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CLASSES, Icewind Dale 2, IWD2, Best

Best Classes IWD2

Welcome to my Class guide for Black Isle's cRPG Definition of 2002, Icewind Dale 2. There are 12 classes in Icewind Dale 2. Due to their ability to pick the most powerful spells as they become available, the best class in Icewind Dale 2 is Sorcerer IWD2. This is true for Heart of Fury IWD2 as well. 

Barbarian IWD2

From the frozen wastes of the north and the hellish jungles of the south come brave, even reckless, warriors. While not as disciplined or as skilled as a normal fighter, the barbarian can willingly throw himself into a berserker rage, becoming a tougher and stronger opponent.  

Hit points per level: 1-12

Barbarian IWD2 Advantages

  • Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields.
  • Barbarian Rage: Can rage once per day per every 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use). Rage gives them +4 to constitution and strength for 5 rounds. Gives a 2 point armor class penalty and +2 to Will saves. After raging the barbarian will be fatigued for a period of time which will lower some of his abilities.
  • Fast Movement: Barbarians can move 10 feet faster than a standard character.
  • 2nd level: Uncanny Dodge (1). Barbarians retain their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class if they are attacked by invisible foes.
  • 5th level: Uncanny Dodge (2). Barbarians cannot be Sneak Attacked by rogues unless the attacker is at least four levels higher than the barbarian.
  • 11th level: Damage Reduction. The barbarian gains 1/- point of resistance to slashing, piercing, bludgeoning and missile damage. He gains 1/- additional point of resistance every 3 levels thereafter.
  • 15th level: Greater Rage. All of the barbarian's rages become greater rages, which increase the strength and constitution bonuses to +6 and the saving throw bonus to +3.  He or she still receives the -2 armor penalty.
  • 20th level: Tireless Rage. The barbarian is no longer fatigued after a rage.

Barbarian IWD2 Disadvantages

  • Barbarians gain feats at a slower rate than fighters.
  • Barbarians do not start with proficiency in heavy armor.

Don't let anyone tell you that Barbarian Build IWD2 can't wreck house all the way to Godhood. They need buffs to do it, but that's no different from any other class. Barbs are commonly mixed with four Fighter levels, in order to gain Weapon Specialization.

We want our Barb wielding the Best Weapon IWD2 and wearing Mithral Plate.

Note: The favored class of Ghostwise Halfling is Barb.

Bard IWD2

The bard's strength is his pleasant and charming personality. With it and his wits he makes his way through the world. A bard is a talented musician and a walking storehouse of gossip, tall tales, and lore. He learns a little bit about everything that crosses his path; he is a jack-of-all-trades but master of none. While many bards are scoundrels, their stories and songs are welcome almost everywhere.

Hit Points per Level: 1-6

Bard IWD2 Advantages

  • Proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields. The bard is also proficient with large swords.
  • +1 to Alchemy, Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft
  • 2nd level: Spellcasting. Bards gain the ability to cast minor wizard spells. Wearing a suit of armor prevents bards from accessing their spells.
  • Many rogue like skills are class skills of the Bard.
  • Bard Songs. Bards have the ability to sing melodies that have magical effects on creatures within thirty feet. As they advance in level, they gain additional songs. The songs are described in detail below.
  • 1st level: The Ballad of Three Heroes. When the Ballad of Three Heroes is played, all the bard's allies gain +1 attack bonus, +1 damage, and +1 saving throws.
  • 3rd level: The Tale of Curran Strongheart. When the Tale of Curran Strongheart is being played, any fear effects on the bard's allies are removed, and they gain an immunity to fear effects for as long as the song lasts.
  • 5th level: Tymora's Melody. When played, Tymora's Melody gives the bard's allies +1 luck, +3 saving throws, and +2 to their Knowledge(arcana), Alchemy, and rogue skills.
  • 7th level: The Song of Kaudies. When the Song of Kaudies is played, the bard's allies have a 50% chance to shrug off the effects of spells such as Silence, Shout, Great Shout, Command, or any other sound-based attack.
  • 9th level: The Siren's Yearning. When played, the bard's enemies must make a Will save or be entralled, unable to take action until ten rounds pass or they take damage.
  • 11th level: The War Chant of Sith. When played, the bard's allies gain +2 armor bonus, damage resistance of 2/-, and they regenerate 3 points of damage per round in combat.

