your camels (you don't actually see the camels; it's just assumed that you use them to travel and transport goods).

Suggestion: Instead of those ugly blue area/OLM transition markers, actually have camels for the transitions. Dorateen did this with horses in his Edinmoor campaign.

Hit the OLM and make your way northeast to Al-Qamar.

A note on the OLM: Some of the roaming encounters can be difficult. For example, three Harssaf monks with 90 HPs each. In remoter areas, you may even come across EL 16 Death Giants with a fifth level party. The highest EL I've seen is 20 (megapede).

(Ao Encampment)

The trader you are looking for has set up shop in the inner courtyard; a hobgoblin named Musharak. He will give you 30 GP for the goods if you pass a DC-15 Appraise check; otherwise, you only get 20 GP. Completed QuestSoap & Potash Trading: 200 XP. You can also satisfy this quest through the Stushan of D'Tarig (see below).

Musharak offers a range of items for sale, most of which are likely to be out of your price range in these early-goings. Pro-tip: Purchase some torches, some of the dungeons are pitch-black.

There is also a prominent Ao temple in which you may inquire about Ao from the priest within. (Bug: The priest disappeared after I spoke with him, wtf?)

Side QuestThe StushanThe Weeping Maiden. You will notice a few D'Tarig (half-dwarven desertfolk) chilling out in the outer grounds, where their caravans are parked. Their leader, the Stushan, has a proposition for you (note the DC-15 Lore check on the trader's rep): he requests that you travel deep into the desert, find the Weeping Maiden Statue, and deliver it to him, intact, in exchange for 2,000 GP. In accepting the offer he will mark its location on your map and give you an advance payment of 200 GP, along with a couple of healing potions.

Travel to the plains south of the Banu Tamim encampment. Be wary of the Skeleton Sorcerers that cast Lightning Bolt. There are also Giants, Axe Beaks and Fan Palm Treants. You are looking for a cave to the north, just north of the western edge of the lake in the east.

In a chest in the east of the dungeon you will find the Weeping Maiden Statue, along with:
Broad Blade Short Sword, Vile Lqiuid x2
Amulet of Tears (Aid 3, 3 uses/day)
Rhingalade's Harp (Perform +2, Mirror Image 1 use/day, Bard/Harper Agent only)

Bug: When I brought the statue back to the Stushan, he did not recognize that I had it, and just kept giving me the quest again, over and over (with the 200 GP and potions).

If you don't get hit with this bug, you get 1,800 GP and 2,000 XP.

(Camp of the Al-Nuaim grouping)

The Al-Nuaim camp is northeast Al-Qamar.You will arrive here to find the camp being raided by a band of gnolls who are seeking to take the oasis water for themselves. Assist the Al-Nuaim in dispatching them. After taking a beating the gnoll ringleader will surrender and be brought before the sheik, Mihran Al-Nuaim, who will show mercy to to it.

QuestInvestigate the Gnoll Lands. Mihran will thank you for coming to their aid and then request you to investigate the gnoll lands to the south in order to evaluate the threat they pose.

QuestHaushi Al-Nuaim. Speak with Shaman Shafiq Al-Nuaim to learn the whereabouts of Haushi. He has been sent south to Jebal Metreb to find and slay a sicarius spider for its venom, which will then be used to concoct an antidote to save the life of a boy who has been bitten by one.

Jebel Metreb. Head south to the hills and make your way to Haushi, a lone scout standing watch by his campfire. 

Bug: If Haushi isn't there then exit to the OLM and re-enter. Deliver the acceptance to him and he will be overjoyed (Completed QuestAccept the Marriage, 250 XP).
Bug fixed: Haushi doesn't join the party.

A view from one of the hilltops, looking down on patrolling bugbears.

Make your way west and down from Haushi's camp, slaying bugbears as you go. In the far west you will find a skeleton holding:
Tile of Antidote, Tile of Cure Light Wounds, Tile of Cure Disease
Blessed Grappler's Gloves (+1 gauntlets, Monk only)
Sand Cowl (Bonus feat: TrackTrackless Step)

Now, make your way south and east to find a Partially Buried Chest holding:
Tile of Cure Disease, Tile of Cure Critical Wounds, Cold Iron Ingot, Wyvern Scales, Obsidian (x2), Bloodstone, Silver Ring.

Slay the Sicarius Spider in the far southwest and loot the Sicarius Spider Sac from its corpse.

At the end of the path you will find a Broken Sarcophagus holding:
Sheik's Dog Leather Armor (AC +1, Cha +1)
Mutahammis (dog: spring-loaded muzzle harness: EB +1, 1d6 piercing, Keen)
Maraah Tribal Shortbow (EB +1, Mighty +2)
Sheik's Bisht (cloak, Cha +2)
Alchemical Silver Arrow (x99)
Payer For Steadfastness Taqiyah (helmet, saves vs. Fear +3)

Gnoll Camp.

