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SoZ Holiday Expansion Project Walkthrough Guide

SoZ Holiday Expansion Project

SoZ Holiday Expansion Project is a NWN2 module for Obsidian's cRPG Definition of 2006, Neverwinter Nights 2. The object of these posts is to supply installation instructions for SoZ "Holiday" Expansion Project and showcase the content that it adds to the Storm of Zehir campaign in detail (i.e, a walkthrough).

SoZ Holiday Expansion Project Installation

Ok, so you want to play the SoZ "Holiday" Expansion Project but where do you download it from and how do you install it? Well, this post should help newbies who have never installed a NWN2 module before.

First things first, read the general NWN2 set up tips and minor tweaks sections in this post. It may save you a lot of heart-ache down the track.

• Done that? Ok, SoZ "Holiday" Expansion Project can be downloaded in several archives on, which I've linked to directly for your convenience:

Download this archive (, this archive (, this archive (, this archive (, and this archive (

• Downloaded them? Ok, use 7-Zip to extract the archive somewhere temporary (ie, NOT in your NWN2 installation folder); the process may take a lil' while because of all the content.
• Done that? Ok, lets go through these one at a time.

• Open the soz_hak folder and place the soz_mod.hak into your NWN2 Hak folder (f.e, C:\Users\-\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\Hak). In addition, place the mus_rock1.bmu into your Music folder.

• Next, open the soz_mod folder and place SOZ_MOD.mod into your NWN2 Modules folder.

• Next, open the soz_override folder and place the entire OVERRIDE folder (not just its contents, THE WHOLE FOLDER) into your NWN2 Override folder.
(f.e, C:\Users\-\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\Override\OVERRIDE)

• Next, open the soz_debugfix folder and place jet_jester.ncs and jet_jester.ncs into your OVERRIDE folder.

• Lastly, navigate to the following position in your NWN2 installation folder (NOT the My Documents folder - we want the install location of the actual game files, which is normally in Program Files: ..\Campaigns\Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign_X2) - and backup the following three files to somewhere safe so that you can restore them later, if you need to:, module.JRL, and nx2_ol_client_enter.NCS.

• Done that? Ok, open the soz_campaign folder and place those three files into ..\Campaigns\Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign_X2, overwriting/replacing the files (the ones you diligently just backed up) in the destination when prompted.

SoZ Holiday Expansion Project Walkthrough

SoZ "Holiday" Expansion Project is a collaborative community mod for Storm of Zehir headed up by Chaos Wielder. The mod adds twelve new locations to the Overland Map (OLM): six to Samarach and six to the Sword Coast. These areas need to be discovered just like any other; i.e, by means of exploration of the OLM.

The difficulty of these areas is generally much higher than those of the base campaign, so be prepared to fight beefed up foes and even ones that you haven't seen before, who are stronger and smarter than what you are used to. The dungeons are generally larger, too.

To balance things a bit you will likely find additional recipes & items to help you along in your adventure. All of these I intend to record in this walkthrough.

Note: I play on D&D Hardcore Rules with no other mods. I have a six-person party thanks to the Leadership feat that my Feat-heavy Fighter build took at sixth level (i.e, four player built characters and two companions).


You can start tackling the new content as soon as you hit the OLM; however, I would advise holding off until you have gained a few levels and equipped the party with appropriate items; otherwise, your party is probably going to be wiped clean (or at least suffer a gradual, agonizing death). So yeah, complete the initial couple of quests offered by Sa'Sani, Volo & Vadin'ya, for example. These will give you faster leveling and wealth accumulation without taking too many risks. Newbies diving straight in might like to check out this post, too. It talks about the OLM and the initial companions that are available.

Ok, let's move on to the first new location!

Sun-Draped Den (100 XP). From the Shipwreck head south along the shore and follow it around and north a little to find this place.

There are strange scuffle marks on the ground near this cave. Additionally, a strange sign hangs near the door, its meaning arcane and confused: MikeLM was here.

• This area is visually quite appealing: dense foliage and sun shafts beaming down from the roof of the dungeon.

• Upon entry you will be targeted by a flock of stirges. Follow the passageway to its end and unlock the door there (OL DC-23). It opens to a flooded section in which Naga slither. Slay the Spirit Naga and loot its serpentine corpse for a Lesser Ice Necklace of Ulutiun (Ice Storm [9] 1 charge/use).

That's it! We are done with this place.

