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SKILLS, Icewind Dale 2, IWD2

Skills Icewind Dale 2

Welcome to my Skills guide for Black Isle's cRPG Definition of 2002, Icewind Dale 2The best skills in Icewind Dale 2 are Concentration, Spellcraft and Knowledge: Arcana. However, no skills are essential; none. Social skills only add flavor and give us a bit more XP, and Rogue skills are devalued by IWD2 Wizard Spells.

  • There are not many traps and they're not deadly, anyway (no need for Search/Disarm skills).
  • ANY lock can be forced open by characters with sufficient Strength scores. Plus, there is the arcane spell, Knock (no need for Open Lock skill).
  • Invisibility spells facilitate more reliable scouting (no need for stealth skills).
  • Barely any good items can be pick-pocketed (no need for Pick Pocket).


(Int; Trained Only): Alchemists combine strange ingredients in secret ways to make marvelous substances. Skilled alchemists are able to identify potions, poison and other alchemical substances.

The Alchemy-based dialogue skill checks do not reward XP.


(Cha; Trained Only; Druid, Ranger Only). Use this skill to keep a guard dog from barking at you, to get a wild bird to land on your outstretched hand, or to keep an owlbear calm while you back off.


(Int). Use this skill to tell an antique from old junk, a sword that's old and fancy from an elven heirloom, and high-quality jewelry from cheap stuff made to look good. Skilled appraisers can more easily identify weapons, armor, gems and other items frequently found while adventuring.


(Cha). You can make the outrageous or the untrue seem plausible.  The skill encompasses acting, conning, fast talking, misdirection, prevarication, and misleading body language.  Use a bluff to sow temporary confusion, get someone to turn his head to look where you point, or simply look innocuous.


(Con). You are particularly good at focusing your mind.  Those with high Concentration skill can cast spells despite distractions such as taking damage, getting hit by unfriendly spells, and so on.


(Cha). Use this skill to persuade the enemy to let you see the head guy, to negotiate peace between two feuding parties, or convince the evil goblins that captured you that they should ransom you back to your friends instead of killing you.  Diplomacy includes etiquette, social grace, tact, subtlety, and a way with words.  A skilled character knows the formal and informal rules of conduct, social expectations, proper forms of address, and so on.


(Int; Trained Only). Use this skill to disarm a trap, jam a lock, or rig a wagon wheel to fall off.  You can examine a fairly simple or fairly small mechanical device and disable it.


(Dex; Armor Check Penalty). Use this skill to sink back into the shadows and proceed unseen, to approach a wizard's tower under cover of brush, or to tail someone through a busy street without being noticed.


(Cha). Use this skill to get a bully to back down or to make a character give you the information you want.  Intimidation includes verbal threats and body language.


(Dex; Armor Check Penalty). Use this skill to sneak up behind an enemy or to slink away without being noticed.


(Dex; Trained Only). You can pick padlocks, finesse combination locks, and solve puzzle locks.


(Dex; Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty). You can cut or lift the purse and hide it on your person, palm an unattended object, or perform some feat of legerdemain with an object no larger than a hat or a loaf of bread. You can pick pocket non-hostile NPC's as well as your own party members.

Get a few ranks so that you can pick-pocket Lucky Knucky IWD2.


(Int). Use this skill to find secret doors, simple traps, hidden chests, and other details that aren't readily apparent.  The Spot lets you notice something, such as a hiding rogue. The Search skill lets a character discern some small detail or irregularity through active effort.


(Int; Trained Only). Use this skill to identify spells as they are cast or spells already in place.  Additionally, certain spells allow you to gain information about magic provided that you make a Spellcraft check. Lastly, wizards use this skill to learn new spells from scrolls they find or purchase.

In addition to the ability to ID spells as they are being cast (very convenient), 10 ranks unlocks a few Arcane elemental feats.


(Wis). Use this skill to hunt wild game, guide a party safely through frozen wastelands, identify signs that a foe lives nearby, or avoid other natural hazards.  To use Wilderness Lore, select it from the Skills menu.

It's only of use in Fellwood Maze IWD2.


(Cha; Trained Only; Bard, Rogue Only). This skill allows a bard or rogue to use scrolls and wands normally forbidden to them.  When the character uses such items, he or she attempts to use a mish-mash of arcane knowledge to activate it.  The more powerful the effect is, the more difficult the power is to invoke.  If the character fails to activate the item, that charge is destroyed and the user takes 1-6 points of magical damage per level of the effect they were attempting to invoke.


(Int; Trained Only). Knowledge (Arcana) represents the study of arcane knowledge, such as ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols and cryptic phrases.  Knowledge (Arcana) also gives the skilled the ability to identify many types of magical artifacts such as wands, scrolls, rods and other arcane magic items.

• Omitted (replaced by Knowledge: Arcana and Alchemy):


Use this skill to identify miscellaneous items such as boots, cloaks, amulets, and other miscellaneous items.


Use this skill to identify potions and other chemical items.


Use this skill to identify weapons and armor.


Use this skill to identify scrolls and wands.

Icewind Dale 2 (Index) Stats IWD2 Skills IWD2 Weapons IWD2
Best Builds Icewind Dale 2 Races IWD2 Feats IWD2 Best Weapon IWD2
Icewind Dale 2 Walkthrough Classes IWD2 Best Party IWD2 Wizard Spells IWD2
Icewind Dale 2 Enemies Heart of Fury IWD2 Icewind Dale 2 Review Cleric Spells IWD2

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