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CONFUSION: Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Confusion is a Baldur's Gate spell in BioWare's cRPG of 1998-2001, Baldur's Gate.

  • Confusion (Enchantment/Charm) 
  • Level: 4
  • Range: Visual range of the caster
  • Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/6 levels 
  • Casting Time: 4 
  • Area of Effect: Up to 60-foot cube 
  • Saving Throw: Special 

This spell causes confusion in one or more creatures within the area, creating indecision and the inability to take effective action.  All creatures within the area of effect are allowed save vs. spell with a -2 penalty.  Those successfully saving are unaffected by the spell. 

The spell lasts for five rounds plus one round for every 6 levels of the caster.  Those who fail their saving throws will either go berserk, stand confused, or wander about for the duration of the spell.
Wandering creatures move as far from the caster as possible, according to their most typical mode of movement (characters walk, fish swim, bats fly, etc.).  Any confused creature that is attacked perceives the attacker as an enemy and acts according to its basic nature. 


◦ Confusion (Enchantment, SCRL1U): AoE divide & conquer spell that causes impacted enemies to run around like idiots and/or attack each other. As with Horror, I generally don't cast this because it's annoying to chase down the confused combatants. However, it is powerful and can turn the tide of battle like many AoE D&C spells.
Rank: Mid-tier.

cf. Chaos.

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