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THROWBARB Build, Diablo 2 Resurrected

Throwbarb D2

Throwbarb is a Diablo 2 Build in Blizzard North's cRPG of 2000, Diablo 2. The throwing barbarian, or throw barb, is a ranged barbarian that focuses on Double Throw and its synergies. Throw barbs don't have an AoE attack in their skillset: they are single-target only but can hit multiple enemies by virtue of pierce from Warshrikes or Razortail. While they can certainly rip bosses a new asshole in short order, this is more of a cool-points build than it is an ultimate power-gaming one.

Throwbarb Build Stats

  • Strength: 118 for Arreat's Face slayer guard
  • Dexterity: This gives us our accuracy + dmg. Max it.
  • Vitality: As much as you think you need for reliable survivability
  • Energy: Nothing

Throwbarb Build Skills

  • Axe Mastery: 20
  • Throwing Mastery: 20
  • Double Swing: 20
  • Double Throw: 20

Double Throw + Dex 150: 78% chance to hit Hell Baal, Dex 200 = 80% chance, 300 = 84% chance, 400 = 86% chance, 500 = 88% chance (AR: 25,761, dmg: 1,573-11k / 1504-10k).

  • Frenzy: 1 (adds to IAS when +skill equipment is added)
  • Shout: as high as you can get it
  • Battle Orders: as high as you can get it
  • Battle Command: 1

Throwbarb Build Weapon

THROWBARB build should wield 2x Ethereal Lacerators: We're looking for ethereal drops with up to 210% ED. Other than self-replenishing ethereal, dmg and IAS, the Amplify proc is the main attraction. On the other hand, Hit Causes Monster to Flee sucks ASS because it slows down killspeed.

Weapon: 2x Ethereal Warshrikes: Again, we're looking for ethereal but this time with up to 250% ED. The problem with dagger class weapons is that they can't take advantage of Barbarian masteries, like the Lacerators can. Still, twin-warshrikes tear monsters to shreds.

Throwbarb Build Armor

THROWBARB Armor: Fortitude rune word in archon plate for 300% ED. 

THROWBARB Helm: Arreat's Face slayer guard unique: 

THROWBARB Gloves: Laying of Hands set bramble mitts for +350% damage vs. demons and +20% IAS. Bad ass.

THROWBARB Boots: War Traveler battle boots unique:

Or Gores:

THROWBARB Belt: Razortail grants us +15 Dexterity and 33% Pierce.

THROWBARB Ring: Raven Frost x2 unless you can find or roll a godly rare with dual-leach (mana + life) and +20 Dex. I have +18 Dex and +19 Dex RFs.

THROWBARB Amulet: Highlord's Wrath amulet unique:

Hellfire torch large charm:

Annihilus small charm:

The reason why Min/Max/x-x dmg charms/jewels are so valuable is that their dmg is multiplied by %ED sources.

Ideally, we want stacks of:

And maybe:

Act II Merc wields an ethereal Reaper's Toll thresher. He wears ethereal Treachery or Ethereal Fortitude, and Guillaume's Faceethereal Vampire Gaze or ethereal Andy's.

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