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ARCANE SPELL LIST, Dark Side of the Sword Coast

DSotSC Arcane Spells

In addition to the base Baldur's Gate arcane spells, 22 of the spells in Dark Side of the Sword Coast are lifted directly from Baldur's Gate 2, four are modified BG2 spells, and 14 are unique to DSotSC.

The new spells are itemized at High Hedge (circles 1-4), Sorcerous Sundries (1-9), and throughout the campaign as loot.

The best new spell in Dark Side of the Sword Coast is the fourth circle Abjuration, Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing, aka DRAC. Get it, cast it, love it.

Assuming a six-person party, and allowing for general hiccups along the way, it is unlikely that you will reach circles above seven unless you engage in some concerted farming (and read Grun'lerthkin's Tome of the Greater Wizard, which doubles the current experience points for single-class mages only). Thus, 8th and 9th circle spells can only be cast from scrolls.

Level 1 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

In addition to the seventeen Level 1 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate, DSotSC adds one spell.

Orb of Air (Alteration) Mage120
◦ Level: 1
◦ Range: 40 Feet
◦ Duration: 4 Rounds
◦ Casting Time: 2
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving throw: Neg
This spell allows the mage to turn a target into a puff of smoke for a limited amount of time.

Puffs of smoke cannot attack, but you can also not target puffs of smoke. AoEs will work, though. A pretty useless spell when you consider that the first circle offers Sleep and Blindness.

Level 2 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

In addition to the seventeen Level 2 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate, DSotSC adds three spells.

• Globe of Darkness (Alteration) Mage220
◦ Level: 2
◦ Range: 5 ft/level
◦ Duration: 1 turn + 3/level
◦ Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
◦ Casting Time: 2
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness in the area of effect. Infravision is useless. Neither normal nor magical light works unless a "light" or "continual light" spell is used. In the former event, the Globe of Darkness spell is negated by the "light" spell, and vice versa.

Unlike Blindness, GoD does not allow a saving throw. Contrary to the description, there is no AoE.

Icebolt (Evocation) Mage221
◦ Level: 2
◦ Range: 15
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 2
◦ Area of Effect: One creature
◦ Saving Throw: None
Upon uttering this dweomer a freezing ball of ice bursts from the caster's hands and streaks unerringly toward one target.  The Icebolt deals 2D10 damage with no saving throw allowed, however magic or cold resistance can negate it's effects.

Nice damage for this low level. Freezes target which then explodes into icy bits. Spam while buffed with DRAC (search post for DRAC).

Thunderslap (Conjuration/Summoning) Mage222
◦ Level: 2
◦ Range: Touch
◦ Duration: Instantaneuos
◦ Casting Time: 1
◦ Area of Effect: 1 creature
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the level one spell shocking grasp but is a bit more effective. When the wizard makes a successful melee attack against a creature, that creature is stunned for 1 round and takes 2D6 damage.

Again, spam this under the effect of DRAC to keep a single-tough enemy immobilized.

Level 3 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

In addition to the seventeen Level 3 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate, DSotSC adds four spells.

Invisibility 10' Radius (Illusion/Phantasm) Mage307
◦ Level: 3
◦ Range: Touch
◦ Duration: Special
◦ Casting Time: 4
◦ Area of Effect: 10' radius
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the second level mage spell Invisibility, except that it affects all party members within 10' of the caster.  The recipients of the spell may move out of the area of effect after the spell is cast and remain invisible, although with the same limitations as the second level spell.

A BG2 spell that facilitates full-party scouting. Scouting is very important in BG.

Melf's Minute Meteors (Evocation) Mage320
◦ Level: 3
◦ Range: Caster Only
◦ Duration: Special
◦ Casting Time: 3
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the wizard to cast small globes of fire (one for each experience level they have attained) at a target inflicting 1D4 points of damage to the creature struck. The missiles are treated as missiles hurled by the wizard with +5 bonus to attack rolls. Each meteor inflicts +3 damage, and an additional +3 fire damage.

This is a good spell. Minute meteors are thrown at 3 ApR. (In BG2, it's 5 ApR.)

Ray of Frost (Evocation) Mage321
◦ Level: 3
◦ Range: 20 yards
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 3
◦ Area of Effect: 1 creature
◦ Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell a 2 foot by 60 foot jet of incredibly cold frost bursts from the caster's hands. The Ray inflicts 5D6 points of damage and is so cold that the target creature must save vs. spell or be unable to move or fight at full capacity until it shakes off the chill. Cold or magic resistance may negate these effects.