Bard IWD2 Disadvantages

  • Bards are not as effective in hand-to-hand combat as warriors or priests.
  • Bards have slower access to spells than a wizard or priest.

The War Chant of Sith is broken. Don't abuse it or the game might not be fun to play anymore.

Cleric IWD2

The cleric is a generic priest (of any mythos) who tends to the spiritual needs of a community. He is both protector and healer, though he is not totally defensive. 

  • Wisdom is the casting statistic for a cleric. It affects their maximum spellcasting level, spell saving throw DCs, and number of bonus spells.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1-8
  • Weapons Allowed: Club, Crossbow, Flail, Hammer, Mace, Morningstar, Quarterstaff, Sling, Spear.  
  • If you have gained proficiencies in weapons other than these with your previous class, they will be LOST PERMANENTLY by dual-classing to cleric. 
  • Armor Allowed: Any

Cleric IWD2 Advantages

  • Clerics can cast powerful defensive and healing spells.
  • Clerics have the ability to Turn Undead. When this power is invoked, the cleric attempts to use the power of his or her patron deity to either terrify (if good or neutral) or control (if evil) a group of undead. The higher the cleric's level and charisma are, the greater his or her chance of success is.

Cleric IWD2 Disadvantages

  • Clerics do not have access to many powerful offensive spells.
  • Cleric spells often take longer to cast than wizard spells.
  • Clerics are weaker in combat than fighters, rangers, paladins, and barbarians.

Clerics are the biggest winners in 3.x and IWD2. In BG1 and IWD1, Clerics were stuck on native ApR 1. But 3.x and IWD2 employ BAB which means Clerics can attain ApR 5 like warriors. Not only that, but Clerics can buff themselves into better tanks with Ironskins and better damage dealers with Holy Power. And this on top of their ability to debuff, ward, heal, summon, immobilize, disrupt undead and unleash damaging AoEs. Most commonly, Clerics are multi-classed with Fighter (4), Monk (1) and Paladin (2).


Ilmater, also known as the Crying God, is the god of suffering and perserverance. Taught that enduring the suffering of others is the greatest act of sacrifice, Painbearers of Ilmater can be found wherever the weak are oppressed. Painbearers are known for their charity, humility, and their unshaking faith during even the most trying of circumstances.

  • Pain Touch 1/day (Touch weapon that causes a -2 penalty to Str and Dex for 10 rounds) 
  • Ilmater's Endurance 1/day (increase Con by 6 for a number of rounds equal to level)


Lathander the Morninglord is the god of the dawn and renewal. His priests, who share his title, can be found around the world helping communities grow and rebuild after times of trouble. Morninglords are known for their kindness and optimism.

  • Improved Turning Feat
  • Lathander's Renewal 1/day (cures 2x cleric level in hit points)


Selune is often called the Moonmaiden for her connection to the silver moon that orbits Faerun. She is the goddess of the moon and travelers. Her priests, called Silverstars, travel far and wide to help the oppressed and explore lost places. Silverstars are known for their open-minded tolerance and their hatred of bigotry.

  • Selune's Freedom 1/day (Freedom of Movement that lasts 1 round/level)
  • Moon Shield 1/day (grants a +3 bonus to spell resistance for a number of rounds equal to level)


Also known as He of the Unsleeping Eyes, Helm is the god of guardians. His servants, the Watchers, are always vigilant against invaders, thieves, and tricksters of all sorts. Watchers are known for their stern demeanor, loyalty, and uncompromising ethics.

  • Helm's Shield 1/day (grants a +2 bonus to saves for a number of rounds equal to level) 
  • Helm's Watch 1/day (grants a +2 armor bonus as well as a +2 armor bonus vs missiles for a number of rounds equal to level)


Oghma, the Lord of Knowledge, is the patron of bards and the god of knowledge. Oghma's Lorekeepers are interested in recovering lost secrets, preserving knowledge, and spreading information freely. Lorekeepers are known for their honesty and their inquisitive nature.