Coiled Cabal Outpost (100 XP). Follow the shoreline southeast from Rassatan to find this dangerous location.
As you approach the cave, you notice scale marks dot the earth. Strangely, there is graffiti marking the entrance: Wyrin was here.
• Explore this initial, winding section of the cavern, slaying all the Ophidians that stand against you. Passing over the fetid water requires you to make a DC-16 Fortitude save or be diseased. The Muck Drake unleashes a powerful breath weapon that inflicts lots of magical damage with possible Level Drain (Reflex & Will DC-19), so be wary of that.

• Loot the Coil of Rope in the nearby garbage pile.

• In the southeast chamber, behind the trapped door, lurk two yuan-ti Coiled Cabalists whose corpses hold the Coiled Cabal Key and Handfang (dagger +1, acid 1d4, on-hit DC-14 Hold and Poison).

• Loot the place for all it's worth.

Crude Alchemy Lab: Giant Scorpion Venom, Strong x3, Wyvern Tail, Wyvern Stinger. Also, recipes of Mild Poison Arrow, Poison Bolts, Mild Poison Bolts, Poison Arrows.
Relinquary of the Coiled Cabal (DD DC-25): If you destroy it (Bash) the cavern shakes and you receive 100 XP.
Sacred Pool: Curse of Sseth x10 (potion, Mass Curse of Impending Blades).

• Ok, the key unlocks a large gate that opens to a trapped passageway leading northeast, ending in a cavern guarded by a couple of Ophidian marksmen and a yuan-ti wielding the Venom Halberd (halberd +2, on-hit Poison DC-16 1d2 Con drain). At the stalagmite you can use Spot, Listen or Darkvision to scope out the gaping pit in the center of the cavern.

• Tie the rope around the stalagmite and climb down into the pit..

• The pit opens up to the abode of the formidable Nightskin, Fang of Sseth. Slay the serpentine monstrosity and loot its corpse for Bracers of Armor +3 and Wicked Union (scythe +1, on-hit DC-14 Stun, Vampiric Regeneration +3).

• Be on alert for the severals fangs of Sseth who flank you from the pit as you take your leave.

This was a great dungeon!

Ancient Ruins (100 XP). These ruins are located just northeast of Tempest's Fury.

Hidden within the swamp plants, you spot a ruined structure of significant age. Bones litter the entrance, as do some rather obvious and absurd attempts to frighten visitors. Scrawled next to the door is a note: Brian was here.

• Upon entry you will be beset on all sides by skeleton warriors led by a skeleton berserker wielding a greataxe. A second later two skeleton wizards appear on either side of a massive gate to make nuisances of themselves. Note the inanimate, giant red skeleton on the ground.

• Unlock the gate (DC-23) and proceed along the red carpet towards a trio of non-hostile yuan-ti, led by Serpentlord Servull. After some brief dialogue they turn hostile. To make matters worse, the Blood Giant comes to life behind you.

Yuan-ti Reaper: Full Plate +1, Adamantine Scythe.
Yuan-ti Cleric: Adamantine Morningstar and scrolls of Animalistic Power, Bane, Divine Favor and Rigor.
Serpentlord Servull: Ring of Minor Electrical Resistance, Scarab of Protection +1.

Underground Temple (100 XP). It's located in the foothills just east of the Lantanese Lumber Camp.

After many hours of travelling through the mountains, you discover a small doorway among the foothills. Close inspection of the ground reveals tracks made from heavy trampling, as well as winding marks that are not quite distinguishable. In the dirt, there's an obscure marking: Dorateen was here.

Note: There is some lore-rich flavor text in this quest for dwarven party members.

• Disable the DC-20 proximity trap, take the secret door to the right, and descend the stairs to meet Dorateen Helmhood. This dwarf seeks the Chalice of Ever-flowing Eggnog, The Blessed Cup. Agree to help him find it. He also sells some basic gear.

• Now, backtrack and take the opposite secret door and descend to a campsite. Loot the Meat Slab for a Rib Sandwich (quest-critical item) and the bucket for adventurine, phenalope and malachite gems. You can rest at the campfire.

• Descend to the next level.

• Slay the yuan-ti abominations and wraiths patrolling the halls. Ok, head south and then east first. There is nothing in these two sarcophagi, just some flavor text.

• Make your way west. In the southwestern corner is the hostile Spirit of Yule-Tide Future. Slay it.

• Vampire Baron Von Ghoulish can be found standing in her room just here (DC-18 locked door). She gives you the Serpent Key and requests you remove an "item of holiness" (i.e, the Chalice) from the other side of the temple.

• Head north, exploring the chambers. A mummy lord lurks in the chamber just to the north. It does not seem to have a fear aura. Destroy it and loots its sarcophagus for Adamantine Chain Mail. There is another chamber with a mummy lord but the sarcophagus is empty.