You will face off against a gnoll horde and three Black Robe Warriors (Zhentarim). Read the map in the ruined building to learn the location of the ruins.

Loot is as follows:

Chest (OL 15, DD 18): Silver Ring, Fire Agate, Giant Scorpion Venom Gland, Bugbear Tusk x2, Skeleton Rib x3, Stag Beetlee Horn, Poultice Kit, Normal x2, Skull Talisman of Bull's Strength, Skull Talisman of Barkskin
Dalil Did Al Sahali (amulet, AC vs. Reptilian +3 Nat.)

Weapon Rack
Bone Bow
Sacred Sickle (EB +1, Druid/Spirit Shaman Bonus spell slots: 1-2, )
Gnoll Arrows Poison x99 (on-hit Poison: Blue Whinnis)
Gnoll Arrows Disease x99 (on-hit Disease: DC 14 Filth Fever)

Gnoll Shaman
Zalantar Spear (magical +1)
Amulet of the Gnoll Shaman (Immunity: Disease)

Gnoll Chieftain
Axe of the Gnoll Chieftain (EB +1, +2 slashing)
Dark Steel Tower Shield (acid 5/-)

Chest (OL 22, DD 15): 117 GP, Dark Steel Sickle, Crypt Powder, Essentia Jewel, Golden Desert Honey x2
The Nycoptic Manuscripts (Spellcraft +5)

Ruins. You might as well raid the ruins now. You will be up against Black Robe warriors and spellcasters as you make your way through the area.

Chest (OL DC 18): 

Aydi Al Nar (monk gloves, EB +1, +1d4 fire)
Prayer of Firmness Taqiya (Improved saving throws: Mind-affecting +3)
Bracers of Divine Luck (AC +1 armor, all saving throws +1)
Gnoll Arrows Poison x99 (on-hit Poison: Blue Whinnis)
Gnoll Arrows Disease x99 (on-hit Disease: DC 14 Filth Fever)
Gruumsh Arse x2 (potion), 214 GP

Weapon RackMukhallab (spear, EB +1, Animalistic Power, 2/day).

At the summit you will find an open sarcophagus. Climb down the ladder inside it and slay the two Black Robe creeps lurking down in the dungeon: Deadwalker's Ring (Spell Focus: Necromancy), Black Robe Mace, Black Robe Flail, Black Robe Shield, Rune Carved Tooth, 8 GP. Ok, we're done here.

Return to the camp and inform Sheik Al-Nuaim that the Black Robe are behind the gnoll raid (Completed QuestInvestigate the Gnoll Lands: 750 XP).

Also, deliver the Sicarius Spider Sac to Shafiq Al-Nuaim (Completed QuestHaushi Al-Nuaim: 250 XP).

Bug: If you return to Sheik Aadil Banu Tamim, his dialogue will have reverted to the one about Dawasir, the missing shepherd.

Bedine Walkthrough Guide - Part II:

Bani Okal
(Camp of the Bani Okal grouping)

Bani Okal oasis

QuestThe Bani Okal. Sheik Al-Nuaim will give you the Al-Nuaim Signet Ring and request that you meet up with Sheik Nahid of Bani Okal. I note that Haushi Al-Nuaim is still in the party. Thus, I have a party of five. Anyway, head east on the OLM and enter the encampment. You will find Sheik Nahid standing next to a Black Robe (reminder: Zhentarim).

Sleep in the nearby tent as a guest. You will be awakened by a Bedine Elder.

Khumel on the Black Road
(Black Robe outpost)

QuestRescuing Sheik Nahid of Bani Okal's family. Heeding what the Elder said, you must travel north to the Black Road and Khumel, the outpost of the Black Robe, in order to rescue Nahid's family.

On the way north, don't forget to inform Sheik Al-Nuaim of what you know (500 XP).

SidequestHunting Expedition. En route to Khumel you will likely come upon a crashed Spelljammer ship (The Radiant Queen). You will find an oddly-dressed group of people standing around the wreakage in the north. An unusual man will request that you hunt down beasts that have escaped. Bug: No beasts spawned even when I exited and then re-entered the area.

Ok, Khumel. At first it looks like you can't get into the walled fortress: there are no guards at the gate and the gate cannot be unlocked or bashed down. The guards on the walls also cannot be spoken to. What you need to do is head to the cave entrance located directly south of the northernmost map marker (on the western side of the fortress).

You will find an alchemy lab in the caves:

Chest (OL 27): Crimson Dragonhide Bracers (AC +1 armor, Fire resist 5/-), Greenstone x2, Jacinth, Healer's Kit +6, Healer's Kit +10, 82 GP.

