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Best Builds, Icewind Dale 2

Best Builds Icewind Dale 2

Welcome to the index for the best builds in Icewind Dale 2, a cRPG released by Black Isle in 2002. The best build in Icewind Dale 2 is Sorcerer.

At its core, an Icewind Dale 2 character build is simply a number of levels taken in a class or mix of classes along with the stats, spells, feats and skills chosen. Classes may be taken in a specific order in order to push the limits of power and flexibility, but it's just not necessary.

If you're new to IWD2 or D&D 3rd Edition cRPGs, don't get overwhelmed by heavily multi-classed builds and all the technical rules. I've kept this simple by posting builds with clearly defined combat and utility roles whose skillset is easily recognizable and who will complement each others in battles and adventuring. That's what makes them "the best": each build is more than good enough from beginning to end.

You don't need to multi-class your build to beat Icewind Dale 2 Heart of Fury; that is a myth. However, you do want to min-max your IWD2 Stats. Icewind Dale 2 Heart of Fury is easier than Normal mode. A properly equipped and buffed Barbarian -- naught but a mundane martial -- can rip enemies to pieces. The difficulty of IWD2 HoF mode has been overrated by players whose first combat cRPG was IWD2, not X-COM UFO Defense.

You may be wondering which Icewind Dale 2 Weapons you should specialize in: two-handed weapons are better than dual-wielding or sword and shield because 2-handers receive a Strength bonus to damage.

But what matters most are the IWD2 Feats your build takes and how much strength your build has. For example, Power Attack, Cleave and Great Cleave are not specific to weapon. The only feats that are specific to weapons are Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization.

In comparison to NWN Builds, feat investment in weapons is weak in IWD2. Improved Critical isn't even weapon-specific in IWD2: Improved Critical only needs be taken once yet impacts all weapon types.

Icewind Dale 2 (Index) Stats IWD2 Skills IWD2 Weapons IWD2
Best Builds Icewind Dale 2 Races IWD2 Feats IWD2 Best Weapon IWD2
Icewind Dale 2 Walkthrough Classes IWD2 Best Party IWD2 Wizard Spells IWD2
Icewind Dale 2 Enemies Heart of Fury IWD2 Icewind Dale 2 Review Cleric Spells IWD2

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