• In the next chamber disable the DC-22 proximity trap and enter the secret door to arrive in a hidden room with a trapped chest (DC-20) holding Ancient Document, Battle Axe +2, Heavy Shield +1.

• Tucked away in the northeastern wall is a chest with a DC-99 lock and trap. Click on the Plaque above the chest and grab the Brass Key inside it. This unlocks the metal doors just here.

• Fountain Chamber. In here is a single Drowned. Loot the fountain for a Wand of Fire and five amethysts.

• Head south now. Fight off the Weeps in the side chambers and loot each of their corpses for a Ring of Protection +2. The grave holds a Longsword +2.

• In the hall of Ghasts there are four sarchophagi holding nothing but garbage.

• Head east and slay the ghouls, looting their graves for a Dwarven Cloak of Resistance (Damage Immunity: Cold 25% immunity bonus, All saving throws +2, Cold resistance 5/-). This cloak is also a quest-critical item.

• Unlock the DC-18 door at the end of the hall and step through to meet an ancient dwarf.

• A dwarven party member will recognize the dwarf as Balgoin Tinselgrip, "the venerated Dwarf-King". He mentions a Chalice: Only the worthy may drink of the cup.

• Exit the cave to the east and make your way south down the hall, slaying more yuan-ti abominations.

• There is Mosaic Art seemingly blocking your path; however, it is an illusion (50 XP).

• In the next chamber you will meet Camal'sha, a yuan-ti standing over the corpse of another of its kind. It seems Lah'she drank of the cup and kicked the bucket as a result. Camal'sha demands you drink of the cup next. Slay her, instead.

• Place the Rib Sandwich & Dwarven Cloak of Resistance (the two quest-critical items) onto the platform to receive the Chalice of Ever-flowing Eggnog (Greater Restoration [13] 3 charges/use, Superior Resistance 3 charges/use). Without doing this you won't get the Chalice; instead, you will incur 100 damage.

• Deliver the Chalice to Dorateen and he will be grateful and give you a glittering Beljuril, one of the rarest gems in Storm of Zehir. If you now return to the vamp to let her know that the chalice has been removed, she has nothing to say to you. If, however, you bring it to her then she is pissed and disperses. It doesn't seem like you can slay her, either (despite the dialogue suggesting so). Odd..

Anyway, I thought this was a decent dungeon.

Gnome Outpost (100 XP). It's directly east of the Chokemist Cave, on the opposite side of the river to Samargol.

Tucked away in the hillside, you notice a small cave with gnomish supports. A note is hanging on the entrance: The Fred was here.

• Gnome Hideout Level 1. Gilbert greets you at the entrance. It seems the gnomes are converting the caves into homes. Ask about work but he doesn't have any. Talk to Laemeira in the chamber just to the west. Use your Alchemy skill to recommend blue vitriol to her (100 XP). She mentions Xandor and that gnomes are having an issue with shadows.

• Head north into the next chamber to find Kaars, the duergar blacksmith and vendor.

Notable items offered by Kaars: Boots of the North (Damage Immunity: Cold 50% Immunity Bonus), Bracers of Al-Djzim (Fire resistance 5/-, Burning Hands [5] 3/day, Flame Arrow [5] 2/day), Dwarven Mirth (light shield, AC Shield Bonus +1, Charisma +2), Lesser Drow Piwafi Cloak (AC Def Bonus +2, saves vs. Death +3, saves vs. Mind-affecting +3, Ghostly Visage [3] 1/day), Lesser Drow Piwafi Cloak (Damage Reduction 3/Metal [adamantine], All saving throws +1, SR 12, Spider's Skin [1] 1/day), Fist of Grolsh (warmace +1, Keen, Massive Criticals 1d6), Snowball (bullets, Cold 1d4, on-hit Bad Strref Level 5), Barrel of Alchemist Fire x5, Snowflake of Alkaezi (Cone of Cold [9], single use) x2, Snowflake of Alkaezi (Ice Weapon, single use) x5, Snowflake of Alkaezi (Ray of Frost [1], single use) x5. Grab the two barrels of alchemist fire stored in this chamber.

• Now, you will find Xandor (the leader of the gnomes) and Rana in the northeasternmost chamber; however they have very little to say and would prefer that you trade with Kaars, and then just leave. Unlock the DC-30 door and make your way west (Kaars can give you the West Door key, too). Help the gnome guard fight off a shadow spider; then head downstairs. There are two more barrels of alchemist fire just here.

Note: Before heading downstairs be sure to make a separate, named save here as there is a potential bug in this section that was never fixed, even after it was reported on the IGN Vault.