Alchemist's Workbench: Diamond Dust, Fairy Dust x2, Ice Mephit Hide, Fire Beetle Belly, Troll Blood, Dire Wolf Tooth, Mortar and Pestle. Bug? There looks to be something lootable on the workbench but it cannot be looted.

Secret Door (OL DC 18). The corridor on the other side leads to a pitch-black part of the dungeon with an exit to the surface. You will find yourself in the northwest of the outpost. The Black Robe guards will attack you on-sight.

You will find the Sheik's family being held in the house in the north (OL 22). Recite the poem to the wife.

Bug: I assigned Haushi to take the family back to Bani Okal, but he didn't leave the party like he was supposed to (he was supposed to return to Al-Nuaim). You could also just add the family to the party and return them to the Sheik manually.

It does not look like any of the other buildings can be entered though you can slay several more patrolling Black Robes on the fortress walls. Oddly, none of them have a key to the gate, there is no Captain of the Guard, and so the player is forced back down the pallet and back through the cave system.

You may have to fight some oozes, Mummified Ogres and a Black Alchemist on the way out. Loot the alchemist's corpse for Khumel Black Alchemist Key and Staff off Ooze (quarterstaff, Grease 2, 1 charge/use, Stinking Cloud 1, 2 charges/use). 

I would have thought it more logical that such enemies spawned on my way in. But whatevs. This is just another example of that spawn bug: must exit and re-enter an area before the enemies will spawn (and sometimes they never do).

Return to Sheik Nahid in Bani Okal for your reward. (Completed QuestRescuing Sheik Nahid of Bani Okal's family: 2,000 XP). 

The Black Robe has been executed. Speak with the Sheik again for 750 XP and a gift: The Black Robe's Scimitar (EB +1, Slashing +2).

Bug: The Bani Okal quest journal entry remains open even though it's completed. This may be a result of failing to inform Sheik Al-Nuaim on your way north to Khumel, or assigning a companion to take the family back (instead of adding them to the party).

Ok, a bit of sidequesting now

QuestHerbs & Clay. Esaher Bani Okal will request that you travel with her to Ruhr Al Ealem in order to procure two specimens that will heal Nasmah. Cimolian Earth is found in the center of the map; Aswaghandh in the north. Deliver them to Esaher and you're done here.

(Completed QuestHerbs & Clay, 1,250 XP).

Important note: Download and install this override before entering the Scrublands. Otherwise, the hydra will be unkillable.

Suggestion: Rename the OLM marker to "Scrubland" and give it a map pin.

Scrubland: This area is accessed from the "Cave" marker on the OLM. There are a few things of interest here:

Abth: They look like Safiya's homunculus, Kaji. However, they are not friendly at all. 5/- DR, inflicts DC 13 poison.

Hydra: This thing is a beast. It sports non-trivial regeneration for super-tanking power. Wear the Amulet of the Gnoll Shaman in order to protect against its on-hit DC 12 disease.

Half-buried chestHizagkuur Kukri (cold iron kukri, fire +1, electrical +1), Alchemical Bullet x99, Alchemical Silver Arrow x99, Healer's Kit +6, Strong Tangle Trap Kit, Strong Electrical Trap Kit.
Shemagh Nawful Basa (helmet, Darkvision, Survival +2)
Rabbit Shoes (boots, Bonus Feat: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes)
Quwwat Al Lirada (amulet, Spell Resistance 18)
Jambiyah Al Tahaddi (dagger, EB +1, Immunity: Fear, Improved saves vs. Mind-affecting +3)
Longbow, Arrow x99, Poultice Kit, Normal x2

Hunting Dog Corpse
Elah's Dog Leather Armor (dog: AC +1 armor, Darkvision, Moonbolt 2/day)
Ifrit Fangs (dog: spring-loaded muzzle harness: EB +1, piercing +1d6, fire +2)

Suggestion: Hydra and Abth really should drop special crafting components since they are extremely difficult to beat.

Spindleskull's Tomb. There is a staircase on a hill in the north that leads down to a pitch-black dungeon in which four mindflayers lurk. Don't come down here without a light source such as a torch. 

Bug: Spindleskull opens dialogue with you upon entry, but the only response you can give is "Placeholder." 
Another Bug: One of the mindflayers doesn't turn hostile.

The spectre of Spindleskull is guarding a DC 18 locked door. Open the door and slay the spectre when it turns hostile. Drop down the trapdoor in the long corridor to face off against the giant amoeba, Argos, a tank that inflicts on-hit acid. It drops the Fireflower Pendant (Resist fire 10/-).

The door leads to a portal room, the approach to which is laced with three traps that report "success will never be possible." To test, I cheated my DD to 40 and still got the same message. Luckily, these lethal traps are not even functional.

