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To Chain the Beast Brood War: Terran Mission 8

To Chain the Beast Brood War

To Chain the Beast is the 8th mission of the Terran Campaign in Blizzard's RTS expansion of 1998, StarCraft: Brood War. Staged on Char, To Chain the Beast sets the UED Strike Force of the Terran against the Garm, Grendel and Tiamat Broods of the Renegade Zerg. In addition, To Chain the Beast introduces the Torrasque as well as the Zerg Cerebrate and Zerg Overmind units of the Zerg.

The Torrasque (Tarrasque) is a souped-up Ultralisk unit that respawns at intervals to attack your bases. Make sure you have Marines in Bunkers, Siege Tanks and eventually Battlecruisers with Yamato Guns.

You should take out the cerebrate to the north ASAP and then establish a base to the east. After that, build up a fleet of one dozen battlecruisers and take out the two other cerebrates. Then put four Medics into a Dropship, transport them to the Overmind, and assign one Medic to each of the beacons.

To Chain the Beast Mission Objectives

  • Bring a Medic to each of the beacons surrounding the Overmind.
  • Kill Zerg Cerebrates to weaken the Overmind's defenses.

Back to: Terran Campaign (Index of Terran Missions).

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