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Globe of Invulnerability BG2

Globe of Invulnerability is a Baldur's Gate spell of spell protections BG2 type in BioWare's cRPG of 2000-2001, Baldur's Gate 2.

  • Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration) [SCRL7F]
  • Level: 6
  • Range: 0 
  • Duration: 1 round/level 
  • Casting Time: 6
  • Area of Effect: 5-foot-radius sphere 
  • Saving Throw: None 

Globe of Invulnerability Counter

Globe of Invulnerability is countered by Pierce MagicKhelben's Warding WhipRuby Ray of ReversalPierce Shield and Spellstrike.

Globe of Invulnerability Description

This spell creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere around the caster that prevents any 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd- or 4th-level spell effects from penetrating (i.e., the area of effect of any such spells does not include the area of the globe of invulnerability). This includes innate abilities and effects from devices. However, any type of spell can be cast out of the magical sphere, and these pass from the caster of the globe to their subject without affecting the globe. Fifth and higher level spells are not affected by the globe. The globe can be brought down by a successful dispel magic spell, as well as other forms of magical attack such as Spellstrike and Pierce Magic.

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