Loot is as follows:

Chest (OL 23, DD: 15): 
Third Eye Penetrate (inventory item, Bonus Feat: Spell Penetration)
Zaaidan's Sash (belt, Bonus Feat: Quicken Spell, Still Spell)
Ice Talon (dagger, EB +2, cold +2), 279 GP, Gold Ring

Magician's Workbench: Quicksilver, Fairy Dust x2, Distilled Alcohol x2, Powdered Silver, Bat Tooth, Dire Wolf Tooth, Fire Mephit Hide, Phase Spider Mandible.

ArmoireGauntlet of Arrow Reflecting (monk gloves, Bonus Feat: Deflect Arrows), Nymph Cloak +2.
Staff of Fiendish Darkness (quarterstaff, EB +1, Animate Dead 10, 2 charges/use, Darkness 3, 1 charges/use, Dispel Magic 10, 2 charges/use).

Major Bug: At this point I returned to Al-Qamar in order to ID my magical gear. Everything in the encampment was hostile, from the horses to the merchants. I reloaded pre-Scrubland and checked Al-Qamar again. No one was hostile.

Suggestion: The following OLM locations should receive map pins as soon as they are discovered: Al-Qamar, Crashed Spelljammer Ship, Grazing Lands, Tel Badir, High Ice Ruins, The Mouth of Anauroch, Small Oasis and Dunes (both south of Khumel), Cave (Scrubland).

Back to the Main Quest

(Black Robe Fortress)

QuestBedine Hostages at Taroudant. One of Sheik Nahid's wives told us about this fortress when we resucued her and her family from the Black Robe outpost of Khumel. Taroudant is located west of Khumel (on the Black Road).

QuestTaroudant Entry. Posing as traders, request that the gate guard summon a Black Robe. You will have to complete three of the following quests in order to gain favor with the Black Robe and gain admittance to Taroudant proper.

QuestKhaldun (EL 12). Kill the giant scorpion known as Khaldun and deliver its stinger to the Black Robe as proof the deed is done. It's on the OLM; you can't miss it.

QuestCaravan Guide. Guide Fowllan's caravan along the Black Road to the Black Robe tradepost in east Anauroch. Fowllan is camped just outside the gate.

Simply stick to the Black Road as you make your way east, past Khumel, to the caravan camp. Rinse repeat for the return trip.

QuestMeteorite Retrieval. Escort a mage to the site of a meteorite impact site.

You will be timelapsed to the impact site where you will be given a length of rope for getting into the crater. I hope you have a tough tank because you are up against hyena packs and giants.

Ascend the crater on the west side, attach the rope to the sturdy saguaro cactus, drop down the rope, slay the Trapdoor Spiders, and grab the Meteorite Chunk from the center of the crater.

Deliver the chunk to the Black Robe, return to Taroudant, and inform the Black Robe at the gate (Completed QuestMeteorite Retrieval, 750 XP).

QuestA Thorn for the Black Robes. Capture the desert tracker [beta].

Once you have completed the three quests, the Black Robe will give you a Taroudant Pass Coin and open the gates. Completed QuestTaroudant Entry, 1,000 XP.

Taroudant Foyer. You can only loot the liquor rack in the common room and the armor rack and weapon rack in the smithy (cold iron armor, weapons and ammo).

Downstairs is a storage facility and a prison, and upstairs are the sleeping quarters where the hostages are being held. Speak with the hostage in the hall in order to free them (Completed QuestBedine Hostages at Taroudant. 2,000 XP).

Tunic of Steady (Concentration +5)
Ring of Instant Escape (Improved Saving Throws: Reflex +4)
Soft Soled Shoes (boots, Move Silently +2)

Suggestion: The entire fortress should go hostile, imho.

House on the hill. There is a hostile Black Robe inside. Slay for scroll of ResurrectionMagical Khanjar (dagger, EB +1), Alexandrite.

Footlocker (OL 25): Semi-Transparent Book, Tile of Heal, The Central Fire, Topaz, Ruby, Healer's Kit +6, 532 GP.

ArmoireRobe of Thunder (Sonic 15/-), Vest of the Master Evoker (Bonus Feats: Spell Focus: Evocation, Greater Spell Focus: Evocation).

QuestThe Fallen City. This quest was given to us by the hostage in the foyer of Taroudant. Travel back to the Banu Tamim camp to see what Sheik Aadil has to say on the matter. The Sheik suggests investigating Alemdynh Seq aka The Fallen City (now map-marked). It looks like you can skip an optional quest here, but I won't be.

Optional QuestBanu Tamim Encampment: Overwinter Caves. You need to clear out the caves. Enter, grab a torch, and climb down the rope to the underground.