Solid single-target direct dmg/immobilizer combo with a cool icy-burst chunking effect.

Army of One (Illusion/Phantasm) Mage322
◦ Level: 3
◦ Range: Touch
◦ Duration: 1 turn
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: One person
◦ Saving Throw: Neg
With this spell the caster can cause a person to become an army unto himself. Strength, constitution and dexterity are increased by 2 taking on heroic proportions.

A nice buff for physical-based damage dealers, with a nice duration. It also confers Mirror Image on the recipient.

Level 4 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

In addition to the seventeen Level 4 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate, DSotSC adds five spells.

Ettin's Healing (Necromancy) Mage417
◦ Level: 4
◦ Range: Caster
◦ Duration: 16 turns
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
Ettin, a monk who lived during the Time of the Ancients, was also an adept herbalist who found many ways to heal the body. When cast upon a person they can regenerate up to 16 hit points, 1 for each turn.

This spell is utterly useless even though it stacks with itself. 16 HPs over 16 turns is just... no. Why not just cast healing spells?

Ice Storm (Evocation) Mage404
◦ Level: 4
◦ Range: Visual range of caster
◦ Duration: 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 4
◦ Area of Effect: 30' radius
◦ Saving Throw: Neg
When this spell is cast, great hail stones pound down in a 60-foot-diameter area and inflict 2D8 points of damage to any creatures within the area of effect. Also, anyone that remains within the area of effect takes 2D8 damage each round until the storm passes.

A nice AoE from BG2, though it just employs a recolored Stinking Cloud visual effect. Note that undead are immune to cold damage.

Stoneskin (Alteration) Mage408
◦ Level: 4
◦ Range: 0
◦ Duration: 5 turns
◦ Casting Time: 2
◦ Area of Effect: Caster only
◦ Saving Throw: None
By use of this spell the caster transforms into something akin to a living statue. The mage's skin becomes a hard stone like substance that is very difficult to penetrate with normal weapons. While under the influence of this spell the caster's Armor Class is set to 0 and weapon attacks will only deal 1/4 normal damage. The stone is not as flexible as normal flesh however, and the mage will be at a -3 penalty to Dexterity for the spell's duration.

Sensibly nerfed from its BG2 counterpart in that its skins don't mitigate physical-based damage entirely.

Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing aka DRAC (Abjuration) Mage418
◦ Level: 4
◦ Range: 0
◦ Duration: 1 hour
◦ Casting Time: 8
◦ Area of Effect: Caster only
◦ Saving Throw: None
The use of magic causes a collection of magical residue around the caster. It is this residue which prevents even the most skilled of casters from casting spells in quick succession. Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleaning removes the residue of spell casting as the next spell casting begins. This allows a greatly increased rate of spell casting.

DRAC is awesome because it removes the one round cooldown or aura cleansing between casting spells. How does a max of 12 * 5 Magic Missiles in the blink of an eye sound? Great for spamming spells that sport short casting times.

Spider Spawn (Conjuration/Summoning) Mage419
◦ Level: 4
◦ Range: 40 yards
◦ Duration: 6 rounds + 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell the wizard conjures several spider eggs into existence, quickly producing fully grown spiders that remain under the wizard's telepathic control. The type of spiders that appear depend upon the level of the wizard casting the spell.
7th : giant spider
9th : phase spider
12th+ : sword spider
When the spell is cast there is a 20% chance that two spiders of the proper type will appear instead of just one. These spider(s) will remain under the wizard's control until slain, or the spell duration expires.

This was formerly a BG2 spell only. In conjunction with Web, it is formidable. The Sword Spiders at caster 12th level sport ApR 5. They are also hasted for the purposes of movement, but do not inflict on-hit poison.

Level 5 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

In addition to the seventeen Level 5 Arcane Spells Baldur's Gate, DSotSC adds five spells.

Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental (Conjuration, Summoning) Mage516
◦ Level: 5
◦ Range: Visual sight of caster
◦ Duration: 1 turn + 1round/level
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster conjures a lesser fire elemental to do his or her bidding. The elemental is 8 Hit Dice and will serve the casters whim until it is destroyed or the spell duration runs out. After one round there is a 15% chance that the elemental will go berserk.

It actually summons Lesser Tanar'ri (recolored gibberling sprite with a flame aura). Pretty useless summon.

