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HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1 (HiPS)

Hide in Plain Sight NWN

Hide in Plain Sight aka HiPS is Shadowdancer-exclusive feat in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. At-will, Hide in Plain Sight allows us to Sneak Attack, disengage, hide, Sneak Attack disengage, hide -- rinse repeat until enemy dead.

Or for Wizards, cast Haste (Extended), cast offensive spell, hide, move away a bit, cast offensive spell, hide, move away a bit -- rinse repeat until enemy dead.

It is laughable that we only need to take one Shadowdancer level in order to net such a powerful feat. On top of that, SD prereqs are laughably easy to meet for Rogues or even Rogue-dip NWN builds.

Hide in Plain Sight Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: Class
  • Prerequisite: Shadowdancer level 1.
  • Specifics: The shadowdancer is able to use the Hide skill even while being observed. Note: This ability will not always be successful in the frenzy of combat -- but disengaging from the enemy before attempting to hide in plain sight will succeed.
  • Use: Automatic.

Items that Confer Hide in Plain Sight Ability

In Swordflight Chapters 2-5, we gain access to Assassin garb and armor that confers the Hide in Plain Sight ability of the Shadowdancer:

  • Assassin's Leathers [assassinarmor001]
  • Assassin's Outfit [assassingarb001]
  • Superior Assassin's Outfit [assassingarb002]
  • Superior Assassin's Leathers [assassinarmor002]

Non-Assassins can wear the garb and armor if they have a Use Magic Device score of about 25 or above; for the superior versions, a higher score is presumably required.

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