You will have to take out three mages, Arcane troll, Bladerager troll, Drow Priestess and Knell Beetle x2.

Mages: Bolts of Fire x99, Poison Bolts x198, Bolt of Frostbite x99, Dagger +1, Wand of Lesser Summoning, Latharr's Last Belt (Spell Immunity: Finger of DeathPower Word Kill).

Chest: 273 GP.

Potion collection: Potion of Undead Detection, Potion of Transformation, Potion of Ghostly Visage, Potion of Invulnerability.

Drow Priestess: Bullet +2 x99, Mace +2, Sling +2, Chainmail +2, Potion of Eagle's Splendor.

Bug? I was unable to complete this quest. I returned to the cave and went over it with a fine-toothed comb. But maybe I still missed something?

Anyway, head north to Alemdynh Seq.

Alemdynh Seq
The Fallen City / Fallen Undrentide

Simply enter through the front door, there is no opposition, no resistance.

Bug: The floor traps inside cannot be disarmed.

Inner grounds: Axebeaks may or may not spawn. The east door leads into a dungeon guarded by a Golem with DR 15 (again, it may or may not spawn - the adamantine fists of a Monk will take it out). Take the door that leads further in.

Confront the Beholder Abomination.

Return to Sheik Aadil (Completed QuestThe Fallen City, 2,000 XP).

Bug: No Black Robes spawned in Alemdynh Seq.

El Jebel Tuwaiq
The Heart of the Desert

QuestThe Heart of the Desert. The Heart is directly north of Khumel. You will start in the east. Just to your north are the Banu Makhzum.

You will find a corpse in the far southwest: 
Songblade (EB +1, Perform +2, Bonus Feat: Extra Music)
Thunderhide Armor (Rogue skills +1)

You will find a skeleton east of the corpse: 
Shifrat Al Mudafie (scimitar, EB +2, AC +1 deflection)
Prayer of Clarity Taqiyah (helmet, Concentration +4, Improved Saving Throws: Mind-Affecting +2)
Treant Wood Bow (shortbow, EB +2, Mighty +8)
Adamantine Arrows x99

QuestA Test by Combat. Wasa-ey Ra'awsi, guardian of El Jebel Tuwaiq, is high up in the mountain, in the center of the area. Defeat it in battle to be allowed to proceed up the mountain.

(Completed QuestA Test by Combat, 2,250 XP). You can choose instead Quest: A Display of Wisdom and Quest: Groomed Abth Horn.

Take the portal after speaking with El Jebel Tuwaiq, The Jewel at the Heart of the Anauroch.(Completed QuestThe Heart of the Desert, 2,000 XP.)

Bedine Walkthrough Guide - Part III:

The Slashed Rocks

QuestPursuit. You will be time-lapsed to Azzirhut. This is a mountainous region with a waterfall cascading down a couple of hundred feet.

Bug: You can't leave via the OLM marker you came in on.

You will start in the south. Make your way north to find a skeleton
Tadib Alealem (amulet, Spell Resistance 18, Dispel Magic 10, 1 use/day)
Yd Siharia (monk gloves, EB +2, magical +1d4)

You will find another skeleton to the north: 
Bulette Armor (light armor, AC +3)
Sykh (spear, EB +2, piercing +2, Scintillating Sphere 5, 1 use/day). 

There is a cave in the southwest, high in the mountain, but it is not accessible. The cave you want is in the north.

Mountain Cave. There is a skeleton in the southwest: Bonespike (club, EB +2, piercing +2), Bulette Scale Shield (shield AC +3). 

Also, a nearby bonepile: Ataxite Kama (cold iron kama, EB +1, slashing +1). 

In the northwest is a chest
Dust of Negation (Greater Dispelling 15 single use)
Trumpeter's Gift (instrument, Perform +5, Shout 1 use/day, Bard/Harper Agent only)
Soulvoid Orb (grenadelike, Circle of Death 11, single use)
Nhor Deepforger's Deepforge Bread
Lens of the Desert (Sunbeam 13, 5 charges/use)
Kozah's Dog Scale Armor (dog: AC +2 armor, Bonus Feat: Lightning Reflexes, DR +4, Improved Saving Throws: Electrical +4)
The Mukkarib's Hound's Bite (dog: spring-loaded muzzle harness, EB +2, piercing +1d6, armor bonus vs. Aberration/Fey +3)

Bug: The Formorian denizens do not spawn unless you exit the cave and re-enter. There are so many areas with this problem...

Climb the north face to lofty heights and you will sort of wrap back around and find yourself atop the waterfall, with a concealed water temple showing below and a shaft of green light with a rune-scribed portal atop it.

Enter the water temple, slay the Spider Abomination and Spirit Naga inside, and then descend to the lower level.

