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Durlag's Tower Level 2 walkthrough

Durlag's Tower Level 2 Walkthrough

Durlag's Tower Level 2 is a cRPG dungeon in BioWare's cRPG of 1998-99, Baldur's Gate. Durlag's Tower Level 2 is the Labyrinth of Doors. Navigation of the second labyrinth relies on the manipulation of statues, sparring dummies, levers and wardstones to open and close warded doors made of impenetrable stone. These doors may separate party members, condemning them to death. 

Greater Doppelgangers

The labyrinth is also famous for pitting the party against Greater Doppelgangers disguised as Durlag, his wife and sons.

Greater Doppelgangers may also be encountered as on-rest spawns, randomly appearing in the form of Islanne (Durlag's wife, a mage), Kiel Legion-Killer (his eldest son and Clan-prince, a Fighter/Cleric) or Fuernebol (his youngest son, an archer) - even shifting between them during battle!

The common "Islanne" variant is problematic in that it unleashes divide & conquer spells like Confusion, Horror and Dire Charm, causing anarchy in the party's ranks. Dispel Magic is the key counter - memorize it!

The central entrance chamber has four exits of note, each with a dusty book placed on the threshold pointing out where Durlag's wife and sons were assailed by Greater Doppelgangers. 

Dusty books have been carefully placed by Durlag throughout the labyrinth, giving rhyming hints and reflections on what happened down here, three centuries ago. I'll quote them as we go.

Only one door is open at the moment, leading to a statue chamber. Here, an eerie tapestry gives the player a clue about the statues (below right).

Islanne's Wardstone

Manipulating the first statue opens the door to the master suite, wherein Islanne's wardstone is looted from the coffee table. This act triggers the suite's entry door to close and its escape door to open, even as a Greater Doppelganger - disguised as Durlag - teleports into the suite to creepily regurgitate Durlag's words to Islanne, though with a twisted spin (below left).

Shifting to its true form, the Greater Doppelganger turns hostile and fills the room with fire! As mentioned earlier, Dispel Magic and Magic Missile are effective counters to their protective Mirror Image; an extremely powerful illusion.

Islanne Wardstone item Code: MISC2C.

The escape door is open to a short tunnel leading back to the statue chamber.

Foul mimic of mortal man, was in my shape they killed Islanne. - Dusty Book.

Sparring Dummies

Manipulating the second statue opens the door to Fuernebol's practice chamber, wherein a sparring dummy is struck to trigger a similar chain of events, except that this Greater Doppelganger fills the room with noxious fumes, knocking the party out and poisoning them! (Stinking Cloud).

Again, a tunnel returns the party to the statue chamber.

Soft walks the trait'rous Doppelganger, into my dear son's practice chamber. - Dusty Book.

Kiel Wardstone & Fuernebol Wardstone

The door to the Throne Room opens when the party has looted both the wardstones of Kiel (Durlag's other, eldest son) & Fuernebol from the master suite, and struck another sparring dummy in the practice chamber.

Kiel Wardstone item code: MISC2D.
Fuernebol Wardstone item code: MISC2E.

Looting Kiel's Helmet (Immunity to critical hits & fear effects, boosts morale) from the throne triggers a spawn of three Greater Doppelgangers, each of which conjure billowing clouds of toxicity! (Cloudkill).

Wall Trap

Having solved the door puzzle, the player now has access to a small chamber with a lever panel to open and close any of these doors (below left), including one that opens a tunnel made deadly by a crushing wall trap that insta-kills anyone unfortunate enough to trip it. (Below right.)

The tunnel winds down to a trapped chamber of no other significance; and then another chamber divided by a molten metal stream. 

Here the party is pitted against a trio of Greater Doppelgangers that have assumed the forms of the late Kiel, Islanne & Fuernebol.

Torture Chamber

Taste My Fear. - Dusty Book.

Durlag's Goblet

The torture chamber is the most trap-dense area of the labyrinth (below right); some of them 100-rated. 

Durlag's cursed goblet lies discarded on the floor (below left). If equipped and consumed, it seems that neither Remove Curse nor Dispel Magic will unequip it, meaning you have to wait twelve hours for the panic effect to wear off (rest twice to recover "instantly").

Face My Demons. - Dusty Book.

When this book is picked up from the floor of the portal chamber, two Greater Doppelgangers spawn to flank the party from the torture chamber behind, randomly shifting between the forms of Islanne, Kiel and Fuernebol (below right).

Glowing Glyphs: Teleportation Wardstone

When they're dealt with, two teleportation wardstones may be looted from central (trapped) receptacles, allowing the party to circumvent the dual gates by means of glowing glyphs (below left).

Teleportation Wardstone item code: MISC2F.

Seek No Exit. - Dusty Book.

Trapped urns adorn the adjacent funeral chamber. They contain only healing potions (below left).

Know No Refuge. - Dusty Book.

Level 2 Exit Wardstone

An adjoining shrine is dominated by a trapped statue holding the ultimate prize, the Level 2 Exit Wardstone! (below right.) But where is the exit?

Feel No Warmth. - Dusty Book.

Down a long tunnel, ghasts lurk in alcoves waiting to ambush intruders. The tunnel is complicated by Fireball traps.

Dance With the Dead. - Dusty Book.

At the tunnel's end, what appears to be the exit turns out to be a ruse! Instead, three Skeleton Warriors ambush in a deadly flanking manoeuvre and a foul stench overpowers the room.

The true exit is just south of this room, but there is one last chamber to explore.

Kiel the Legion Killer

Here fell Kiel the Legion Killer. - Dusty Book.

Dwarven Doom Guards

The final resting place of Kiel is guarded by four Dwarven Doom Guards who are made hostile when Kiel's Morningstar & Kiel's Buckler are looted from the trunk at the foot of his bed (below left). Good luck vanquishing these tanks...

Ok, that's it! The Labyrinth of Doors has been bested. With the true exit found and Level 2 Exit Wardstone in hand, the bloodied and battered party prepares to descend the staircase to the third labyrinth, where we will attempt to understand Durlag's disturbed mind...

Know My Madness. - Dusty Book.

Level 2 Exit Wardstone item code: MISC2G.

Descending to Durlag's Tower Level 3!

1. Durlag's Tower Walkthrough 2. Durlag's Tower Level 1 3. Durlag's Tower Level 2
4. Durlag's Tower Level 3 5. Durlag's Tower Level 4 6. Aec'Letec Baldur's Gate
Werewolf Island Walkthrough Baldur's Gate 1 Walkthrough Baldur's Gate 1 (Index)

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