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Floris Mod Pack, Warband

Floris Mod Pack Warband

Floris Mod Pack is a Warband Mod for Taleworlds' cRPG of 2010, Mount & Blade Warband. In addition to the added components of Diplomacy, the main attractions of the Floris Mod Pack are its expanded troop trees, big roaming bandits armies (e.g, 571 desert bandits was the largest force I faced) and freelancers. It's much harder than vanilla even if you play on Easy mode, though not as hard as Brytenwalda. The Floris mod pack employs about 50 different mods. 

Due to the deeper troop trees, it takes longer to build up top-tier armies in Floris. Note that its graphics update can be taxing on lower-end systems, increasing loadtimes and decreasing framerates. Thus, some people might like to just install the Gameplay version.

As there are with all broad-brush compilation mods, there are ISSUES with Floris. One of these is that it includes the Combat Animation Enhancement Mod, whose animations are so inferior to the vanilla ones that it isn't even funny. For example, we wave greatswords around like feather dusters. Sorry, no one swings a greatsword like a housemaid dusting the shelves.

In addition, bracing for a swing (holding the sword out like a baseball bat, ready to belt that Lord from his charging steed) does not allow us to properly line up the actual swing. So not only do the animations look bad -- they're not even realistic or useful. To spell it out, we don't get a feel for the length and reach of the weapon. What garbage!

Also, there is way too much vegetation on some battlefields (plants, trees), which means we can barely see anything when in forests. My first thought was, "Oh my god, get that out of my face!" 

Basically, we have to mod this content out if we don't like it because there is no mod-based option to disable it.

Note: The above screencap shows mod version 2.54. However, all of my commentary pertains to 2.55 (2.55 is still called 2.54 in the menu launcher because the author didn't rename the folder to 2.55).

Floris Mod Bugs

Floris 2.54 bug: When we hit the Backspace-key during battle to command our troops, the menu covers up all on-screen action and we need to hit the Esc-key to exit to the Options menu and then re-enter the game. That is a blatantly obvious, in-your-face bug that should have been squashed before release.

Floris 2.55 bug: The arrows and bolts have been bug-nerfed. We don't ever find +12 bolts or +10 arrows. It's all +1,+2 and +3. This wasn't a problem in 2.54 (which, however, is bugged as per above).

At the end of the day, I went back to my own modded version of vanilla / Native. And played other mods like Pendor and Perisno, which are more refined and polished.

Best Weapons Floris

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