  • Oghma's Knowledge (+1 to Alchemy, Knowledge (Arcana)) 
  • Identify 1/Day


The Lord of Battles, Tempus, is worshipped by warriors across the Faerun. As war can be found in almost every civilzed part of the world, so too can the Battleguards of Tempus. Battleguards fight bravely and inspire their comrades to deeds of valor. They are known for their bravery and stubborn nature.

  • Automatically gains Martial Weapon: Axe and Weapon Focus: Axe feats.
  • Tempus' Strength 1/day (increase Strength by 6 for number of rounds equal to level)


Also known as the Black Hand, Bane is the god of strife, hatred, and tyranny. The Dreadmasters, his priests, can be found wherever the strong and cruel prey upon the weak. They are known for their manipulative scheming and malicious attitude.

  • Tyrant's Dictum (all saves vs. their Will spells are at +1 DC)
  • +1 to all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate


The Lord of Shadows, Mask, is the god of thieves and shadows. His servants, the Demarchs, often help small bands of thieves in their efforts. Many can be found as advisors in thieves' guilds. They are known for their deceptive nature and their avarice.

  • Free Blind-Fight feat 
  • +1 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Pick Pockets


Talos the Destroyer is the god of storms and destruction. The bane of many rangers and druids, Talos works his evil through the use of his priests, the Stormlords. Stormlords terrorize farming communities all across Faerun with threats of imminent doom if all do not appease the Destroyer. They are known for their abusive terrorism and their foolhardy nature.

  • 5/- Electrical Resistance 
  • Destructive Blow 1/Day (gain a +2 bonus to hit and damage to self for a number of rounds equal to level)

Druid IWD2

The druid serves the cause of nature and neutrality; the wilderness is his community. He uses his special powers to protect it and to preserve balance in the world.

  • Wisdom is the casting statistic for a druid. It affects their maximum spellcasting level, spell saving throw DCs, and number of bonus spells.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1-8

Druid IWD2 Advantages

  • Proficient with all simple weapons except for the crossbow, the martial weapons largesword and polearm, plus light armor, medium armor, and shields.
  • Druids can cast powerful offensive and healing spells.
  • 5th level: Wild Shape Boar. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into an Boar. This transformation also heals some damage. The druid can Wild Shape 1/day.
  • 6th level: The druid can Wild Shape 2/day.
  • 7th level: Wild Shape Winter Wolf. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into a winter wolf.  The winter wolf is resistant to cold, moves quickly, and has a bite attack. This transformation also heals some damage. The druid can Wild Shape 3/day.
  • 9th level: Wild Shape Polar Bear. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into a polar bear.  The polar bear has extremely powerful claw attacks. This transformation also heals some damage.
  • 9th level: Immunity to Poison. The druid becomes immune to all forms of poison.
  • 10th level: The druid can Wild Shape 4/day.
  • 12th level: Wild Shape Dire Bear. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into a dire bear. The dire bear has even more powerful claw attacks than the polar bear. This transformation also heals some damage.
  • 14th level: Wild Shape Dire Panther. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into a powerful dire panther. This transformation also heals some damage. The druid can Wild Shape 5/day.
  • 15th level: Timeless Body. The druid is immune to the effects of fatigue.
  • 16th level: Elemental Shape Fire Elemental. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into a fire elemental. The fire elemental is highly resistant to fire and can burn opponents. This transformation also heals some damage.
  • 18th level: Elemental Shape Earth Elemental. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into an earth elemental. The earth elemental has powerful fist attacks. This transformation also heals some damage. The druid can Wild Shape 6/day.
  • 20th level: Elemental Shape Water Elemental. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into a water elemental.  The water elemental has powerful fist attacks. This transformation also heals some damage.
  • 22nd level: Elemental Shape Air Elemental. The druid gains the ability to shapechange into an air elemental. The air elemental has powerful attacks. This transformation also heals some damage.  The druid can Wild Shape 7/day.
  • 26th level: The druid can Wild Shape 8/day.
  • 30th level: The druid can Wild Shape 9/day.

Druid IWD2 Disadvantages

  • Druids do not have access to many powerful defensive spells.
  • Druids are not as powerful as fighters, rangers, paladins, or barbarians in combat.

