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Terran Campaign StarCraft 1

Terran Campaign StarCraft 1: Rebel Yell

The StarCraft 1 Terran Campaign is comprised of ten missions that set various Terran forces against Zerg, Protoss and rival Terran forces. In the Terran Campaign the player assumes the role of Magistrate during the rule of the Terran Confederacy. The Magistrate is tasked with defending the Terran Colonists of Mar Sara from an invading Protoss fleet led by High Templar Tassadar. However, in practice the player's Terran forces are mostly set against Terran factions and Zerg broods.

Brood War Terran Campaign: The Iron Fist

The Terran Brood War Campaign consists of eight missions that set Terran forces mostly against the Zerg Infestation and the Terran Dominion ruled by Emperor Mengsk I. Under Admiral DuGalle the player assumes the role of Captain for the United Earth Directorate (UED) fleet.

Terran Tips

  • Employ hotkeys to quickly switch between groups of units and space unit-groups out correctly. You don't want your squishy units in the front line.
  • Clicking the next enemy to attack is faster than waiting for the AI to auto-target.
  • If you want to move a Siege Tank, cancel its Siege Mode immediately after a volley.
  • Siege Tanks are probably your single most valuable unit. When in Siege Mode, they are good at defending bases against ground units. And when besieging the enemy in Siege mode, they destroy buildings faster than any other unit (other than the Yamato Gun of the Battlecruiser). Use spotters for Siege Tanks (e.g., cloaked Wraiths). Goliaths, Wraiths, SCVs and a Science Vessel should accompany Siege Tanks when besieging big bases.
  • If you have Medics on-hand, always tank with Hero units when it is safe to do so (have the hero unit draw the aggro and repair or heal them afterwards).
  • Stack SCVs when repairing buildings, Battlecruisers or Siege Tanks.
  • Vultures, Wraiths and Firebats are your least useful units.
  • The Science Vessel is mandatory versus cloaking units. Otherwise cloaked enemy Ghosts are going to Lock Down your mechanized units.
  • If you have enough Vespene resources, build two Armories and two Engineering Bays to increase Research rate.
  • If your Marines are going to remain in bunkers, research their offense before their defense. Always research their range upgrade at the Academy.
  • Missile Turrets are useful versus air-raiding units, but are in constant need of repair.

Terran Player vs. Protoss AI

Early on (that is, straight away, in the first few minutes, and assuming close proximity), Terran players can wipe out Protoss bases by setting up Marine-loaded Bunkers on the borders of the Protoss base. This is because the Protoss are slow to make Zealots, which are much stronger than Marines. But one Bunker loaded with four Marines is enough to take out one or two Zealots (one or two is the max initially) followed by the Gateway, Nexus and Pylons. Of course, the Bunker will need to be repaired by an SCV as the assault is taking place. As always, this requires careful micro but it can be done.

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