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Best Combat cRPGs

Combat Computer Role-playing Games

cRPG combat is one of the most important categories of cRPG Design. Not just overall, but also as regards many specifics, Jagged Alliance 2 has the best combat of any cRPG ever made in cRPG History.

Jagged Alliance 2 not only employs the best combat system (turn-based cRPGs), but its employment of the turn-based combat system is the best out of all cRPGs that employ that system. Thus, it is the King among Kings.

Jagged Alliance 2 not only employs the best perspective (isometric cRPGs), buts its employment of the isometric perspective is the best.

It not only employs party-based cRPG tactics and full party control, but its employment of party-based tactics and FPC is the best.

It boasts of the best cRPG encounter design, the best cRPG Itemization, the best control systems (viewport, UI) the best enemy AI, the best resource management outside of Swordflight, and the best verticality and destructibility outside of Silent Storm and X-COM: Apocalypse.

Not only are its combat mechanics apex-level, its combat aesthetics are as well: it is inarguable that Jagged Alliance 2 boasts of the most impactful battle animations, sound effects and voice-overs: its visuals and soundscape add immeasurably to immersion and gameplay engagement, thereby reminding us of 80s action films such as Commando, Predator and Aliens (crepitus).

It's funny seeing so many gamers worshipping these movies, yet eschewing Jagged Alliance 2 in favor of cRPGs with elves, dwarves and even furries. But then, with many cRPG fans there is no accounting for taste or consistency, is there.

A List of the Best Combat cRPGs

The best combat cRPGs are as follows:

But which cRPG has the worst combat? Answer: Morrowind.

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