Melf's Explosive Meteors (Evocation) Mage518
◦ Level: 5
◦ Range: Caster only
◦ Duration: 1 minute
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: Special
This evocation is the same as the third level mage spell Melf's Minute Meteors, except that the missiles created explode violently on impact. All creatures within 20' of the point of impact will be showered with flaming shrapnel inflicting 2-12 points of damage. A successful saving throw will allow the affected creature to avoid the worst effects, reducing the damage taken by half.

Explosive meteors are thrown at 3 ApR. Decent fireball-like splash radius.

Protection From Acid (Abjuration) Mage517
◦ Level: 5
◦ Range: Touch
◦ Duration: 1 turn/level
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: Creature touched
◦ Saving Throw: None
When the spell is cast it confers complete invulnerability to all acid based attacks whether magical or non-magical such as acid arrow or creature special attacks. This effect lasts for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.

Useful when going up against the Forest Dragon and its acid breath.

Protection From Lightning (Abjuration) Mage512
◦ Level: 4
◦ Sphere: Protection, Weather
◦ Range: Touch
◦ Duration: 5 rounds\level
◦ Casting Time: 7
◦ Area 'of Effect: Creature touched
◦ Saving Throw: None
When the spell is cast it confers complete invulnerability to Electrical attack such as dragon breath or magical attacks such as lightning bolt, shocking grasp etc..  The protection will last for the duration of the spell or until successfully dispelled.

Facilitates ricochet fun with Lightning Bolts.

Protection from Normal Weapons (Abjuration) Mage511
◦ Level: 5
◦ Range: Touch
◦ Duration: 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 2
◦ Area of Effect: 1 Creature
◦ Saving Throw: None
When the spell is cast it confers complete invulnerability to all non-magical weapons. This does not include weapons that are blessed or enchanted. This spell may not be cast on someone who is protected from magical weapons. This effect lasts for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.

A very powerful ward in BG1 (because most enemies do not wield enchanted weapons).

Level 6 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

Anti-Magic Shell (Abjuration) Mage607
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: Caster only
◦ Duration: 2 turns
◦ Casting Time: 2
◦ Area of Effect: Caster only
◦ Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell the caster surrounds himself with a shimmering barrier that moves with him. The area within this barrier is totally impervious to all magic and magical spell effects, thus preventing the passage of any and all spells, harmful or beneficial alike. Likewise it prevents any spell casting within its confines and magic affecting the wizard when this spell is cast is immediately dispelled. Breath weapons, gaze or voice attacks, and similar special attack forms also cannot penetrate the barrier. Dispel Magic does not remove the spell.

A cheesy spell similar to Otiluke's Resilient Sphere.

Death Spell (Necromantic) Mage605
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: 30 yards
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: 30' circle
◦ Saving Throw: None
When the Death Spell is cast it slays all creatures at level 5 and below. Hordes of weaker enemies can be brought down by this spell, whereas fewer of the more powerful creatures can be affected. The Death Spell does not affect extraplanar beings or certain other unnatural creatures.

Not a bad spell to employ against non-trivial mundanes. In BG2, this takes out Umber Hulks.

Flesh to Stone (Alteration) Mage604
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: Sight of Caster
◦ Duration: Permanent
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: 1 creature
◦ Saving Throw: Neg
The target of this spell must make a saving throw vs. petrification or be turned to stone. Likewise, all possessions on the person will be petrified and be rendered unremovable unless a Stone to Flesh spell is cast. Any successful hit on a petrified creature will shatter it, killing it irrevocably.

Flavor kill.

Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration) Mage602
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: 0
◦ Duration: 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: 5' radius
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the fourth level spell Minor Globe of Invulnerability, except as regards casting time and the fact that it prevents the functioning of first through fourth level spells affecting the mage within the globe. Spells can still be readily cast from within.

A solid ward and upgrade from MGoI.

Invisible Stalker (Conjuration/Summoning) Mage601
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: 10 yards
◦ Duration: 1 hour
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell will summon an invisible stalker from the elemental plane of air. This 8 hit dice monster will aid and defend the caster until slain or the duration expires. If there are no enemies present, the summoner can command the creature to perform other tasks.

I have two problems with this summon: First, the slow movement rate; Second, they only knock the victim out, meaning you still have to finish them off (they are slow in BG2 as well but at least their hits are lethal). DSotSC Davaeorn casts this.

