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Iron Skins Baldur's Gate 2

Iron Skins BG2

Iron Skins is a divine, Druid-exclusive spell in BioWare's cRPG of 2000-2001, Baldur's Gate 2. Somewhat akin to Stoneskin BG2, Iron Skins is notable for its mitigation of physical damage.

Note that Breach BG2 does not remove Iron Skins because Iron Skins is flagged as a spell protection, not a combat protection. In SCS BG2, Iron Skins is flagged as a combat protection.

  • Iron Skins (Alteration) 
  • Sphere: Elemental
  • Level: 5
  • Range: 0
  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Casting Time: 1 round
  • Area of Effect: Caster
  • Saving Throw: None

Note the slow, one-round casting time. Stoneskin casting time is one-tenth of a round.

When a druid casts this powerful spell upon herself, an outer skin of iron will move up from the ground completely covering her. This skin is, of course, magical and will hinder the druid in no way. The effect of this is to protect the druid from physical attacks such as melee weapons and projectiles. For every two levels of the caster, an additional skin is gained upon casting. For example, a 10th level druid would receive 5 skins. For each skin the druid possesses, the spell will stop one attack, so a 10th level druid would be protected from the first 5 attacks made against him but the sixth would affect her normally. The skins will remain on the druid until she is affected by a dispel magic, all of the skins are removed due to physical attacks or the spell duration expires. It is important to note that this will not protect the druid from any area attacks such as fireball, however it will protect her from physical magical attacks such as magic missle.

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