The pathfinding routines for Druid Wildshapes are a bit buggy. Feat-based Wildshapes are worthless, but the Wildshapes that come from the Druid's level progression are quite strong (Polar Bear & Dire Bear). Eventually, Druidic spellcasting overshadows Wildshapes.

Fighter IWD2

The fighter is a champion, swordsman, soldier, and brawler. He lives or dies by his knowledge of weapons and tactics. Fighters can be found at the front of any battle, contesting toe-to-toe with monsters and villains. A good fighter needs to be strong and healthy if he hopes to survive.

Hit Points per Level: 1-10

Fighter IWD2 Advantages

  • Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.
  • Receives a bonus feat at first level and every two levels after that. This is in addition to the normal feat received by all character classes every three levels.
  • Characters with four or more levels of fighter may take the Weapon Specialization feat (three ranks in a weapon). This gives them +2 to damage with that weapon type.

Fighter IWD2 Disadvantages

  • Fighters lack any spellcasting ability.

Fighters are all about feats. We usually take four levels of Fighter in order to gain Weapon Specialization; after which, it is best to mix in Barbarian.

Monk IWD2

Monks are warriors who pursue perfection through contemplation as well as action. They are versatile fighters, especially skilled in combat without weapons or armor. Though monks cannot cast spells, they have a unique magic of their own. They channel a subtle energy, called ki, which allows them to perform amazing feats. The monk's best-known feat is their ability to stun an opponent with an unarmed blow.  

  • A monk who multiclasses to a class other than monk or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the monk class again.
  • Multiclassed monks ONLY use their monk levels when determining their base attack bonus and number of attacks when fighting unarmed.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1-8

Monk IWD2 Fist Damage

As the monk increases in levels, the damage his fists inflicts does as well:

  • Level 1-3: 1-6
  • Level 4-7: 1-8
  • Level 8-11: 1-10
  • Level 12-15: 1-12
  • Level 16-20: 1-20
  • Level 21-25: 1-20 + 1-6
  • Level 26-30: 1-20 + 1-10

Monk IWD2 Advantages

  • The monk's base attack bonus grants additional attacks at a faster rate while the monk is unarmed.
  • A monk's natural armor class starts at 10, and then increases by +1 at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
  • When not wearing armor a monk adds his Wisdom bonus to his AC in the same manner as his Dexterity bonus.
  • Stunning Attacks: When this ability is used, all of the monk's attacks in the next round force the victim to make a saving throw or be stunned. This special ability automatically modifies a monk's normal attack, no targeting needs to be done. A monk can make a stunning attack 1/day/level.
  • Evasion: Monks have the ability to evade damage from area affect spells. Whenever a monk makes a successful reflex save against an area effect spell that allows a reflex save for half damage, he or she takes no damage.
  • 2nd level: Deflect Arrows. The monk gains the Deflect Arrows feat, yielding a +1 miscellanous bonus against missile weapons.
  • 3rd level: Still Mind. The monk gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and effects from the Enchantment school.Unarmored movement speed increases.
  • 5th level: Purity of Body. The monk gains control over his body's immune system. He gains immunity to all diseases.
  • 6th level: Unarmored movement speed increases.
  • 7th level: Wholeness of Body. The monk can cure up to twice his current level in hit points once each day.
  • 9th level: Improved Evasion. The monk gains the Improved Evasion feat that is normally only available to rogues.
  • 10th level: Ki Strike. The monk's unarmed attack is empowered with ki. The unarmed strike damage from such an attack can deal damage to a creature with damage reduction, such as a wight, as if the blow were made with a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus. Ki strike improves as the monk gains experience, increasing to +2 at 13th level, +3 at 16th level, and +4 at 21st level.Unarmored movement speed increases.
  • 11th level: Diamond Body. The monk is in such control of his own metabolism that he gains immunity to poison of all kinds.
  • 12th level: Unarmored movement speed increases.
  • 13th level: Diamond Soul.The monk gains spell resistance.His spell resistance equals his level + 10. In order to affect the monk with a spell, a spellcaster must roll the monk's spell resistance or higher on 1d20 + the spellcaster's level.
  • 15th level: Quivering Palm. This terrifying attack allows the monk to set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can be fatal.The monk can use the quivering palm attack once per day. Constructs, oozes, plants, elementals and undead cannot be affected. The monk must be of higher level than the target (or have more levels than the target's number of Hit Dice). If the monk strikes successfully and the target takes damage from the blow, the target dies unless it makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the monk's level + Wisdom modifier). Unarmored movement speed increases.
  • 18th level: Unarmored movement speed increases.
  • 19th level: Empty Body. The monk can assume an ethereal state for2 rounds a number of times a day equal to his level divided by 2.
  • 20th level: Perfect Self.The monk has tuned his body with skill and quasi-magical abilities to the point that he becomes a magical creature. He is forevermore treated as an outsider (extraplanar creature) rather than as a humanoid. For instance, charm person does not affect him. Additionally, the monk gains damage reduction 20/+1. This means that the monk ignores (instantly regenerates) the first 20 points of damage from any attack unless the damage is dealt by a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus (or better), by a spell, or by a form of energy (fire, cold, etc.). As an outsider, a 20th level monk is subject to spells that repel enchanted creatures, such as protection from law.

