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Revolution StarCraft 1: Terran Mission 5

Revolution StarCraft 1: Terran Mission 5

Revolution is the 5th mission of the Terran Campaign in Blizzard's RTS of 1998, StarCraft 1. Staged on Antiga Prime, Revolution sets the Sons of Korhal of the Terran against the Alpha Squadron of the Terran Confederacy. In addition, Revolution introduces Sarah Kerrigan (an enhanced Ghost) and the Terran Beacon as well as the Dropship and Wraith units of the Terran. In limited number, Siege Tanks are employed by the Confederates only (and rarely).

It is important to employ Kerrigan even though her survival is plot-critical, as Kerrigan is far more capable in combat than stock Marines or Firebats. The same goes for Raynor's Vulture versus the stock Vulture.

Over stock Marines, Kerrigan has +210 health and +2 armor. Also, her C-10 Concussion rifle inflicts +24 damage at +4 range over the Marines' gauss rifles (though with -7 cooldown).

Note also that Kerrigan has the Cloak and Lockdown special abilities.

Over stock Vultures, Raynor's Vulture has +220 health and +2 armor. Also, his fragmentation grenade inflicts +10 damage at +10 cooldown over stock Vultures' frag grenade.

Remember also that Raynor's Vulture is mechanized; thus, can be repaired via SCV. But Kerrigan cannot be healed. However, as an infrantry unit she can be placed in a Bunker.

Revolution Mission Objectives

  • Bring Kerrigan to the Antigan Command Center
  • Defend the Antigan Rebels
  • Raynor and Kerrigan must survive
  • Destroy the Confederate Base

Separated by a body of water, the Confederacy's Alpha Squadron force is located to the southwest of the Antigan Command Center. The Sons of Korhal must employ Dropships to transport a force of infantry and mechanized units across the water. Then, players should build a base there.

After Kerrigan kills the Confederate Officer, Alpha Squadron starts accumulating resources via seven SCVs. It never builds more than that. Then, Alpha Squadron sends Wraiths and Dropships loaded with Marines, Firebats and Vultures to conduct small-scale raids on the Antigan Command Center. It never builds up its forces, only replenishes lost units. It never builds up an invasion force.

The raids can be stopped by setting Wraith patrols to the north of the enemy base, over the sea, out of range of the Missile Turrets.

Thus, players have all the time in the world to mine and build, but the push behind enemy lines must be decisive or the enemy will simply replenish its units. To faciltate that, it is recommended to take the peninsula to gain access to a third mineral and second gas deposit, which also denies those resources to the enemy. Thus, the building of two more Command Centers is recommended.

Alpha Squadron Force Composition

This is the initial force. The force replenishes lost units.

  • Goliath x10
  • Marines x14
  • Firebat x4
  • Missile Turret x9
  • Wraith x7
  • Vulture x3
  • SCV x7

Alpha Squadron Base Composition & Resources

  • Command Center x2
  • Refinery
  • Factory
  • Barracks
  • Bunker x4
  • Starport
  • Academy
  • Supply Depot x8
  • Mineral Fields x2
  • Vespene Geyser

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