• Gnome Hideout Level 2. Make your way east and north, fighting through a wave consisting of Gunkin, Shadow Oozes, Shadow Wolf, and Shadow Spider, being wary of their fear and paralysis abilities. Take out the others in the dead-end chamber, where you will find three more barrels of alchemist fire.

• Backtrack and take the passageway southeast and south, fighting through more foes.

• You need to make your way south in order to gain access to the central room, the door to which is trapped (DD DC-22).

• A gnome wizard named Zak attacks you upon entry, conjuring forth four shadow oozes and a spider. Slay them all and loot Zak's corpse of Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Aid, and the Staff of the Deepinghold (adamantine quarterstaff, Bonus HPs +4, Damage Bonus: Magical 2, Burning Hands [5] 1/day, usable by wiz/sorc). There is another barrel of alchemist fire here, and a chest holding 75 GP, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, and Sling +2.

Bug: It may be that the golem attacks and kills Zak before you even enter the central chamber; in which case reload the save-game that I previously advised you to make.

• Destroy the Shadow-Powered Blade Golem and loot the bookcases for five books: a Journal, Exotic Weaponry, Wars of the Creator Races, The Doombringers and The Book of Seeing (recipes for Gem of Seeing, Periapt of Wisdom +2 and +4). There are scrolls of Cat's Grace, Darkness, Burning Hands, Cause Fear and Lesser Dispel, too. The chest holds a Potion of Death Armor, Ruby and Dark Steel Ingot.
Bug? As per Zak's journal, I placed the Darksteel Ingot on the altar, along with a weapon, and cast Darkness on the altar, but I received no enchanted weapon (though the ingot was consumed)? Perhaps I missed something...
• Return to the main level, where Xandor will now attack you for your meddling. After taking a beating he falls back.
Rana: Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Chain Shirt +1, Morningstar +1.
Kenneth: Leather Helm, Cold Iron Short Sword, Light Crossbow +1, Duskwood Light Shield.

• Unlock the "East Door" on the other side of Xandor's chamber (OL DC-34) and head upstairs.

• Gnome Hideout: Upper Level. Unlock the DC-22 door and destroy the golem standing on the other side. Wind your way to the other side of the dungeon where you will spot another door that can only be opened by completing the logic puzzle displayed in a pop-up window. You need to rotate the dials so that they all point "up"; i.e, 12 o'clock (250 XP).

• Inside await Xandor and two gnome cultists flanked by a nabassu known as Laet'aexil. Speak with the demon and the two gnome cultists will attack you. Slay them and the demon will be freed. Slay it, too.

Bug: Xandor doesn't even go hostile. He just stands there and repeats his dialogue from when you first meet him. There is no closure to this content.

Oversights: Gilbert and Laemeira just repeat their dialogue from when you first meet them. The latter even repeatedly awards you 100 XP for the Alchemy skill check.

• Anyway, this quest is bugged and the author never got around to fixing it when it was reported to him on the IGN Vault. Also, some ppl guessed the bugs might have something to do with Companion and Monster AI hak 2.2 and/or Kaedrin's PrC Pack v1.42.1, but I can confirm that it has nothing to do with those mods, because I don't have them installed.

The bugs are a pity because this is otherwise a good lil' quest.

Cape of the Wise Man (100 XP). EPIC LEVEL WARNING. This location is found on the very tip of the western peninsula, south of the Ruins in which the lizardfolk dwell.

Waves crash alongside these ancient, weathered ruins. There is an ominous skull plastered into the stone, along with a note: Chaos Wielder was here.

• Again, a flock of stirges come at you as soon as you arrive. Slay them.

• Make your way down to the beach and touch the tree. A black cloud floats in from offshore and appears on the beach as a giant skull named Saku. It announces itself as "the shapeshifting master of darkness" and calls two Sandstone Colossus golems up from the sand, along with four Minions of Saku.

• This is a three-stage battle in which an epic foe takes on different forms and calls forth high level reinforcements, at-will.

• First up, you will have to destroy the golems before Saku turns hostile and you can harm it (i.e, the golems are Saku's "shield"). Then, once Saku's skull-form has been bested, it will take on the form of a giant undead spider. Lastly, it will take on dragon-form. During all this it will summon reinforcements: ancient & wretched saurians, plus three custom yuan-ti: Spirit Wielder Salistn, Shadow Master Gengun & High Priestess Vestushian. These reinforcements disperse upon Saku's destruction; ergo, focus your attacks on the boss whenever you are free to do so.

