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Desperate Alliance StarCraft 1: Terran Mission 3

Desperate Alliance StarCraft 1

Desperate Alliance is the 3rd mission of the Terran Campaign in Blizzard's RTS of 1998, StarCraft 1. Staged on Mar Sara, Desperate Alliance sets the Colonial Militia of the Terran against the Garm Brood and their Zerg Rush. In addition, Desperate Alliance introduces the Vulture unit of the Terran as well as the Drone, Mutalisk and Overlord units of the Zerg.

Desperate Alliance Mission Objectives

  • Survive for 30 minutes.

Get the SCVs mining. Move your Marines into the Bunkers. Put the other Marines and Vultures behind the Bunkers and set them to Hold. Build several more SCVs followed by a Refinery. Upgrade to U-238 Shells and Stim Pack Tech at the Academy along with Level 1 Infantry Weapons at the Engineering Bay. Build three more Bunkers per entrance in preparation for Zerglings and Hydralisks. Then, build several more Missile Turrets in preparation for Mutalisks. Repair Bunkers and Turrets as needed. You could also build a Factory followed by a Machine Shop and then upgrade to Ion Thrusters and Spider Mines at the Machine Shop.

A typical raid consists of a dozen Zerglings backed up by half a dozen Hydralisks. To fend that off you want at least two Bunkers occupied by four Marines each --- per entrance.

In the last few minutes of the mission, a Zerg Rush will trigger. It is best to have two or three each of Bunker and Missile Turret blocking each of the two entrances by that point. Even better, build a few Supply Depots in front of the Bunkers to act as a makeshift wall against the Zergling horde. The Marines in the Bunkers should be able to protect the Supply Depots with their collective DPS on the horde. If not, a couple SCVs can repair them. The airborne Mutalisks can be taken out by the Missile Turrets.

You won't know which entrance the horde will go for; it's random.

Even if you take out the Hatchery, you still have to wait out the 30 minutes.

To take out the Hatchery you will need to build:

  • Barracks x4
  • Supply Depot x10
  • Marines x48 (approx)

Then you should fly 4x Barracks up towards the Zerg for reinforcement purposes.

Zerg Force Composition

  • Overlord x13
  • Mutalisk x5
  • Drones x6
  • Zerglings (many)

Zerg Base Composition & Resources

  • Hatchery
  • Hydralisk Den
  • Spawning Pool
  • Extractor
  • Spire
  • Sunken Colony x5
  • Creep Colony x7

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