Hunting Dog Corpse
Atar's Dog Leather Armor (dog armor: AC +2 armor, Fire resist 10/-, Elemental Shield 7, 1 use/day, Flame Lash 10, 1 use/day)
Adamantine Bite Harness (dog: spring-loaded muzzle harness, adamantine, piercing +1d6)

Bedine CorpseFaadi's Sash (Immunity: Sneak Attack)
Al Fas Al Hadd (battleaxe, EB +2, Keen, on-hit Wounding DC 18)
Umber Hulk Shield

Bedine Corpse
Shifrat Al Zzll (EB +2, negative energy +2)
Ubaid Imlaq's Jambiya (dagger, EB +2, Divine +2)
Rumaana Zadeh's Sash (belt, Spell Immunity: Magic Missile, Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm)

Not sure what this place is about. There are triggers on the floor but they don't do anything at this point.

Exit the temple and jump off the rocks overhanging the waterfall in order to enter the portal.

Emkan Emqeds
The Spirit World

You will be greeted by El Jebel Tuwaiq. Completed QuestPursuit, 2,000 XP.

Muqarribun Etqelyed Eshefhey. Big lore dump (plot-critical).

Weaver Eqedh Al-Emtemel. He will weave you an impressive robe: 

Reda Men Temyem Beny (artifact, AC Bonus +6 armor, Bonus Feat: Toughness, Bonus Hit Points +20, Freedom of Movement, Improved Saving Throws: Universal +3, Regeneration +2, Spell Resistance 24, True Seeing).

Speak with Banu Tamim. Completed QuestBanu Tamim, 6,000 XP.

QuestThe Threat to Ruh Al'Ealem QuestHelam Al-Ekheyal. You need to get council from the Dreamkeeper, Wasa-ey Helam Al-Ekheyal. Try to exit the area and the giant ant will escort you to his abode.

Emkan Ahelam Wahed Ermal

Take out the Asabi Nightmares along with four Asabi Sorcerers and an Asabi Nightmare Raid Leader.

SorcererHeavy Crossbow +3, Wand of Fear.

Leader: Asabi Nightmare Falchion, Cloak of Protection +4 (cloak, AC Bonus +4 Deflection)

There are children hiding from the asabi in one of the ruins just to the northwest. Wake them up from their dream (2,000 XP). Likewise, there is a tribesman holed up in the ruins in the extreme northeast (1,000 XP).

Wasa-ey Helam Al-Ekheyal is found seated on the other side of the lagoon.

Return to El Jebel Tuwaiq: Completed QuestHelam Al-Ekheyal, 3,000 XP.

QuestSister Sand. You need to get Wasa-ey Ermal Sheqyeqh onboard in order to confront the abominations.

Alermal Sheqyeqh

A sandstorm will be raging here. Simply consult your map and make your way to the towering sandstone pillar.

Again, return to El Jebel Tuwaiq: Completed QuestSister Sand, 3,000 XP. Next, go and have tea with the Weaver (2,000 XP). Yet again, return to El Jebel Tuwaiq. You will be time-lapsed to Ruh Al'Ealem.

Ruh Al'Ealem

QuestWall of the Abominations. A battle is being waged at the gates between the Wasa-ey and the Abominations, creatures of chaos and destruction. Since you can't even target the abominations in combat at the gates, you need to find a way to dig under the walls or climb over them.

Make your way west along the wall. Suddenly, you will see Sister Sand - the towering sandstone pillar - enter the fray at the gates in animated form. Then, Sabaa Sibaal will tunnel up from beneath you and order her ants to dig a tunnel under the walls for you. You are now inside. (Completed QuestWall of the Abominations, 1,000 XP.)

Confront and then take out the Beholder Abomination that eluded you back in Alemdynh Seq.

Rudely, you will be whisked away back to Emkan Emqeds one second after you slay it and the troll thingies. I don't need to tell you who to talk to, do I? (Completed QuestThe Threat to Ruh Al'Ealem, 5,000 XP.)

He will open a portal that will take you back to the Anauroch desert. You will reappear on the OLM at Azzihut - with no indication as to what to do next. Is the campaign over? I'm not sure.

Update: The Main Quest is Over.

Meanwhile, there are other areas on the OLM to explore, along with sidequests.

Sheik Aadil Banu Tamim dialogue is stuck in the past, telling me to seek out El Jebel Tuwaiq...

I also have three hung journal entries despite having satisfied the quest parameters:

  • The Stushan: The Weeping Maiden.
  • Banu Tamim Encampment: Overwinter Caves.
  • The Bani Okal.

Mouth of the Anauroch 
The Throat 

AboveThe Throat opening up to See the Moon outpost of the Drow.