• Don't forget to loot what Saku left behind: Saku (amulet, AC Nat. Bonus +3, Damage Immunity: Magical 50% immunity bonus, All Ability Scores +1, Immunity: Level/Ability Drain, Spell Resistance: 24).

SoZ "Holiday" Expansion Project Walkthrough - Part II - Sword Coast.

This section covers the six new locations added by SoZ Holiday Expansion Project to the Sword Coast OLM.

Note: Many of these dungeons are exceedingly dark (as they should be). Make sure you are carrying a Torch or have the Light spell memorized.

Darkstrand Maw (100 XP). It's located southwest of West Harbor, on the western shore.

You walk near the cave. A chill, otherwordly aura radiates from the bowels of the earth. A bloody note hangs eerily on a black root: Chaos Wielder was here.

• Read the Codex of the Dead that stands before the giant skull.

Master's dark blood ties the strands of fate.
We await the time of the King's return, burning back the silver strands of justice.

• Head north and then west to arrive in a candlelit treasury with a second Codex to read.

The halls of the dead whisper for comrades.
Fools covet treasure resting in plain sight.

• Buff your party to the heavens before you loot the chests and lockboxes, because doing so triggers dread wraiths & Darkstrand itself (a nightwalker) to spawn in the dungeon and zero-in on your position. Beware of latter's Dispel Magic and ability to inflict fear and insta-death. It also has the annoying ability to "crush" any weapon you are wielding.

Chest: Mithral Tower Shield, Mithral Scale Mail.
Lockbox: Nymph Cloak +3, scrolls of Weapon of Impact, Protection From Spells, Lesser Orb of Electricity, Greater Spell Breach, Doom, Dehydrate, Death Ward.
Chest: Robes of the Shining Hand +2, Gloves of the Hinfist +2.
Chest: Snow Tiger Helm (AC Bonus +1, Con +2, Immunity: Fear), North Wind Bow (longbow +3, Mighty +3, Resist Cold 20/-), Ice Arrow x99.
Lockbox: Naught Katana (katana +2, vs. Lawful +2d6), Wyvern Hide Scale Mail.
Chest: Gargoyle Boots (Bonus AC +2, Stoneskin [7] 5 charges/use, Fort. saves +1), Bracers of Dexterity +3, Ichthia's Neck-Knife (short sword +2, Vampiric Regeneration +2).

• Loot its corpse for Darkstrand's Maw (cold iron quarterstaff, Ability Score Penalty: Str, Dex & Con -2, SR 20, Finger of Death [13] 1/day, Negative Energy Burst [10] 1/day, sorc/wiz only).

• (OL DC-40 to leave).

Lair of the Creators (100 XP). The cave lies northeast of the town of Leilon.

You walk near the cave. A low hum of crystals emanates from the far reaches of the cavern. Charred into the earth is a strange note: Chaos Wielder was here.

• Creator Den. No sooner will your party enter, they will be charged on-sight by a lizard-like creator golem as seven disciples of the creators hang back to fire their bows from behind; some in elevated positions.

• Once the disciple sounds the gong, a cultist priest, wizard, warrior and rogue emerge from the chamber at the back, mad as hell.

• These guys are straggling worshippers of Morag, the antagonist from the original Neverwinter Nights. Slay 'em all and loot their corpses.

Golem: Adamantine Ingot.
Cleric: Morag's Eye (medium shield, AC Bonus +1, Negative Energy Burst 1/day), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, Scale Mail +1, Ring of Fortitude +2, Ring of Divine Power (2), Amulet of Natural Armor +1, scrolls of Aid, Curse of Impending Blades, Poison, Knock, Lesser Spell Mantle.
Wizard: Morag's Presence (helmet, Dominate Person [7] 1/day), Zalantar Quarterstaff, Journal, Antidote, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Cloak of Protection +2, Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Wizardry (2), Periapt of Wisdom +2, Gloves of the Longdeath +2, scrolls of Crushing Despair, False Life, Invisibility Purge, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Scintillating Sphere, Web.
Warrior: Morag's Shield (ring, SR 16), Flail +1, Tower Shield +1, Full Plate +1, Potion of Lesser Restoration, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, Potion of Lesser Vigor, Scarab of Protection +1.
Rogue: Morag's Breath (shortbow +2, Acid +2), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Minor Gas Trap Kit, Average Acid Splash Trap Kit, Alexandrite, Arrow (x99), Leather Armor +1.

• Enter the chamber in the west, the one from which the cultists emerged. Disable the trap (DD DC-22) on the rug before the lockbox. It is holding Shuriken +1, Potion of Mirror Image, Copper Necklace, Wand of Missiles, scroll of Vitriolic Sphere.