Monk IWD2 Disadvantages

  • Loses many bonuses if wearing armor and/or using weapons.


Members of the Old Order do not worship any particular deity, but are fond of philosophical debates and introspection.

  • Special Order Ability: Can multiclass to rogue without losing the ability to advance in the monk class.
  • A monk who multiclasses to a class other than monk or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the monk class again.


Members of the Order of the Broken Ones venerate Ilmater, god of suffering. They strive to endure the pain of their training as well as the pain of others.

  • Special Order Ability: Can multiclass to Painbearer of Ilmater without losing the ability to advance in the monk class.
  • A monk who multiclasses to a class other than monk or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the monk class again.


Members of the Order of the Dark Moon worship Shar, goddess of darkness and loss. They use their monastic training as a route to personal and spiritual power.

  • Special Order Ability: Can multiclass to sorcerer without losing the ability to advance in the monk class.
  • A monk who multiclasses to a class other than monk or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the monk class again.

Paladin IWD2

A paladin is a warrior bold and pure, the exemplar of everything good and true. Like the fighter, the paladin is a man of combat. However, the paladin lives for the ideals of righteousness, justice, honesty, piety, and chivalry. He strives to be a living example of these virtues so that others might learn from him as well as gain by his actions.

  • Wisdom is the casting statistic for a paladin. It affects their maximum spellcasting level, spell saving throw DCs, and number of bonus spells.
  • A paladin who multiclasses to a class other than paladin or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the paladin class again.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1-10

Paladin IWD2 Advantages

  • Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.
  • Adds Charisma modifier to all saving throws (Divine Grace).
  • Paladins may use Lay On Hands 1/Day.Lay On Hands heals the target for a number of hit points equal to the paladin's Charisma modifier times their paladin level (minimum of 1 point per level).
  • Paladins are immune to all forms of disease (Divine Health).
  • 2nd level: Smite Evil.Once per day, the paladin may now attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma modifier (if positive) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per level.
  • 2nd Level: Aura of Courage aka Divine Courage. Paladins become immune to fear, and allies within 10 feet receive a bonus of +4 to saving throws against fear effects.
  • 3rd level: Remove Disease. The paladin gains the ability to remove disease from other characters a number of times per day equal to his level divided by 3.
  • 3rd Level: Turn Undead. When this power is invoked, the paladin attempts to use the power of his or her patron deity to terrify a group of undead. The higher the paladin's level and charisma are, the greater his or her chance of success is. Though this ability is similar to the cleric's Turn Undead ability, the paladin's ability functions as though he or she were two levels lower than a cleric.
  • 4th Level: Spellcasting. Paladins gain the ability to cast spells.

Paladin IWD2 Disadvantages

  • The paladin must be lawful good in alignment and must choose a divine order.This choice of an order restricts the paladin's multiclassing possibilities.
  • The paladin must react to evil deeds that occur in his or her presence.


Paladins of Ilmater venerate the god of suffering. They willingly take the most horrible wounds in any battle just to prevent the suffering of others. They are typically known for their humility.

  • Special Order Ability: Can multiclass to Painbearer of Ilmater without losing the ability to advance in the paladin class.
  • A paladin who multiclasses to a class other than paladin or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the paladin class again.