Tenser's Transformation (Alteration/Evocation) Mage603
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: 0
◦ Duration: 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: Caster only
◦ Saving Throw: None
The mage casting this dweomer undergoes a startling transformation, his size and strength increasing to heroic proportions so he becomes a formidable fighting machine. The wizards hit points double and his armor class improves a full 4 factors. All attacks are made as if the mage is a fighter of equal level. Each attack is made at +2 and each successful hit in combat inflicts an additional 2 points of damage. All bonuses will be lost when the spell ends or is dispelled including the hit point bonus.
Note: This spell does not give the caster any extra attacks.

Great for Fighter Mage dual-classes. Expect HPs approaching 500 towards end-game. Does not disable spellcasting like the BG2 version. The THAC0 and AC bonuses stacks with each casting, but not the HP bonus.

Disintegrate (Alteration) Mage610
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: Visual sight of caster
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: Target Creature
◦ Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell at another creature a stream of energy is shot out. Upon contact the creature must make a saving throw vs. spells or die instantly. This transformation is instantaneous and irreversible. There is also a good chance that this will destroy some if not all of the items that the creature is carrying.

Very useful if you don't need the victim's items.

Monster Summoning IV (Conjuration/Summoning) Mage611
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: 40 yards
◦ Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: 60 yard radius
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell is much like the 3rd-level monster summoning I spell, except that this spell summons 20 Hit Dice of monsters and the summoning persists for a longer time.

Base BG1 maxes at MS III. Summons a max of nine units with each casting, choosing randomly between worgs, ghouls/ghasts and ogrillons. Unlike IWD1, the undead summons maintain their on-hit immobilization, making them very powerful. 

Stone to Flesh (Alteration) Mage606
◦ Level: 6
◦ Range: Touch
◦ Duration: Permanent
◦ Casting Time: 6
◦ Area of Effect: 1 creature
◦ Saving Throw: None
By use of this spell the caster can restore a petrified creature to living flesh provided their stone body is still intact. The recipient will be physically drained during their time as a statue and will have only 1 hit point upon restoration. Cure spells or rest will recover the lost health.

Base BG only had unscribable Stone to Flesh scrolls (which were itemized in order to recruit Branwen and de-petrify adventurers unfortunate enough to have succumbed to basilisk gaze).

Level 7 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

Control Undead (Necromancy) Mage701
◦ Level: 7
◦ Range: Visual sight of caster
◦ Duration: 6 rounds + 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 7
◦ Area of Effect: 1-4 creatures
◦ Saving Throw: Special
The control undead spell allows the caster to take control of 1-4 undead creatures within the area of effect. This creates a telepathic link between the caster and the undead allowing complete control. If the undead have 3 Hit Dice or less then there is no saving throw allowed, however if they have 4 Hit Dice or more a save vs. spells is allowed to negate the effect. The undead remain under control of the caster for the duration of the spell or until they are affected by a dispel magic.

I have managed to charm Skeleton Knights (one step up from Warriors), but most undead that you want to take control of sport stubborn MR.

Vestcakes Floating Curse (Invocation) Mage703
◦ Level: 7
◦ Range: 30
◦ Duration: 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: 30' circle
This powerful curse creates a cloud of boiling gas that spreads around the battle ground. The cloud crackles with energy and small lightning bolts leap around in it. The cloud is so highly charged with electricity that any creature caught in the cloud will suffer continual detrimental effects as the energy discharges on to them over the clouds duration.

As with Ice Storm, VFC employs a recolored Stinking Cloud visual effect. However, I observed no detrimental effects other than the obvious electrical damage.

Mass Invisibility (Illusion/Phantasm) Mage707
◦ Level: 7
◦ Range: Visual sight of caster
◦ Duration: 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 7
◦ Area of Effect: 30' radius
◦ Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell the wizard causes all friendly creatures within the area of effect to be affected by the spell Improved Invisibility. This spell is similar to the invisibility spell, but the recipient is able to attack, either by missile discharge, melee combat, or spellcasting, and remain unseen. Note, however, that there are sometimes telltale traces, a shimmering, so that an observant opponent can attack the invisible spell recipient. These traces are only noticeable when specifically looked for (after the invisible character has made his presence known). Attacks against the invisible character suffer -4 penalties to the attack rolls, and the invisible character's saving throws are made with a +4 bonus.

A nice party-wide buff and scouting aid.