Located west of Azzirhut, inbetween the Heart of the Desert and Azzirhut, this is a Drow outpost named See the Moon. Led by Matron Illistyn, the Drow here worship Eilistraee not Lolth. Thus, they are not hostile.

QuestSpeak with the Drow Leader. It's a simple matter of following Matron Illistyn into her private quarters (250 XP).

QuestLight Blindness. The matron believes Lolth spies or assassins have infiltrated the outpost. Family members have gone missing, too.

QuestCorocottaQuestObsidian OresQuestGhostly Myconids. You will receive these three quests once you have spoken with Zauviir, Chaulssin and Xunthun the merchant.

The entrance to the caverns is south of the lagoon.

Obsidian CavernsQuestSee the Moon: Send Gorka Home. In the far east of the caverns you will locate a vein of Obsidian from which you can acquire Obsidian Ore x3.

Take out the Ghost Fungus Men in the myconid colony in the northeast. Be sure to loot the Ghost Myconid Flesh.

You will also encounter a Genasi on his last legs along with Gorka, an earth elemental.

Corpse of Genasi: Dust of Appearance, Dust of Disappearance.

The elemental will join your party temporarily. Tell it to stand its ground. Why? So that it doesn't get killed by the monsters coming up. Continue your descent through the caverns, taking out the Xorn that stand before you and the portal.

Gorka will automatically enter the portal when you reach it: Completed QuestSee the Moon: Send Gorka Home, 1,000 XP).

Bug: Even when I didn't encounter the Genasi or Gorka at all (they are easy to miss), the quest completed when I reached the portal.

Deliver the ore and myconid flesh to Xunthun, Completed QuestObsidian Ores, 1,000 XP, Completed QuestGhostly Myconids, 1,000 XP. 

He will give you: 
Myconid Cap Shield (Improved Saving Throws: Mind-affecting +4) 

And forge you a weapon of your choosing out of the obsidian. I chose scimitar and received an Obsidian Edged Scimitar (Keen, slashing +2).

Bug: If you choose "pair of daggers" the items are not given. Also, the longsword has no mods.

River Canyon. The corocotta should spawn in the west. Slay them and skin them.

Across the river, in the east, you should find a trapdoor leading down to a spider burrow. In fact, you find yourself in a previously inaccessible area of the obsidian caves, in the southwest. Simply make your way through the cave, slaying Trapdoor Spiders en route to the dead-end, where you will locate the missing family members imprisoned by Drow Spies (Sickle +3, Drow Key).

Free the prisoners and then return to the Matron at the outpost: Completed QuestLight Blindness, 2,000 XP, Brooch of the Eilistraee Faithful (inventory item, Bonus Hit Points +10, Charisma +1, Wisdom +1).

Finally, deliver the Corocotta Skins to Xunthun: QuestCorocotta, 1,000 XP, Corocotta Armor (light armor, slashing 5/-).

High Ice Ruins

The ruins are located in the tundra region to the north.

QuestHigh Ice: Shirts and Skins. The dwarves on the approach are attempting to assemble a fighting force. Their leader will request that you hunt down some beasts. Check your map and head to the "beast sighting" markers. The beasts you're tracking are sneak attack-immune Mande Burung. Loot their Cold Weather Skins and deliver them to the dwarves (1,500 XP).

QuestHigh Ice: Ruins of the High Ice. Next up, the dwarves need their ruins cleared. There are four ruins to explore and clear of frost giants and white wolves. Slaying them all is easier said than done.

There are dwarven scouts in the far northeast. You can tell them of the safe passage. Oversight: "placeholder" in journal / incomplete journal entry.

Report back to the dwarven leader, informing them that all four ruins are cleared and that the dwarves may begin their ceremony.

Don't forget to inquire about the scouts.

Completed QuestDwarven Scouts, 1,500 XP, Completed QuestRuins of High Ice, 1,500 XP.

The avatar of Clangeddin opens the door to the largest ruin in the High Ice. You now need to enter and assist the dwarves in reclaiming the clanhold interior.

Dwarf CorpseDwarf Handaxe (EB +2, Fire +1, vs. Giants +4).

Hunt down and slay the frost giant jarl who reveals its true identity: an abomination (1,500 XP).

QuestThe Shard of Shadow. Seemingly incapable of achieving anything on their own - no doubt including the wiping of their own arses - now the hapless dwarves request that you risk life and limb taking on the shard of shadow...

Ruined area. The author has left a testing / module development chest in here containing epic cheat items.

Take out the extremely powerful corrupted dwarves, being wary of their quivering palm.

Skeleton by the throne
Missile Attractor (small shield, AC +1 shield, Spell Immunity: Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm)
Boots of Tracklessness (Bonus Feat: Trackless Step, Invisibility 7, 1 use/day)
Curse Spewing Greatsword (greatsword, EB +1, on-hit Bestow Curse 5, Required Lore to ID: 23!)