• Unlock the door to the side chamber (DC-25) and disable the trap on the floor (DC-22). The two chests in here are holding Healer's Kit +10, Zalantar Club, Zalantar Light Shield, Average Electrical Trap Kit, Bracers of Armor +2 and Boots of Striding +2.

• Return to the entrance chamber and unlock the Stone Door (DC-25).

• Proceed north and slay the last-standing golem guarding the door that leads to the next area: a crystalline cavern.

• Now, buff up like there is no tomorrow because four beefy custom golems will appear through their portals and attack once you have descended the stairs. They are:

Yilod the Destroyer: The Hidden Palm (light armor +2, Invisibility [3] 1/day), Feral Stalker (cold iron kukri +2, Massive Criticals 2d6), False Note (adamantine rapier +3, AC Bonus -3, Parry -3), Boots of Hardiness +1, Bracers of Dexterity +2, Amulet of Will +2, Deadly Spike Trap Kit, Ancient Trap Parts.
Pyramus the Flayer: Heavy Crossbow +2, Adamantine Bolt (x99), Black Robe of the Archmagi, Bone Ring (Immunity: Level/Ability Drain), Ring of Minor Fire Resistance, Wand of Fire.
Agas the Fortunate: Leather Armor +1, Greater Gloves of the Artificer (Skill Bonus: Craft Alchemy, Armor, Trap & Weapon +6), Ring of Minor Sonic Resistance, Ring of Protection +2, Amulet of Natural Armor +2, scrolls of Flame Strike, Barkskin, Enlarge Person, Cone of Cold, Searing Light.
Hexan the Devout: Mithral Full Plate, Adamantine Heavy Shield, Aether Field (cold iron scythe +1, 2d4 Magical), Potion of Cure Critical Wounds (2), Nymph Cloak +2, Belt of Strength +2.

• (OL DC-35 to leave).

The Beholder's Eye (100 XP). Found hugging the foothills north of the Lair of the Creators, south of Phandalin.

A horrid purple fog seeps out from the cracks of this building. Strangely, the building is in good repair. A gilded sign hangs above the frame: Chaos Wielder was here.

• Speak with the non-hostile mindflayer that greets you upon entry. It will mention Xanthon, its eye tyrant leader, and tell you to move along.

• Slay the mindflayer and its pathetic minotaur berserker and troglodyte backup minion. The 'flayer drops a Ring of Protection +2, Gold Ring, Gold Necklace, Wand of Paralyzation, Potion of Shield, Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness. Mindflayer cone attack requires you to make a DC-17 Will save or be stunned for a period that's more than enough for them to finish you off.

• Head north to the next chamber, unlock the northern door (DC-23), and slay the phase spider (Phase Spider Leg) and driders (Drider Silk) en route to the area transition (there is nothing in the two side chambers).

• Pit of the Eye Tyrant Level 1. Slay the mindflayer, minotaur, minotaur berserker and trio of troglodytes that assail you upon entry.
Lockbox: Saint Soul Legacy (katana +2, +1d10 vs. Evil), Planar Hunter's Cloak (Immunity: Knockdown, Armor Def Bonus +3 vs. Outsider & Magical Beast, Search +3), Boots of the Sun Soul +2.

• Unlock the enormous gate (DC-30) that leads into a dark, burrowed tunnel - littered with bones - in which you will be ambushed by six umber hulks (Umber Hulk Carapace) that break through the walls and attempt to confuse you. In addition, alerted to your presence, a stronger force of driders led by a custom templar and dark weaver will probably bash down the locked gate at the tunnel's far end and scurry towards you. A second minotaur berserker may show his ugly face, too. Crush them and loot their corpses for the Eagle Bow (shortbow +3, Search & Spot +2), Cloak of Arachnida (Immunity: Web, saves vs. Poison +2, Web [3] 1/day) and Minotaur Greataxe (Dex -2, +1d12 slashing).

• In their cobweb-ridden chamber you will find two lockboxes holding the Ashen Phoenix (mace +2, +1d8 fire), Mithral Chain Mail +1, Potion of Displacement and scrolls of Lighning Bolt, Ghostly Visage, Dismissal, Cacophonic Burst, and Wall of Dispel Magic.

• Exit the chamber to the west proceed through the next section, slaying several more 'flayers and looting each of their psionic amplifiers for precious gems, including a Jacinth, Rogue Stone, King's Tear, Beljuril, Blue Diamond and Bloodstone. The loathsome shoggoth drops the Shoggoth Band (AC Nat -2, saves. vs. Mind-affecting +4).