Mordenkainen's Sword (Evocation) Mage714
◦ Level: 7
◦ Range: Sight of Caster
◦ Duration: 1 round/level
◦ Casting Time: 7
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a shimmering sword of force that can be mentally wielded by the caster. It strikes as if it were being used by a fighter at half the level of the caster, and despite the fact it is held in the hand, it can hit creatures anywhere within the sight of the caster. It can hit creatures normally hit only by +2 weapons or greater. The sword acts as a +4 weapon and inflicts 5-20 hit points with every strike.

This spell is slightly modified from the IWD2 variant (+3, 4d6 magic dmg). They work like Spiritual Hammer. In BG2, the swords are summoned units, can only be slain by magic damage or the Death Spell, and flaunt Titan Strength.

• Power Word: Stun (Conjuration/Summoning) Mage709
◦ Level: 7
◦ Range: Sight of Caster
◦ Duration: Special
◦ Casting Time: 1
◦ Area of Effect: 1 creature
◦ Saving Throw: None
Similar to Power Word: Silence and Power Word: Kill, Power Word: Stun is another of the words of power. When uttered, it stuns all creatures below level 5 for 1 turn. Creatures between level 6 and 10 are stunned for 8 rounds. Creatures between level 11 and 15 are stunned for 5 rounds. Creatures above level 16 are unaffected.

Stun is one of the most powerful negative status effects on the Infinity Engine.

• Prismatic Spray (Conjuration/Summoning) Mage708
◦ Level: 7
◦ Range: 20 yards
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 7
◦ Area of Effect: 70 x 15-foot spray.
◦ Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, the wizard causes seven shimmering, multicolored rays of light to flash from his hands in a triangular spray. This spray is 70 feet long and spreads to 15 feet wide. It includes all colors of the visible spectrum; each ray has a different power and purpose. Any creature below level 5 struck by a ray is blinded for 5 rounds, regardless of any other effect. Any creature in the area of effect will be touched by the rays. The effects are as follows:
Red: Creatures above level 16 suffer 20 points of damage, save vs. spell for half.
Orange: Creatures between levels 12 and 15 suffer 30 points of damage, save vs. spell for half.
Yellow: Creatures between levels 10 and 11 suffer 40 points of damage, save vs. spell for half.
Indigo: Creatures between level 8 and 9 have to save vs. wand or suffer feeblemindeness.
Blue: Creatures between levels 6 and 7 have to save vs. petrification or be turned to stone.
Green: Creatures between levels 4 and 5 have to save vs. death or die; survivors suffer 8 points of damage.
Violet: Creatures below level 3 have to save vs. spell or be sent to another plane.

Cone-based spells can be difficult to aim in BG. Employs the tiny color spray graphic. Long casting time...

Level 8 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

As I said in the intro, it is unlikely that you will break out of seventh circle.

• Incendiary Cloud (Evocation) Mage803
◦ Level: 8
◦ Range: Visual Sight of Caster
◦ Duration: 1 turn
◦ Casting Time: 8
◦ Area of Effect: 30' radius cloud
◦ Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell creates a billowing cloud of roaring flame. Any in the area of the spell must leave the cloud immediately, or suffer 1-4 points of fire damage per level of the caster each round while in the area of effect with a save vs. spells for half.

Nice fire damage over time.

• Infernal Combustion Enigma (Evocation) Mage801
◦ Level: 8
◦ Range: 25 yards
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: 30ft radius
◦ Saving Throw: Special
The Infernal Combustion Enigma was the creation of a powerful yet insane Archmage, better known in the time of Netheril as the Arch-Astronomer. This mage had an addiction to fire and made this spell to accommodate all of his needs (It is noted that this mage died shortly after completing the spell probably from its effects). Nearly all of the modern fire spells are included in this cocktail of spells and as such this spell is capable of incinerating many a noble adventurer. However, it is an unpredictable spell so it is considered a prime example of spells to be lauched from afar. Anyone caught within the area of the blast suffers 6D6 fire damage and a further 2D6 if a saving throw fails.

One of the coolest AoE spell effects I've seen in the BG series: combines fireball with flame strike. Damaging, too.

• Mass Charm (Enchantment/Charm) Mage808
◦ Level: 8
◦ Range: Visual range of caster
◦ Duration: 5 rounds
◦ Casting Time: 2
◦ Area of Effect: 20' radius sphere
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell effects any people within an area of 20' from where it is cast. The term person in all humanoid creatures who will be charmed for 30 seconds. Humanoid creatures include: humand, dryads, dwarfs, elves, brownies, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, hobgoblins etc. but does not include larger creatures eg ogres. All creatures make a saving throw vs spells to negate the effects.

