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BLIZZSORC Build, Diablo 2 Resurrected

Blizzsorc D2

Blizzsorc is a Diablo 2 Build in Blizzard North's cRPG of 2000, Diablo 2. The Blizzard Sorceress focuses heavily on Blizzard and Ice Blast spells, as well as their synergies. Ice Blast is cast during Blizzard's cooldown interval. In PvM, FCR +105 is enough.

The Blizzsorc is one of the best Meph farmers (moat trick), but is also efficient in farming High Runes from cows.

Expected dmg (95th level build):

Other relevant skills include Teleport, Static Field and Frozen Armor.

BLIZZSORC Weapon: Death's Fathom unique dimensional shard, socketed with perfect 5/5 CLD Rainbow Facet unique jewel

BLIZZSORC Shield: Spirit rune word in monarch:

BLIZZSORC Armor: Ormus' Robes dusk shroud. The mods are perfectly rolled for Blizzsorc, and they are socketed with perfect 5/5 CLD Rainbow Facet unique jewel

BLIZZSORC Gloves: Magefist light gauntlets unique:

Or Frostburns:

BLIZZSORC Boots: Waterwalks or Sandstorms.

BLIZZSORC Belt: Arachnid Mesh spiderweb sash unique:

BLIZZSORC Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope amulet unique:

BLIZZSORC Rings. I'd go for 2x The Stone of Jordan.

BLIZZSORC On-switch Weapon: Call to Arms rune word in crystal sword:

BLIZZSORC On-switch shield: Spirit rune word in monarch:

Hellfire torch large charm:

Annihilus small charm:

BLIZZSORC Mercenary: The merc wields Insight for its 17th level Meditation aura. Or an ethereal Reaper's Toll thresher.

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