• Pit of the Eye Tyrant Level 2. Guarding the portal on the far side of the chamber is a Ulitharid backed up by dark weaver, templar and two minotaur minions. The Ulitharid's corpse holds the Ulitharid Robes (Bonus Feats: Greater Spell Focus - All Schools), Bracers of Armor +3, Scarab of Protection +2, Potion of Antidote, Potion of Strength, Potion of Bull's Strength, Potion of Greater Heroism.

• Boss Fight! Step through the portal to be transported into the lair of the beholder. Note that you have to be very close to the portal for it to work. Here you will face off against Xanthon the Eye Tyrant and his support crew of drider templar, mindflayer and two minotaurs. Good luck, and don't forget to loot the eye tyrant's corpse for the Beholder Crown (Disintegrate 1/day, Finger of Death [13] 1/day, Flesh to Stone [5] 1/day).

Halfling Village (100 XP). The village is located just southeast of Highcliff.

A clean, fresh breeze blows in from the small village. A sign marks a path towards the hamlet, a note carefully written on the wood: Jet Truebow was here.

Unfortunately the area crashes during the loading sequence so I am unable to cover it. A pity.

Inn of Hidden Tales (100 XP). The inn is located just north of Port Llast, on the road's edge.

Note: There seem to be tile/texture problems in this module, perhaps as a result of SoZ being updated after it was made.
Another note: The area design is quite complex (placeable density, lighting effects, multiple rooms), perhaps adversely affecting your framerate and making load-times noticeably longer. There is not much you can do about it, except upgrade your PC.

You hear low talking and a faint, otherwordly sound. There is something written on the exterior of the tavern: Kamal was here.

• Inn. You will find yourself in the common room of the inn. Kamal the Barkeep will greet you from behind the bar. It seems he has demon problems.

• Pick up the two items from the floor: Instrument o' Death (Dominate Monster [17], Meteor Swarm [17], Power Word Kill [17], Summon Creature IX [17], Time Stop [17], Wail of the Banshee [17], Weird [17], unlimited uses) and The Destructificator (alchemical silver universal sword +20, AC def Bonus +20, Dex +12, Strength +12, Fire +10, Acid +10, Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning, perma-Haste).

• Yes, the above two items are obscenely OP: cheat items. I'm not sure why they are there. My first thought was: "accidentally left-over from play-testing or something?" Anyway, it's up to you if you would like to use them or not.

• Ok, head upstairs to the Demon Infested Rooms.

• First Door on Your Left. Proceed down a corridor - lined with currently non-hostile undead - to arrive in a chamber in which Amaozt is standing, surrounded by Followers of Orcus. In exchange for leaving the inn Amaozt requests you slay the supporters of Graz'zt. DO NOT speak to Amaozt again unless you feel like a fight.

• Amtahis is found in one of the back rooms offering some magical gear for sale, such as: Arcane Archer Chain Shirt, Arcane Trickster Gear, Armor of the Divine Champion, Assassin's Leathers, Blackguard's Plate, Dragon Disciple's Robe, Duelist Garb, Dwarven Defender Plate, Eldritch Knight Chain Shirt, Frenzied Berserker Hide, Harper Agent Leathers, Neverwinter Nine Tunic, Palemaster's Robe, Shadow Thief Leather Armor, Shadow Dancer Outfit, War Priest Half Plate, Weapon Master's Scale, Greater Magic Bag and various +3 items.

• First Door on Your Right. The Graz'zt supporters include Losacahs, Ttacat, Othmah, Ranpael, two Succubi and a demon. They will attack you on-sight, regardless of whether you have talked to Amaozt first or not. Slay them, and loot Losazcah's corpse for Graz'zt's Favor (cold iron bastard sword +3, Vampiric Regeneration +2, Acid +1d6, only useable by Evil) and the Salamander Hide Leather Armor (salamander light armor, fire resistance 10/-, Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight).

• Slay the trio of hezrou guarding the bound celestial, Canahsanhael. I don't know how to free her...

• Return to Amaozt for your reward: Orcus' Favor (morningstar +3, negative energy +1d6, resist negative energy 10/-, Evil only).

• Lastly, return to Kamal and inform him of your success. Your reward? Access to a wide range of beverages!

(Downstairs offers a couple of crafting stations, but that's it as far as I can see).

Graveyard (100 XP). East of the Port Llast, and east of the Forgotten Ruin and Malarite's Hermit cave.

After following a loose trail into the hillside, you spot a small graveyard. An ominous aura hangs low in the air. You notice a message written into the fresh, loose soil: Shaughn was here.