Top-tier divide and conquer spell.

Power Word: Blind (Conjuration/Summoning) Mage806
◦ Level: 8
◦ Range: Visual sight of caster
◦ Duration: 6 rounds
◦ Casting Time: 1
◦ Area of Effect: 10' radius
◦ Saving Throw: None
When a Power Word: Blind spell is cast, one or more creatures within the area of effect become sightless. The spellcaster selects one creature as the target center, and the effect spreads outward from the center, affecting all within a 10 foot radius. This lasts for 6 rounds or until dispelled. All of the effects of blindness apply to the victims such as a penalty to hit and to AC. As well the visibility range of the afflicted character is decreased.

AoE Blindness.

Thunder Bolt (Invocation) Mage804
◦ Level: 8
◦ Range: 150 yards
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 5
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: 1/2
In some circles of Archmages it is considered rather pathetic to cast a lightning bolt like a weak little mage. So the thunder bolt was developed. While looking to all intensive purposes like a lightning bolt it is however charged a great deal more and capable of doing vast amounts of damage to anything it strikes, including its caster! The bolt will rebound back and forth until all its power is lost and there are few beings which can withstand a hit from this spell. Any creature hit by the bolt suffers 12D4 electrical damage with a saving throw for half.

An upgraded Lightning Bolt. The inclusion of Protection From Lightning make both spells more attractive in DSotSC.

• Varashar's Life Drain (Necromancy) Mage807
◦ Level: 8
◦ Range: 30 feet
◦ Duration: Special
◦ Casting Time: 1
◦ Area of Effect: Single Target
◦ Saving Throw: None
The Mage King Varashar, according to rumor, used this spell to extend his life many times during his 120 year reign. Similar to the spell Larloch's Minor Drain the wizard drains the life force from a target and adds it to his own. The target creature suffers 5-20 damage, while the mage gains an increase of 25% in hit points. If the mage goes over his maximum hit point total with this spell, he loses it after 4 turns.

Pretty much useless for an eighth circle spell. The 25% HP increase doesn't stack with itself, and adds only to base HPs (which means that +HPs from Tenser's Transformation are lost).

Level 9 Spells Dark Side of the Sword Coast

• Power Word: Kill (Conjuration) Mage902
◦ Level: 9
◦ Range: Visual sight of caster
◦ Duration: Instant
◦ Casting Time: 1
◦ Area of Effect: 1 creature
◦ Saving Throw: None
When a Power Word: Kill spell is uttered, one creature within the spell range is slain. The power word slays any creature below level 12. There is no saving throw. This spell has no effect if the target is above level 12.

• Wail of the Banshee (Necromancy) Mage903
◦ Level: 9
◦ Range: 0
◦ Duration: Instantaneous
◦ Casting Time: 9
◦ Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
◦ Saving Throw: Special
At the culmination of this dreadful spell, the wizard screams like a banshee (groaning spirit). Everyone in the area of effect hears the awful cry. Those who fail a saving throw vs. death magic die instantly. The caster and companions are immune to the effects of the wail.

• Black Blade of Disaster (Evocation) Mage904
◦ Level: 9
◦ Range: 0
◦ Duration: 18 rounds
◦ Casting Time: 4
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to create a black, blade-shaped planar rift, about three feet long. It jumps into the casters hand and is used as a normal sword, remaining there for the duration of the spell. The sword acts as a +5 weapon and deals 2-20 damage to its victims. Also, every time this hits a target, the victim must make a save vs. death at +4 or be disintegrated. There is also a 10% chance with every hit that the sword drains 4 levels from the target and heals the wielder 20 hit points.

Lifted straight from BG2. The wielded rift looks and sounds better than the BG2 version, though.

• Gate (Conjuration, Summoning) Mage905
◦ Level: 9
◦ Range: Visual sight of caster
◦ Duration: 8 rounds
◦ Casting Time: 9
◦ Area of Effect: Special
◦ Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster calls a creature from the abyss to aid the party. The creature summoned in is a Doomsayer, one of the most powerful demons. The creature arrives in a berserk state so it is best to use this spell as a last resort.

Gated in Doomsayer inflicts up to about 20 dmg per hit (including 2 points of on-hit fire). Sports high ApR, but is squishy with just 80 HPs and high AC. Thus, it's pretty much useless for a 9th circle spell. Drizzt will chunk it in one round. Contrary to the description, the Doomsayer is not berserked when summoned.

Employs a recolored Ogre Mage sprite with a flame aura.

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