Paladins of Helm follow the teachings of the god of guardians. They are dedicated to defending the weak and protecting important places against assault.

  • Special Order Ability: Can multiclass to fighter without losing the ability to advance in the paladin class.
  • A paladin who multiclasses to a class other than paladin or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the paladin class again.


Paladins of Mystra insure that the powers of the goddess of magic are not used for evil. They seek out evil spellcasters all over Faerun for the protection of civilization and to protect benign wizards from the repercussions of irresponsible magic use.

  • Special Order Ability: Can multiclass to wizard without losing the ability to advance in the paladin class.
  • A paladin who multiclasses to a class other than paladin or their order's favored class will never be allowed to advance in the paladin class again.

Paladins are usually mixed with Fighter. Smiter Pallies are strong (Charisma-based). Pallies can also wield Cera Sumat.

Ranger IWD2

The ranger is a warrior and a woodsman. He is skilled with weapons and is knowledgeable in the ways of the forest. The ranger often protects and guides lost travelers and honest peasant-folk. A ranger needs to be strong and wise to the ways of nature to live a full life.

  • Wisdom is the casting statistic for a ranger. It affects their maximum spellcasting level, spell saving throw DCs, and number of bonus spells.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1-10

Ranger IWD2 Advantages

  • Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields.
  • Rangers may select a Favored Enemy at first level. They gain +1 to damage against creatures of that race type. Rangers gain an additional Favored Enemy every five levels, and the bonus against previous Favored Enemies increases by 1.
  • Rangers can fight with two weapons as if they had the feats Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting if they are wearing light or no armor only.
  • 4th level: Spellcasting. Rangers gain the ability to cast spells.

Ranger IWD2 Disadvantages

  • Rangers gain feats at a slower rate than fighters.
  • Rangers do not start with proficiency in heavy armor.

Rogue IWD2

To accomplish his goals, for good or ill, the rogue is a skilled pilferer. Cunning, nimbleness, and stealth are his hallmarks. Whether he turns his talent against innocent passers-by and wealthy merchants or oppressors and monsters is a choice for the rogue to make.

Hit Points per Level: 1-6

Rogue IWD2 Advantages

  • Proficient with all simple weapons, the martial weapon bows, and light armor.
  • Rogues receive a larger number of skill points per level than any other character class.  They can use these extra skill points to buy class skills like Disable Device to remove traps, Hide, Pick Pockets, and Use Magic Device.
  • Sneak Attack: To use Sneak Attack, attack an enemy's back when you have a melee weapon equipped.  Your first successful attack at the creature's back will do normal damage plus 1-6 points of damage with an additional 1-6 points at 3rd level and every two levels thereafter.
  • 2nd level: Evasion.  When a rogue reaches 2nd level, he or she gains the ability to evade damage from area affect spells.  Whenever a rogue makes a successful reflex save against an area effect spell that allows a reflex save for half damage, he or she takes no damage.
  • 3rd level: Uncanny Dodge. Rogues retain their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class if they are attacked by invisible foes.
  • 6th level: Uncanny Dodge: Rogues can't be Sneak Attacked by another rogue unless the attacker is four or more levels higher.
  • 10th level: Special Abilities: The rogue now gains access to a number of new feats available only to rogues.  These include Crippling Strike, Improved Evasion, and Slippery Mind.

Rogue IWD2 Disadvantages

Rogues have no spellcasting ability and poor toe-to-toe combat ability.

Rogue IWD2 Devalued

Rogues are devalued by IWD2 for the following reasons:

  • There are not many traps and they're not deadly, anyway (no need for Search/Disarm skills)
  • ANY lock can be forced open by characters with sufficient Strength scores. Plus, there is the arcane spell, Knock (no need for Open Lock skill)
  • Invisibility spells facilitate more reliable scouting (no need for stealth skills)
  • Barely any good items can be pick-pocketed (no need for Pick Pocket)
  • Sneak Attack doesn't work for ranged weapons and Sneak Attacks can only be executed once per four rounds. Subject to certain regulations, in Neverwinter Nights 1 (also 3.0), ranged Sneak Attacks and many-attack Sneak Attacks are possible, which is much cooler.
  • Rogue-only feats such as Crippling Strike and Hamstring are cool but not very impacting. In addition, Mirror Image > Rogue Evasion and Mind Blank > Rogue Slippery Mind.
  • High INT builds (e.g, Wizards) can take Rogue skills as cross-class ones without putting a dent into their deep skillpoint pool.