AltarSacrificial Knife (EB+ 1, Lore +3).

You will find the blacker-than-black crystal shard suspended in the southernmost chamber.

Beware its high-level Brimstone Blast. Good luck slaying it (Scythe +3, Completed QuestThe Shard of Shadow, 2,500 XP).

Return to the grateful dwarf leader for your reward: 
Crossbow of the High Ice (EB +4, Massive Criticals 1d6)
Dwarven Waraxe of the High Ice (adamantine dwarven waraxe, EB +3, Magical +3, requires Weapon Proficiency: Exotic), Bolt of Piercing x1.

Dwarf quest done.


These next two trivial areas are located side-by-side, between Khumel and the eastern caravan camp.

Dunes (barrow). The approach to the barrow is guarded by Salt Mummy and Dust Elemental.

Dessicated BodyWaqa'a Risha aka Boots of Feather Falling (boots, wearer takes no damage from falls), Staff of Tireless Touch (quarterstaff).

Enter the barrow. The barrow is laced with traps. There is a sarcophagus at its deepest point. A skeleton will animate and protest your defiling of its tomb, but then it will just crumble to the ground and leave you free to take the loot.

Sarcophagus: Ruby, Emerald, Jacinth, Scythe +1, Acid Dart x50 (EB +1, acid +1d4), Lord Mask (helmet, AC +2 Deflection, Diplomacy +2, Remove Fear 2, 1 use/day).

Small Oasis (non-Bedine encampment). Take out the Manticore, Sand Elemental and Monstrous Scorpion. The people of the camp have been slaughtered. The corpses under the tent cannot be looted. Meh...

Skeleton in the north
Al Qaws Al Ard (shortbow, EB +2, Massive Criticals 1d6, Mighty +4)
Nadi Tabdid (club, EB +1, on-hit Lesser Dispelling DC 16)
Ruyat Fi Al Zaalam (amulet, Darkvision)
Tool Boots (boots, Open Lock, Disable Device +2)

Enter the ruins in the east, slaying trivial undead as you make your descent.  

Shemagh of Fearlessness (Immunity: Fear)
Arrerhab Sahfi's Sickle (sickle, EB +2, Barkskin 3, 1 use/day, Magic Fang 5, 2 uses/day, Neutralize Poison 5, 1 use/day)
Bulette Hide Shield

Hostile outlanders lurk at the deepest point of the ruins. 

Outlander corpses
Adamantine Arrow x198
Bladed Composite Longbow x2 (Bonus Feat: Point Blank Shot, Mighty +3)
Basket-Hilted Rapier x2 (Parry +2)
Staff of Fiendish Darkness (quarterstaff, Animate Dead 10, 2 charges/use, Darkness 3, 1 charge/use, Dispel Magic 10, 2 charges/use)
Red Dyed Leather Book (find someone to read it to you).

Tel Badir
D'tarig Trading Village

There are two D'tarig merchants near the entrance to the town: one that sells potions, traps and crafting components, and one that sells weapons and armor. 

Most notably, you can purchase the Stiff Bracers (Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus: Shortbow, Weapon Focus: Longbow), Alchemical Silver Bite HarnessCold Iron Bite Harness and Uj ibn Anaq's Bite Harness (spring-loaded muzzle harnesses for the dogs). There is also a cook to whom you can sell Axebeak meat.

QuestTel Badir: Black Robes. Express your dislike of the Black Robes and Udlara Thaerintauhn and the camel merchant at the entrance to town will refer you to elders Thorn and Shandlara, whose offices are located in the far south of town.

Shadlara refers you to a D'Tarig named Dyulatar Rhaumm.

You can find Dyulatar Rhaumm in the extreme south of town.

The Black Robe is located in the northeast of town. He will cough up 500 GP for your info about the chests (Appraise DC 20).

You now need to head east to the Rockslide site east of town (it's map-marked).

Have Dyulatar trigger the rockslide. The Black Robes below will be crushed and killed.

Return to Shalandra for your reward: 2,500 XP + Healer's Kit +10 x5, 500 GP, Ruby, Sapphire.

There is one more quest in town:

QuestThe Stone Circles of Tel Badir. Speak to the Shaman in the northeast of town to get this quest. He wants you to take chacoal rubbings of the runes of two stone circles located outside of town.

One of the stone circles can be found in the southeast of the area. There is a skeleton just to the north holding Masterwork Studded Leather Armor and Ramzi Akram's Axe (battleaxe, EB +1, Fire +2, Bonus Feat: Cleave). The other circle is found far north of town. Follow the winding river north and you can't miss it. Deliver the rubbings to the shaman (1,500 XP).

See also: NWN2 mods --- NWN2 modules.

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