• Follow the winding path that leads over a bridge, where an old man by the name of Horgath the Fallen will approach the party and request that you assist him in dealing with a necromancer. Accept, and he joins the party as "a summon" (i.e, he cannot be directly controlled like a cohort).

• The other crypts require a key to enter so enter the prominent crypt in the north.

Note: You may like to buff the hell out of Horgarth before entering because, when the cutscene ends, he is standing in the middle of the aggro where he is likely to be killed - and it seems that he will not rejoin the party after being "raised".

Ancient Crypt. Upon entry Horgarth and the drow necromancer, Kelistra, will have an exchange of dialogue; after which, she will animate a few custom minions before fleeing the scene. Slay them.

Wiltan (vampire warrior): Frigid Cleaver (greatsword +3, Charisma -2, Cold +1d8, Damage Immunity: Cold 15% immunity bonus, Damage Vulnerability: Fire 50% damage weakness).
Zelphorian (gith warrior): Serpent's Tooth (scimitar +5, Bonus Feat: Use Poison, Damage Penalty -4, on-hit DC-28 1d2 Strength Poison).
Henford: (does not seem to drop loot).
Shallatier (mummified-elf): Telgormaum's Revenge (zalantar quarterstaff +1, fire +1d8, Damage Immunity: Fire 50% immunity bonus, Burning Hands [5] 5/day, Fireball [10] 2/day).

• Ok, ascend the staircase to catch up with Kelistra. She will trap Horgarth with magic and cause him to drop his weapon: The Sword of Horgarth (katana +2, +1d6 vs. Evil, SR 16, Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus [katana]).

• Kelistra will then summon forth waves of enemies for you to fight: zombie orcs, hill giants, vargouilles, and finally a beholder. You cannot physically reach her during this segment and it doesn't seem like you can damage her from range. Once the waves have been slain Kelistra simply disappears and I have no leads on what to do next. The doors lead nowhere, the coffin and sarcophagi are empty, dialogue with Horgarth does not seem to evolve, and the three crypts outside remain locked. So yeah, I'm left hanging here. Maybe I missed something, I dunno.

Conclusion: The SoZ Holiday Expansion Project is definitely worth a whirl despite its bugs and lack of polish. Chaos Wielder's additions alone make it worth it.

NWN2 Modules NWN2 Mods Subtlety of Thay
Neverwinter Nights 2 NWN2 Installation Conan Chronicles NWN2
Mask of the Betrayer Walkthrough NWN2 Console Commands Harp & Chrysanthemum
Storm of Zehir Walkthrough Bedine NWN2 The Birthday NWN2
NWN1 vs NWN2 Shrouded Sun NWN2 Legacy of White Plume Mountain
Neverwinter Nights 1 Shadowdancer's Vault NWN2 SoZ Holiday Expansion Project


  1. Wow, stars really aligned here that I went back looking for this module the same day you posted all the instructions for it. Much, much thanks for providing the link and the detailed install instructions. SoZ is one of my top-ten games, and this community expansion adds a whole lot to an already amazing thing.

    1. You're welcome, Chris! Let me know how you fare. Storm of Zehir is a great RPG, I agree. And this mod does indeed make it an even better experience.

  2. Without this blog I would've never found out about all this extra content, ty.
    Do you remember the underground temple where you need to get the chalice, in the room where the campfire and the meat is, in the back is like a minicave which you didn't report anything about. I thought maybe you need to use the spell that shrinks your character like in alice in wonderland but I play without a wizard so I couldn't test it.

    1. Oops, must have missed that. No idea, I'm afraid.

  3. Hi Lilura1,

    I've been debating getting back into NWN2 modding the last week or so, and I googled my old projects to see what folks had thought of them. I really appreciate your thorough review of the project I undertook so many years ago. In particular, it means a great deal that you enjoyed the dungeons and encounters I worked on. It's tough finding time nowadays--adulthood has its upsides and, indeed, downsides--but I am considering getting back into the modding scene. Encouragement like this is really nice.

    In either case, thanks again. Hope to hear back from you.

    -Chaos Wielder

    1. Hi, Chaos Wielder. Always good to hear from modders whose works I enjoyed. Would be nice to see new adventures and campaigns for NWN2, but I understand that modding can be time-consuming. There are quite a few modders still getting about, though. Some just pop in to say hi whereas others are active on the Vault or run development blogs.

    2. Thanks. I took a look at the vault and there are quite a few folks still working. That's very encouraging! I think I'll dust off the toolset and see how many cobwebs are in my memory. :p

      -Chaos Wielder


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