That said, Rogues are flavorsome and fun to play around with.

Sorcerer IWD2

Sorcerers are practitioners of magic who were born with the innate ability to cast spells. It is thought that the blood of some powerful creature flows through their veins; perhaps they even are the spawn of dragons walking in humanoid form. Regardless, the Sorcerer's magic is intuitive rather than logical. They know fewer spells than wizards, and acquire spells more slowly, but they can cast spells more often and have no need to select and prepare spells ahead of time. Sorcerers cannot specialize in magic the way wizards do. Other than these differences, a Sorcerer is very similar to the wizard.

  • A sorcerer does NOT learn spells from scrolls. He chooses new spells with each level. Charisma is the casting statistic for a sorcerer. It affects their maximum spellcasting level, spell saving throw DCs, and number of bonus spells.
  • Hit Points per Level: 1-4
  • Advantages: Proficient with all simple weapons.
  • Disagvantages: Starts with no proficiencies in armor and is very poor at melee combat.

[Sorcerer Build IWD2]

Wizard IWD2

The wizard strives to be a master of magical energies, shaping them and casting them as spells. To do so, he studies strange tongues and obscure facts and devotes much of his time to magical research. A wizard must rely on knowledge and wit to survive. Wizards are rarely seen adventuring without a retinue of fighters and men-at-arms. Because there are different types (or schools) of magic, there are different types of wizards. However, the most common sort studies all types of magic and learns a wide variety of spells. His broad range makes him well suited to the demands of adventuring.

To cast a spell, a wizard must have an Intelligence equal to or greater than the spells level plus 10. Intelligence is the casting statistic for a wizard.  It affects their maximum spellcasting level, spell saving throw DCs, and number of bonus spells.

  • Hit Points per Level: 1-4
  • Advantages: Proficient with all simple weapons except for simple missile weapons; Receive a bonus feat every five levels in addition to the normal feats given to all character classes every three levels.
  • Disadvantages: Starts with no proficiencies in armor and is a very poor at melee combat.

Specialist Wizards IWD2

A wizard who concentrates his efforts in a single school of magic is called a specialist. The number of spells they can cast increases, but they lose the ability to cast spells of the school in opposition to their specialty.


A wizard that specializes in magic that protects, blocks, or banishes.

  • Abjurers can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Abjurers cannot learn spells from the Illusion or Transmutation schools.


A wizard that specializes in creating creatures and objects to assist him.

  • Conjurers can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Conjurers cannot learn spells from the Evocation school.


A wizard that specializes in detection and divining magics.

  • Diviners can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Diviners cannot learn spells from the Conjuration school.


A wizard that specializes in manipulating the minds of sentient beings.

  • Enchanters can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Enchanters cannot learn spells from the Evocation school.


A wizard that specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead.

  • Illusionists can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Illusionists cannot learn spells from the Necromancy or Abjuration schools.


A wizard that specializes in manipulating energy and creating something from nothing.

  • Evokers can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Evokers cannot learn spells from the Conjuration or Divination schools.


A wizard that specializes in magic dealing with death.

  • Necromancers can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Necromancers cannot learn spells from the Illusion or Enchantment schools.


A wizard that specializes in magic that alters physical reality.

  • Transmuters can memorize an additional spell per spell level they know.
  • Transmuters cannot learn spells from the Abjuration or Necromancy schools.

Wizards can work ok in a party of six. The main problem is spell scroll itemization, which is why Sorcerers are better. Mixing in Rogue isn't all that useful, as IWD2's skills are pretty weak.

Icewind Dale 2 (Index) Stats IWD2 Skills IWD2 Weapons IWD2
Best Builds Icewind Dale 2 Races IWD2 Feats IWD2 Best Weapon IWD2
Icewind Dale 2 Walkthrough Classes IWD2 Best Party IWD2 Wizard Spells IWD2
Icewind Dale 2 Enemies Heart of Fury IWD2 Icewind Dale 2 Review Cleric Spells IWD2

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